
I'm here and I'm feeling fearless [Birthing]



5 Years
Extra large
05-23-2018, 12:05 AM
OOC: Family are of course welcome, and Razi probably won't mind non-relative packmates showing up c:

Late at night the woman found herself stalking around the canyon floor, restless and unable to sleep despite her best efforts. The moonlight highlighted her sunny golden markings, standing out against the dark of her pelt as she moved, pacing back and forth. She'd felt the pangs of a few mild contractions, and with her belly swelling ever more Razi knew the time was drawing near. Having pups at this time was a bit inconvenient with so much on her mind and lots to do as she stepped into a new leadership role.

Another contraction hit and she winced, pausing her movements as the pain laced through her frame. Sleep was clearly not on the agenda tonight, so for a while she would simply walk and think as the pangs that ran through her frame slowly began to arrive closer and closer after each other. The time drew ever nearer, though she didn't feel terribly ready for it. Who ever was? A steadying sigh left her dark lips as she came to stand by the entrance to her den, lowering her hips to the ground so she could rest a moment. So much was on her mind that she wished to attend to, but there simply was no way for her to with the pups on the way. Razi would be out of commission for a bit, no doubt, she only hoped she could bounce back quickly and start accomplishing things.

Among the things on her mind were her desire to set up a pack meeting, not only so discuss the change of leadership, but to address other concerns she had. With the dry season upon them Razi was considering what Czernobog had mentioned before. If they could get some of the water from the falls diverted towards the canyon, they would have a better chance of not suffering a drought this season and no one would need to make long journeys to other places for drinking water. There was a small body of water in the Wraiths Woods, a territory she was still very much considering claiming, but it would likely dry just like the river in the canyon. Her only concern was the possibility of the water flooding the canyon during the rainy season... Maybe there was a way to block it back off when they didn't need it? Food for thought. More pain hit her, causing her breath to catch in her throat. It was easier to not be overwhelmed when she thought of the things she wanted to address, like the dying herbs. They needed to send the healers and possibly others with them to bring some back before all the good stuff wilted. She also wanted the pack to have some training, since they'd not done any since their founding. Much to do, but no time to worry about it. It was time.

Clouds that had hung around the moon moved to allow more light to filter down onto the darkened landscape, highlighting the form of the soon-to-be mother as she lifted her head and howled softly for her kin before disappearing into her den. The entrance was a bit narrow, but maybe she only really noticed that now that her belly was full of pups and sliding through the opening was a little more difficult. Inside, the space opened up to a hidden room with a few small alcoves. It was a lovely space, one she always felt happy to return to after a long day. Settling into the sleeping area she'd basically turned into a nest, Razi made herself as comfortable as she could, after adjusting a half dozen times and messing with the hides, moss, and other bits of comfortable soft stuff she'd scrounged up. Razi was glad she'd taken the time to make her living space so comfortable, because it was one of the little things that made the birthing less unpleasant.

It didn't take terribly long. The whole ordeal was painful and exhausting, but she was at least given one small blessing in not having to endure for long. Tired as she was, Razi would still take the time to pull the two dark, squalling lumps to her side and carefully clean each of them to her satisfaction, eyeing the little creatures with a warmth she normally didn't use when looking at anything. The little girl had been born first, screaming her little puppy screams of disapproval at being forced out of the comfort she'd known into a new and strange world. The boy was next, though Razi was too tired to note if he cried his baby wrath the same as his sister. They were both dark of color, with smudged hints of the sunny markings Razi and her siblings had. The girls were lighter, while the boy had faint hints of more mottled markings typical of the Abraxas. Both were beautiful, grunting and growling as they nursed at her side and seemed to accept this new world with it's warm milk and soft pelts to lay on. Razi sighed softly, enjoying the idea of a little family more than she'd thought she would.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

05-23-2018, 07:13 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2018, 06:15 PM by Aranea.)

Location: Bent Canyon

She was out on her almost consecutive nightly walk when she heard the soft call of the near mothering pack mate. She would immediately go to her den to grab some herbs, whatever she was able to find in the past week or two, and trek quietly towards the nest that the woman created. She let out her own little hoo before coming too close to the mouth of the den and peeking her head in to see the progress. She dropped the couple heads of trillium by her side and assured her, "See, I told you I'd be here, didn't I?" She gave a friendly grin to the woman who would be a mother here any minute. "It's not much but it can help with the pain. It's not easy to do alone, I'll be here if you need me." And she would exit the den to sit just outside and wait for either others to arrive or Razi to call her in.

She would wait some time before reentering to see Razi grooming the tiny puppies and she couldn't help but smile with a joy she hadn't felt in a long time. "Congratulations." And just then she could feel the tears falling from her cheeks over her grinning maw, enough to make her turn away to rub them off. Of course she was thinking of her own children, and the terrifying day her teenage self gave birth. It was extremely hard for her to hide those emotions now, seeing the little infants forming the special bond with their mother. "I, uh," She paused to turn and look back at Razi in the dim light of the moon through the den, "What have you named them?"

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



1 Year
05-27-2018, 11:52 PM
Everything had been pretty good so far, though the tiny creature had a pretty narrow definition of 'good' at the moment. Up to this point she'd been fed constantly, warm, and only occasionally had to deal with her neighbor getting too close in the confined space. The longer they grew the less space there seemed to be, and the little girl often found herself squirming and kicking like mad in an attempt to shove the jerk who invaded her space further away. Space wasn't going to be her main concern for long it seemed; something was changing.

The whole being born nonsense was not something the little one was too thrilled with. It introduced her to the sensation of discomfort, something she would loudly squall her protest against the moment she was free. New smells and sensations met the crying child, there was cold, warmth, and a scent on the air that piqued her interest. Food, she knew it instinctively though her new mind hadn't a word for it really, not yet. So she crawled to the inviting smell, felt jaws lift her and pull her wriggling body towards the source of the warmth.

Seiran would grunt her distaste for all of these new things, even as she began to drink milk for the first time. She did like the feeling of the tongue rasping over her, cleaning her short puppy fur and warming her little body further. Maybe there were nice things here. She didn't enjoy feeling someone else bumping against her a short while later though. Was this the one who bumped into her in the place from before? Humph. Perhaps she'd have screamed her rage further is she wasn't feeling tired from all this 'new'. Once her little belly was full the girl was soon fast asleep, pressed against her mothers belly and grunting softly in her sleep.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
06-01-2018, 06:12 PM

Ashiel had been asleep and dreaming strange dreams. A creature that looked like it had been cut out of the night sky had been lumbering toward him with a pack in its hands. From it had fallen a silvery sword that seemed to flow out of the bag like water but as soon as it hit the ground it turned to dirt and the creature vanished. It was strange, he didn't like, and he was all to happy to be awoken by his companion Griff.

"Sorry to trouble you Ashiel, but it seems Razi is having her pups!"

Ashiel was on his feet and leaving out the den, brushing swiftly past his companion who had no choice but to take to the sky to follow, his wing doing much better since their little incident. He arrived to see Aranea there and he nodded to her in greeting. "How are you doing Razi? I must say this is a fine night for bringing new life into the world."

"Talk" "Griff" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



5 Years
Extra large
06-05-2018, 09:46 PM
She'd graciously accept the offered trillium when Aranea entered her den. "And you're certainly a welcome sight, especially when you come baring gifts," the ebony woman joked as she reached for the trillium. It was good to have someone here, at least so she knew she wasn't entirely isolated as contractions sent pain shooting through her body.

"Thank you," Razi said softly, nosing gently at the squirming puppies before looking up at the pale woman. It was chance that she looked up in time to see the very faint shine of a tear on the other woman's cheek. The sight was curious, yes, in fact it quite easily piqued her interest. This woman seemed to have more going on beneath the surface, and while Razi wouldn't press she was understandably interested. For now she'd simply fix Aranea with a gently questioning gaze before moving on. "Hm, I think I've settled on-" Just then Ashiel entered and Razi would pause to smile warmly at him.

"I'm doing reasonably well. You're just in time, I was about to tell Aranea what they'll be named." Moving the children to a more visible spot she would point to each in turn with her muzzle as she said, "The girl will be Seiran, and the boy will be Shilah." She hoped they would grow to be strong, prime examples of the abraxas line. Right now their fur was simply dark and pale smudges, and they were helpless as could be. Such a contrast from the adults they'd likely grow into.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



7 Years
Chrono I

06-06-2018, 11:29 AM

Aranea would turn to Ashiel as Razi cut off her sentence. A small grin to the man but she wouldn't dwell on staring at him too long. She flashed back to the tiny children. Ashiel was the only one who knew of her past and her own children, and she knew if she looked at him too long she might have broke even more.

"They're beautiful names." She complemented as did any normal wolf would suggest. "And they look so much like you too." Aranea didn't know who the father was, nor did she know if he would be involved. She supposed it was better than running off with one of them, or deceiving her of love. You know, any of the things that happened to her. Razi would have the pack to help raise the children after all, but Aranea felt the woman strong enough to do it all herself.

A brief glance over to Ashiel to see how he would react to the small balls of wet fuzz, but she quickly returned back to them with a distant sniff towards them, obviously nervous with the man being here.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead