
Excuse me while i light up the sky



2 Years
05-24-2018, 07:13 PM

The air smelled of a storm when she awoke this morning. That didn't bother her one bit, in fact it gave her a perfect idea. With the winter creating bad storms she could train in them and in the snow and ice that already covered the ground. Though finding an oppenent would be the hardest thing ever seeing as she couldn't speak or howl to get anyone's attention.

She made for the battlefield after she got a light meal of a rabbit and had thouroghly disturbed the little white things. It was afternoon by the time she got there. Snow clotted in her black fur and fell in sheets as thunder and lightning burst overhead. This was the kind of weather she expected Iskra to want to be out in raising cane. Though she knew her parental figure wouldn't want to show up anywhere near her, too engrossed in catman. She stopped and pulled her head back, her eyes shining with determination. Her tail hugged her heels for the moment. As small as she was she was the picture of fearless elegance. She would be training her body up to become more muscled eventually. HEr winter coat was fluffed up against the whipping winds as they howled past her. Thunder clashed and a moment later lighting touched down almost thirty feet away to her left. Her heart thudded in her chest with it. The thrill of this and what she knew would happen was exhilerating. Some might call her crazy or insane but this would be the most extreme weather to train in and would make her all the better for it later.

Walk "Talk" Think
Arwen vs ? for SPAR

Round: ? | ?
Height: 23"
Build: Light


OOC: This is an open spar. ITs a thunder storm with ice and snow falling fast so extreme spar practice yay. And also i'd like to keep a default time of 5-6 days on this. Also she didn't howl cuz shes a mute so please do not powerplay this.

[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



4 Years
05-24-2018, 08:40 PM
It was piss-poor weather to be out in, and Demyan was in a decidedly piss-poor mood over it. The wind drove snow into his normally-sleek coat and his eyes and ears and hell even down his fucking throat into his lungs. He was drowning in fucking snow.

The dark male tossed his head, trying to clear his eyes of the thickly flying flakes. If there was any justice in the fucking universe his glare would have melted all the stupid fucking snow for miles around.

But of course it didn't.

A brief clearing of his face suddenly revealed a faint pulsing glow though the storm. Well hello, what was this? A devilish smile tugged at his lips as he settled his shoulders and strode through the swirling flakes to make a dramatic entrance, icy eyes narrowed in an amused, slightly condescending expression as his gaze traveled over the glowing, oddly tinted little female there. "You here looking for a fight, little girl?" he sneered aloud in that velvety voice he had cultivated, settling his beautifully toned body in a fighting stance. "Don't you worry, sweetheart - I'll go easy on you."

Round 0/?
Height 39"
Build Medium



2 Years
05-29-2018, 03:13 PM

Didn't take long and someone appeared from the swirling storm. Dramatic but she wasn't so easily impressed. He opened his mouth and words fell forth. First, a question. To which she nodded. Wasn't that obvious? Who in their right mind came out in weather like this, to the battlefield of all places? Was he retarded? Obviously, if he had no idea that she was indeed looking for a fight here. The second she snorted at. She smirked. He was underestimating her based on her size, mistake one. She'd be keeping count then since he so readily made these mistakes.

-fight starts here-

She spread her toes to even out her weight and give her extra grip on the snow and ice. Her head dropped to be even with the spine. She'd be taking the first move, after all ladies first. She was still only going off the one time she'd seen a fight and that was when iskra threw down with the ugly pedophile. Her ears pressed back, blocking out the snow as much as possible on top of protecting them from too much damage. Her tail lifted for her balance and dominance at the same time. Her eyes narrowed on him and her scruff tensed, making the hair on her spine stand on end. Her legs bent and spread to even her weight out. She pulled her lipps back and exposed her teeth while opening her mouth, ready to deliver a bite. Her defenses were set.

With a quick burst of speed, she launched herself towards him. She aimed to close the gap between them and lift up on her back legs once she reached him. She aimed to wrap her forelegs around his neck while simultaneously aiming to deliver a less than lethal bite to his left upper neck. Her shoulder aimed to also jam up into his neck, aiming to knock the wind from him, at the same time as everything else.

Walk "Talk" Think
Arwen vs Demyan for SPAR

Round: 1 | 2
Height: 23"
Build: Light



[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



4 Years
05-29-2018, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2018, 05:55 PM by Demyan.)

The girl didn't say anything in return, just nodded, clearly readying herself. "Look at that, a girl who knows how to keep her mouth shut. Gets right to business. I like it," Demyan chortled aloud, staring down with condescending amusement. "If only all women were so obliging, am I right?" He gave himself the wolf equivalent of a mental high five. Damn right.

It didn't even occur to him, as he stamped his feet out in the snow in a stance a little wider than hip and shoulder width for balance, that he was picking a fight with a girl half his size and half his age. Her head barely came up to the point of his shoulder. Size-wise, it wasn't anything close to a fair fight. Yet here our hero is, blithely readying himself to battle her, centering his weight and bending his legs to lower his center of gravity slightly - though he still clearly towered over her despite that. One might be tempted to ask yourself, why is that? Why is he going to fight a little girl?

Because Demyan is 1000% a dick.

No, he didn't care that he would barely need to hop to get over her. He was in a pissy mood from the snowstorm and what better way to work off a little steam than to bully someone smaller and weaker than yourself?

He spread his paws wide and dug the dull black claws into the icy dirt beneath the snow for better grip, baring his teeth in a rather mean grin. Chin tucked in to protect his throat, tail raised - no, no. He thought better of that one, and tucked it beneath him to protect the family jewels. She was, after all, nearly small enough to walk underneath him. His hackles raised, their function less to protect himself and more to intimidate, making his toned body seem even bigger than he actually was.

As she attacked, a deep, wild chuckle could be heard reverberating in his chest.

At her first rush, he stepped to pivot his hindquarter ninety degrees to his right and simultaneously sidestepped to his right just enough that the front part of the side of his right shoulder was lined up to the point of her left shoulder, so that the paws failed to encircle his neck and instead harmlessly brushed along the front side of his chest while her right shoulder throw (OOC: confirmed by Asena that it was the right shoulder) missed entirely. Shifting his weight to his hind legs in a sharp motion, he lifted his left foreleg high and, shifting his weight back to that leg as he did to give it extra "oomph" he attempted to slam the wide-spread paw down on top of her head between the ears so that those same dull claws could flex and drive towards her eyes, simultaneously trying to gouge at the sensitive orbs and drive the head down where she could not bite his neck (COUNTER to the bite).

As he threw his weight back forward for the smack to the head he also slammed the point of his right shoulder forward with his weight behind it, aiming for the junction between her left shoulder and that side of her neck, where he knew a pressure point - a bundle of nerves there that could cause paralysis of that leg if he struck it right (that's the brachial plexus for you med nerds) and could end the fight right then - though he really, really hoped it wouldn't.

Reaching straight downward from his greater height, jaws gaping, he sought to grab hold of her scruff halfway down her neck, upper fangs on her right side and lower fangs on her left, trying to gain a hard grip on the neck like one would use to carry a pup that would allow him to curtail her head movements.

Height 39"
Build medium
Round 1/2

OOC: edited to put in forgotten table coding, witnessed by Lunarcat7