
I mean what can I say?



5 Years
Extra large
05-24-2018, 10:05 PM
Razi enjoyed making semi-frequent short trips out of the pack. Much as she wanted to always be with the kids, she needed not only to get into better shape - a need fulfilled by the trips over varied terrain during her little adventures - but to continue becoming as familiar as possible with the surrounding lands. With the dry summer season in Auster came dwindling resources, and before she could have members go on trips to get herbs from other lands when she took over, Razi intended to at least find where some might be at during her travels. She also wanted to return to the falls and see if it was actually possible to divert some water from there to the canyon. If it was that would be a project she wanted to pursue. If there was too much space between any streams coming off the falls and the top of the canyon she'd forget it, but if not... Ah, so much to do, so little time to plan. Eventually there would be a meeting to announce a change of leadership. But for now she would busy herself in pre-planning as much as she could so she could send the pack straight into being busy and active as she'd like to see them.

Her travels took her to the coast, finding herself in an area she'd visited once but not explored a great deal. Sauntering onto the sands, Razi would peer out across the beach littered with small pools and filled with the very faint sound of little crustaceans shuffling along. The new mother would walk a ways before climbing onto a large porous rock - a rock with a particularly rough surface that sort of hurt her paw pads - and staring down into one such pool. A little brown and white fish zipped through it's puddle, while an orange starfish sat idly by. In the sand at the edge of the pool a pair of hermit crabs appeared to be engaged in a battle that was probably fearsome to them, though to a larger creature like Razi was amusing at most.
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]



6 Years
05-28-2018, 12:08 AM
She hadn't planned on coming back to Auster. Hadn't planned anything at all lately. In all honesty Iskra was in a bit of a shitty place and she didn't feel like dealing with any of her own issues, just sort of hoped they'd go away with no effort on her part. But the world isn't so kind, and she'd been doing a lot of wandering and thinking and moping around and wallowing in her unhappiness. She'd done her rounds through Boreas, brought the goods back to Malleus, and accomplished... what? Trips past the Abraxas packs had her thinking their numbers weren't as strong, though she was hard-pressed to pinpoint why. Maybe they took another pack and were stretched too thin? Either way, after warning everyone up north to the best of her ability, Iskra was running into a crisis of conscience. It had always been the plan to find Dragon again, to return to him and stand at his side as he rebuilt his pack. Yet here she was, a depressed mess laying in the sand while a stupid crab crawled over her neck-

Scrambling awkwardly to her paws, Iskra shook the creature off, shuddering inwardly and curling her lip. Bleh, okay, enough laying around. Much as she wanted to sit here and feel bad, she needed to put that on pause before she had bigger creatures sneaking up on her while she was unaware. Speaking of- there was a familiar scent on the air! It was that dark lady she'd bumped into when she was bringing Malleus his stuff. Sure enough, Iskra saw the woman on the other side of the beach, padding through the sand and eventually stopping to peer into one of the tide pools. Grinning, Iskra sashayed her way closer, tail wagging and expression friendly as she approached.

"Pretty cool stuff in there, huh?" she called, earning a surprised glance as she trotted over and sat down to join the observation without a second thought. For a little bit she watched the fish swimming around it's confined little puddle, oddly quiet for one who was always so keen to chit chat. The ebony and gold woman - Razi, that was her name - seemed to be noticing too as she lifted a brow questioningly and Iskra realized she'd spoken a moment before. "I'm sorry, what was that?" she asked with an apologetic smile.



5 Years
Extra large
06-10-2018, 05:29 PM
Studying the little sea creatures as they moved about, the last thing Razi had expected was to find the walking nebula known as Iskra sauntering her way over. The red star-painted wolf happily came on over and plopped her ass down in the sand to join Razi. For a moment she was a bit miffed at the intrusion, but she'd quickly get past it and shrug, "Moderately interesting, I suppose." After watching a few more hermit crabs scuttle on by behind Iskra she'd add dryly, "Seems to be an over-abundance of crustaceans, but otherwise it's a nice place."

There was an extended silence as they both watched the activity in the pool for a while. After a moment, Razi would ask, "So, did you manage to make your delivery?" No answer. Apparently the other woman was either very absorbed in watching the fish, or her mind was taking her somewhere else entirely. Offering an inquisitive look with both brows raised, eventually her staring got some attention and an apologetic look was cast her way. "I asked if you made your delivery to Malleus. No other hang-ups along the way?"

As they continued talking Razi would rise, hopping down from her perch and motion for Iskra to follow as she wandered down the beach hoping to find other points of interest along the way. It wouldn't be exploring if she didn't actually go see what she could see, right?
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]