
To live and to Let Go



6 Years
05-25-2018, 08:27 PM

Quietly and carefully she picked through the herb stock. The stocks she had kept up from the time her mother left until now. She had put so much work into the three storage dens that had gathered as much and many herbs as she could to fill them. So much time had went into it. She had spent alot of time in these dens, enough that she can navigate them with her eyes closed. She knew where each herb was located. She was only gathering a small bundle to get them through the winter. Just enough that her and Brandr could survive on and the rest would be left for Abaven. When she had her bundle collected she neatly tied it together to make it easy to carry.

She then sighed and took a seat taking a few quiet moments to stare at her work, to reminiscence on the work she had put into these storage dens. Memories resurfacing from the days as a pup, to the day her mother had left, the times she had spent with Brandr, and the pack meetings she had attended. Never had she thought she would leave her birth place, even when her mother left she was certain she wanted to stay. And now she was leaving, it made everything so bittersweet. Her home for almost three years and she was now packing up to start a new.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was scared. She had never traveled, even though the wreckage bloodline was a nomadic clan. She was even more scared because of the information she had yet to tell Brandr. Sighing again she shook her head, picking up her bundle and leaving the den. Brandr would be talking with Sparrow giving her time to gather what she felt they would need for the winter. She wished she could take her pelts for bedding, but it was to much to carry. So she reverted to what they needed and not the luxuries that they had right now.

She was uncertain how the rest of the pack would feel if they had found out of her leaving, of Brandr leaving. Especially when Brandr had offered to help the pack, one of the reasons it had made their final decision so hard to make. Things had been decided and they were going. Her golden eyes looked around the plains, taking it in unsure if she would ever see it again.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



10 Years
05-25-2018, 09:24 PM
There were good days, and there were bad days when you started getting old. Right now, the way her hips were feeling it was looking like more of a bad day right now. Caelestis was off doing whatever she did when she ran off for days at a time, and while Caelum worried about her maybe letting the girl leave freely would keep her well out of the way while there was such tension in the pack. With the Abraxas craziness everything seemed to be coming undone, though maybe this was simply the last straw to push the pack over the edge. Either way, Caelum was simply too tired to worry about what was going on.

White hair was beginning to dust her black markings, her face slowly greying as the year wore on. She'd decided to go on a walk to stretch out her tired muscles and work through the stiffness in some of her joints. There was no real intent or direction to her movements. It was pure chance that she spotted Corentine ahead. The old -yes, she was ready to be called that at long last - woman wagged her tail gently, calling out a friendly, "Hello."
[Image: caelum_bottle_by_jinxx_black-dbakmat.png]