
Show me what you got



6 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 01:19 AM
The monochromatic woman had stalked all around Auster for a while and found very little of interest thus far. She was getting so, so dreadfully bored now, and for a while she was uncertain of what to do. Then if hit her - hadn't it been absolutely ages since her last spar? That just wouldn't do, no, Alis wasn't gunna let herself be out of practice now or ever. With that thought she'd gone to hunt for the best place to find someone to spar with.

As it turned out, the best place to do that was the place that most reeked of spilt blood, death, and sweaty paws. Go figure, right? Old bones littered the ground in places, a clear sign that some serious shit went down here at times. Perfect. She'd wast no time in tilting her head back and letting lose a summoning howl that bordered on demanding. With that done,s he'd set to inspect one partially broken skull for a while as a way of entertaining herself till someone showed up.


05-28-2018, 06:44 AM
Well, SOMEONE was happy to show up! It, surprisingly, does not take him very long to show up, for there is, perhaps, a bit of boredom that has worked its way until the Jester's bones and he has found himself itching to move all over again. The energy tucked within him has left him feeling explosive, perhaps, and so he lopes towards this place--what is called? The Boneyard'? How quaint!-- to meet with she-who-demands.
Perhaps she does not expect a blind man to show to fight. Perhaps she expects someone else, someone younger, but he bears the brutal scars of warfare and blood shed, and so, perhaps there is something to learn.

He winks towards her, his Cheshire smile growing ever-wider, peeling back the already torn and forever-scarred flesh from the muscle and tendon and bone that is bared so ghoulishly from his features,"Do forgive me. I hate being late. Did I miss anything? Goodness, I feel over-dressed." He shakes, the silken smoothness of his coat giving a note of iridescent gleam in the blaring light, "Now then. Introductions first, to be polite. Have you got a name, Miss Demanding?" A spark of insolent amusement finds its way into his velveteen voice, and he is all sweetness and honey mixed with oil.

He stops a comfortable distance away from her--perhaps 30 or so yards separates them, and the area before them is likely empty, sans for the shards and remnants of crushed bone and stone. It is unlikely there'll be anything in the path of either wolf.

Even as he speaks, the playfulness falls from his body as armor builds itself up over his form. Not literally, mind you, but he begins to build his defenses-- as if already, he has not peeled away the flesh of his maw to wrinkle his muzzle further into a soundless snarl that holds no true malice but instead, a note of anticipation.
"Perhaps you'll be so kind as to help me grow more accustomed to these new lands," he speaks even as his joints bend, elbows lowering as he eases his body to lower, spreading his limbs and even his toes to allow his nails to further have a better grip on the ground below. The sun is at his back, and this he knows purely because of the rush of warmth that washes over his from from back to front as his hackles raise and his tail tucks neatly against his nether-regions. Not because he is frightened, no, but because it is purely a matter of safety, for more than once has he been in a spar that had become a maim that had lead to the death of one individual or another, and nothing--not even the oh-so-prized family jewels-- were off the table.

While his eyes are unseeing, they can feel, and so he narrows them into thin, pale slits in a narrow, dark face, against whatever dirt and dust may be kicked up the initial scuffle, and whole his ears find their way flat against his skull, there is another reason he talks so much, and that is to listen to the echoes. The way his voice bounces back, the way the air vibrates and meets him again.
He has built up an image of the arena they stand in, a pit of sand and blood and bone and he tucks his chin neatly against his throat as his jaws part and his tongue presses itself up against the roof of his mouth for but a moment, and a shoulder lifts and falls in a nonchalant shrug--but also, perhaps, pushing the flesh and fur of his nape forward, bunching it so that the already thick coat of fur forms a nearly lion-like mane between his shoulders, "Ah, c'est la vie. Shall we begin, then?"

(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT
Summary: A preparatory post wherein no attacks are made. Setting up defenses and positioning.



6 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 12:42 PM
For a long while she sat alone, absently eyeing the skull at her paws and following the thin cracks that ran over it's sun-bleached surface with her narrowed crimson eyes. My, poor creature must have died from quite the blow to the head. Oh well, the world was probably better off without whoever this was if they could manage to get a head wound like that. Her inner musings were interrupted when she caught wind of the approaching stranger. A dark ear flicked in that direction as the man came into an audible range, though she wouldn't look up for a few moments until after he'd begun his rambling quips. Swinging her crimson gaze his direction with a roll of her eyes, Alis fixed him with an unamused expression.

"Always best to be prepared for a formal occasion, should one arise, I suppose," she purred, not sure what to make of the clearly blind man with the chatty personality. If she wasn't careful to get things rolling he just might talk her damn ear off. "Ooh, that might be a fun little epithet to add to my calling. "Miss Demanding Alis Praetor" has a nice ring to it, right? If we're starting off with pleasantries, do share your own title." She would roll her shoulders forward, loosening the muscles there. As she stood she'd place a paw on the skull she'd previously studied, leaning her weight onto it and cracking the already broken thing. Oh, she was ready for a good spar, even if it was with a blind man, he had to know what he was getting into, right? Can't feel bad for those who have ample time to back out like cowards.

Treading a slow, careful semi-circle through the open space, Alis would use these preparatory moments to loosen her muscles and prepare them for the impending spar. Blind or not, she'd not be caught assuming she could win based solely on her opponent's perceived weaknesses. No, she'd win because she was better and that's all there was to it. When she felt good and ready and had thoroughly ignored the man's last few statements, Alis paused her movements, squaring off with her opponent - aiming to bring herself face to face with him - and rumbling, "Lets"


Her defenses were set with the practiced fluidity of someone who fought often. Legs spread evenly beneath her body, knees bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, toes spread out and claws biting into the soil beneath her. Next, her ears would fold back, head and tail moved even with her spine for balance while her lips peeled back in a snarl and her crimson eyes narrowed to slits to protect them from any fangs or claws that came their way. Her shoulders remained rolled forward, pushing fur and fat up protectively around her vitals. Now she was ready.

Some wolves might ask who wanted to go first, but Alis being accustomed to battle knows you don't ask permission; you just get on with it and let the fight begin, so she'd do just that in practice. Seeking to close the wide distance between them, the monochromatic wolf would creep the first few steps forward, aiming to narrow the gap before she'd seek to charge headlong into the dark wolf. Her goal was to throw all of her weight and momentum into a headbutt, skull seeking to hit dead center in the opponent's chest, hopefully with enough force to leave major bruising or even knock the air from his lungs.

Shifting her weight to her other three legs, Alis lifted her left front paw, pull into it back and seeking to jab her wrist joint into the space where the man's right front leg met the shoulder in hopes of leaving moderate bruising and possibly compromising his balance. Instead of letting her leg fall back to the ground, she'd aim to have the same left front paw land on the man's right front paw, also looking to leave bruising and further compromise the limb in the process.

Her jaws would then part, fangs seeming to call for blood as she angled her head to her own left aiming a bite at the spot she'd just sought to aim a different attack at, the place where his right shoulder and the top of the leg met. Lower jaws aiming for the front of the joint, while her lower jaw sought purchase on the back, just above his elbow. Her goal was moderate lacerations, intending to draw blood right from the get go. It wasn't a real spar without some spilt blood, right?

Pyralis vs Mercury for practice!
Round 1/3
Height: 41"
Build: heavy
OOC: Forgot to mention in the first post, but let me know at any point if you want to extend the default past three days<3 good luck and thanks for sparring!


05-28-2018, 01:11 PM
Ah, if only it was so easy! Her weight was both a boon, and a curse, for it made it easier for the blind man to follow her-- either based purely on sound alone, or even the subtle tremors that each of her massive steps rolled through the earth. Still, he was more than prepared,"Mercury," he replied, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Demanding Alis Praetor." There is no malice in his tone, but rather pleasant amusement and enticing excitement. He squares himself firmly, prepared to meet her blows-- but he is light, light in weight and light on his feet, and with little warning, he shifts sharply to the left (His own left), though not with enough time to entirely avoid her. As he moves, he twists in a way that only the most lithe of creatures can do, arching his body and spine in a very sharp 'C' to bring his own jaws to snap at the thick nape and fur and flesh towards the side of her neck/face. Granted, if a hold is managed, he would not aim to do any lasting damage, for this was a spar for practice, rather than maiming. Her headbutt misses it's intended mark, but instead manages to land squarely on his hip, the bone and fur and flesh meeting the top of her skull with an uncomfortable 'thunk', though he is fine with this. It will most certainly bruise, and her sheer weight and force actually causes his back end to be tossed out, skidding to widen the arch of his form as his nails scrabble across the ground, kicking up dirt as he curls his nails into the earth for purchase. He wheezes, not from pain, but from the sheer force of the blow, despite it missing his chest and ribs.

Even as he moves, he is careful to keep his hackles lifted and tail well-tucked, and were it not for the fact that he had lowered his body previously--perhaps to help center his balance, for he is tall and light and his center of gravity must be lowered for any sort of stability-- her attack may have hit it's mark squarely. However, he is also counting on her momentum to carry her further forward-- she cannot stop on a dime, can she? He wonders, but regardless, he has his own ideas. Fleet-footed and agile in a manner that speaks moreso to his skill and self-confidence than in anything else, he continues onward. Were his jaws to find purchase in any bit of her flesh, he would follow through with the curvature of his form so that he stood perpendicular to her, prepared to bounce back on his heels to pull away from the gnashing and snapping jaws that most certainly will come after him.

Quick in, quick out. His agility and speed are his greatest assets, for where brute strength is concerned, he is somewhat on the leaner side. He remains streamlined to the utmost of his abilities, ears flattened sharp against his skull with his snarled grin on full display, head and chin remaining tucked against hos throat, for even in spars, it is important to keep ones bases covered. His tail only briefly flares out to act as a rudder, helping him balance before it quickly finds itself tucked against him once again, bending each of his joints in tandem so that his spider-like form is lower. Great, that center of balance at work again. The action itself causes an unwelcome sting at his hip, where her skull had connected. He can feel the bruising already growing hot, though he steels himself against the soreness and prepares to meet her teeth again, though her initial chomp seems to have missed it's mark, mostly due to her own headbutt knocking his hind-end forward! Even as his own jaws gnash and snap towards her, he keeps his tongue pressed upwards, as he'd not want to knick it against his own teeth, and his eyes briefly squeeze shut as the dirt is kicked up but he allows them to creak open just a bit, though he sees nothing with them.

(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT



6 Years
Extra large
05-28-2018, 03:15 PM
He'd intoduce himself as Mercury, though she'd decide whether or not his name was worth remembering once he proved his skill or lack thereof in this fight. Best to keep one's expectations low she thought with a faint smirk. Early in the pre-fight dialogue she'd become aware he at least wasn't daft; she saw his ears tracking her and knew this would at least be some fun. Good.

The man is lighter than herself, made of less heavy muscle and agile, honestly too damn fast for her liking. He'd dodge to his left(her right) but wasn't able to fully get out of the way, so her steam-rolling headbutt would connect with a truly thrilling amount of power behind it, throwing his hips away from her with the force of it. Oh, now that felt good, better than good! She'd temporarily throw her weight back onto her hind legs, digging her claws into the dirt and letting her tail flag out for balance as she slowed herself to prevent flying too far from her opponent. Her bite and other attacks seem to have missed their marks with the sudden change of position, though perhaps she should have seen that coming.

Realigning her legs evenly beneath her form, spreading her weight evenly over each limb with knees still bent she's ready for his retaliations. She feels the sting of teeth behind the right hinge of her jaw, and pulls her face sharply to the left for a moment so she comes away with moderate lacerations and feels a small trickle of blood beneath her fur. That'll leave a mark. Better get to leaving one of her own, she wouldn't be satisfied with merely a few bruises!

Ears remain flattened, eyes narrow, chin tucked to protect her throat and hackles raise along her spine. The man moved to stand perpendicular, shifting his hips away, but Alis had other plans. Seeking to follow his movement, she'll jump forward at an angle, seeking to keep herself parallel with Mercury, with her head near seeking to stay next to the point where his back and hips meet. With renewed speed she twists her head to her right, aiming to land a bit on the soft flesh of his flank where the front of his right hind leg meets his body in hopes of leaving moderate lacerations and drawing some of that blood she so desperately wanted to taste on her teeth.

Simultaneously she'd seek to step forward a pace before shifting her weight to her other legs , lifting her front right leg, aiming to drive the bony point of her right shoulder into the front of right shoulder into the front of his already battered right hind leg. The already raised paw would then follow the same pattern, seeking to slam down onto the man's right hind paw with enough force to bruise, but not cripple.

When her paw landed wherever it did, she would redistribute her weight properly over her four limbs before seeking to throw the weight of her hips sideways into the side of the man's right shoulder, in an attempt to at least leave light bruising. In it to win it as always, Alis is more than happy to throw every attack her body can manage his way.

Pyralis vs Mercury for practice!
Round 2/3
Height: 41"
Build: heavy


05-28-2018, 04:05 PM
His muzzle remains wrinkled in a soundless snarl, eyes narrowed to thin slits purely to preemptively prevent any pain or dirt or damage. He chuffs out a laugh that is muffled into her fur and flesh as his teeth find purchase, however brief, and the taste of blood hits his tongue with the taste sharp, metallic and rich. Still, he is calculating-- she throws her weight forward, and he wonders how her stamina is going to hold up if she continues to throw her all into each motion, though he can clearly admire her conviction. She moves to circle with him, and her teeth meet the webbing of flesh at the meeting on his hip and torso, though the feel of her teeth slicing through the thin, vein-filled skin sends an electric jolt of white-hot pain through that same hindlimb-- ouch ouch ouch. His ears briefly lift, only to shoot back flat against his skull in reaction to the sudden pain, hackles bristling in an extra response. The amount of blood vessels and capillaries there meant that the wound would bleed rather profusely, despite the injury itself being superficial. Still, he can use this, too, to his advantage, for while she is doing that, he manages to lurch forward with a surprisingly pointed lunge, aiming to grasp her hind-ankle to yank it upwards with a sharp jerk. Her shoulder juts forward, but meets his flank instead of her initial target since he has moved forward-- ugh, MORE bruising. Still, he intends to yank that ankle right out from under her! It would not break, though the muscle might be somewhat pulled, but all in all, the intent here is to throw her off balance and to force her to lean in order to regain it. Hopefully his jaws connect, though if they so happen to miss, it is more likely they'd connect with either air, or some other part of her lover hindlimbs, perhaps even her thigh or flank if she manages. Simultaneously, he lifts the leg that she has targeted, and with a surprising little donkey-like kick, aims to simply kick her in the face, scraping his nails across the bridge of her nose and her forehead. It is without so much force that he'd cause any permanent damage, though it'd certainly hurt! The fact that his tail remains tucked against his nether-bits helps here as well, and he hopes that his foot can connect with the top of her skull--so lowered as her body is-- so that he can actually use her as a vault, pushing himself forward--and over. This means his own balance will be briefly compromised, and were she to buck and rear like a horse, he might well be thrown back, for his lighter frame would not be much of a match against her thicker body. Still, it is worth it for the potential upper hand he can gain, putting extra space between them and forcing her to turn. He tries to keep his neck and chin tucked, the fur and flesh of his nape wrinkled so that if she did so manage to grab a hold, there was enough loose skin to allow for an easier maneuverability to escape.

As a result, her attempt to stomp on his foot misses, since his own foot is no longer there, though the blood from her teeth has already begun to seep into his fur. Uggghhh. The pain would remain as well, brought back to life with a renewed fury as he lifts his leg to attempt that kick-vault, though he'd keep in mind to worry the limb a bit once all four feet are back on the ground. Their close proximity, however, makes it easier for him to track her-- he can hear her breathing, smell her, taste her even, and he'd every so delighted to have finally found an opponent who was willing to ignore his blindness and not underestimate him as so many others had before. Unable to bend his limbs and change his center of balance in such a poise, he compensates for this by spreading his weight evenly along the three legs that are planted firmly to the ground, toes spread to help with the distribution of weight.
(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT



6 Years
Extra large
05-29-2018, 12:06 AM
Ah, that sweet coppery bite of fresh blood on her teeth, the mark of a good fight at least for herself. A rumbling sound somewhere between a purr of satisfaction and a challenging growl thrummed through her chest. Fighting was a life-long love for the woman and even if deep down she'd prefer to steer clear of men, sparring with them was better than idle chatter so she couldn't complain too much. Least this guy was helping her kill her boredom and send it packing six feet deep.

Eyes remain narrowed and lips peeled back, chin tucked, ears flattened. Best to keep one's face protected at all times in a fight. She even spared a half-second to lick the crimson blood from her teeth before resettling her focus entirely on the fight at hand to avoid losing due to not paying attention. Her shoulder connected - not entirely as intended, but she could hardly complain about success - yet her paw stomp would land only on dirt as the man continued with the damned moving around nonsense. The paw coming at her face was admired for only the blink of an eye before she was leaning her head to the left, causing his leg to graze the right side of her face, his claws leaving mild lacerations that welled up and trickled blood here and there. Ouch.

She was, admittedly a little bit tired by now, but being the trained fighter she was Alis wasn't going to let herself be winded till she was good and done. She was only allowed to be tired when the fight was over and she stood victorious! With that thought, the monochromatic woman sets after the man again, this time trying new tactics as she feels his teeth bite into her right ankle and pull, moderate puncture wounds pressing into the limb. Mind whirring briefly, she decides to move her weight over her front legs, which she sifts back a bit to be centered better under her body, before lifting her left hind leg and doing a precarious balancing act as she fights for control of the captured limb by taking a page out of his own book and seeking to send a fierce kick back towards his face, hoping to his him between the eyes and get him to let go. If she was lucky she'd add a bruise to his growing list of aches and pains.

Simultaneously her jaws part again and aim to land a bite on the exposed flesh of his belly, on the right side of his abdomen where his ribs ended in hopes of carving some moderate lacerations to further convince his body letting go of her leg was a good idea. Much as she loved doing hand stands, she couldn't keep it up forever. Probably… Never tried.

As this happens her hackles remain raised, tail flags out and up, adjusting as needed to keep her balance as the toes of her front feet stay spread and claws dig in for much needed traction.

Pyralis vs. Mercury for practice
Round: 3/3
Height: 41"
Build: Heavy


05-29-2018, 09:10 AM
Surprised a bit, by how harshly his nails have collided with her face. Not quite his intention, but oh well. He hadn't expected the flesh there to be so easily rended, but nothing he can do about it now. At least it is but a flesh wound (hah). What DOES happen as a result, however, is that he lacks the forward momentum he would have used to push himself forward, as the side of her face does not provide nearly enough surface area, nor push-back for him to use as a starting point. He does, however, have the advantage of having greater stamina, of only due to his lighter frame not requiring as much energy to move--though he burns that same energy quicker. Still, his wide chest and ribcage managed to greedily swallow up the air that he so needs to keep his heart pumping at a surprisingly base level, as he's not yet overexerted himself. In fact, she'd done him quite the honor by taking that initial first-rush towards him. This is accented, punctuated by the way he breathes in deep, steady breaths through his clenched teeth and wrinkled muzzle, the soundless snarl still settled firmly on his forever-grinning face. His eyes are half-lidded as well now, pulled into a squint by the sheer force of concentration it takes to try to keep her strong limb from overpowering him, his ears tucked back with chin tilted against his throat, causing the poise to look somewhat comical, had the stance itself not been so sturdy.

As his own head yanks upwards, he feels her body beneath compensate-- by shifting her weight onto her front end! He hadn't thought they'd be playing Wheelbarrow today, but that seems to be her plan. She tries to kick at him, though this is somewhat easily avoided by simply...staying where he is. Had he been poised directly behind her, rather than still parallel at her side, it may have actually hit its mark, as there would be no way for the blind wolf to track it. Not that he 'saw' it coming-- he didn't, of course-- but it was simply the side-effect of his initial move on pulling her limb in the manner in which he did. Her hand-stand seems to be something of an oddity to the enigmatic jester of a man, and with his foot having missed it's own initial target-- and therefore, not meeting her head to keep his leg up-- his foot finds itself back on the ground, and were their difference in height greater, this could have proved and advantage to her. Alas, instead, all it does is serve him another avenue.

Despite her head being in a prime position to cause even more damage, she snaps her teeth at his tucked belly-- tucked, as in he is lean and trim and his tail has been pressed between his legs for this exact purpose, and while her teeth connect with flesh, it is likely not the flesh she intended, for the thick fur of his tail has been pressed against his belly and her teeth meet the fur, flesh and bone of his tail, rather than his stomach and ribs. Not that there weren't enough scars there already, but he was more than willing to loose a bit of tail to protect the more vital parts of his body, else he wouldn't even make such a move. His body doesn't stay there for long, however, his feet pressing to the ground only briefly so that he can bounce onto his ankles, with the intent of pushing his lower body away from her, though he is prepared to release his hold on her foot in order to move his body further from her. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to. She'd likely have to twist around to face him now, if all goes according to plan.

The damage to his tail is more of a dull ache than a sharp sting, and it's likely it'll grow more vexing with time, but it is nothing that wouldn't heal eventually. He intends to twist her foot all the way up, pushing his weight forward into her--if she was going to do a handstand, she'd do a damn good one, since he intended to tip her own weight against her to force her to fall forward. Face down, butt up. He'd have to steel himself for such an action, so he could count his lucky stars that his limbs were planted so firmly on the ground.
(No posting table used for easier reading!)
Height - 42 Inches
Weight - 107 lbs
Build - LIGHT

Head Judges


09-01-2018, 04:40 PM




7/10 for Power Play:

  • -1 “Instead of letting her leg fall back to the ground, she'd aim to have the same left front paw land on the man's right front paw...” You aren't giving your opponent enough time to react by using a body part more than once in a post. What if Mercury tries to intercept her paw by biting it?
  • -1 for headbutt + bite. Same as above.
  • -1 I'm also deducting a point for attacking the same place twice in one post, as there's a time conflict there as well. Mercury hasn't had a chance to react to the first attack yet.
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “...pull into it back and seeking to jab her wrist joint into the space...” I realize this is a typo, but I'm not sure what's happening here. Is she knuckling that paw under and using the back of it to smack him?
  • Positioning
    -1 “Lower jaws aiming for the front of the joint, while her lower jaw sought purchase on the back...”
7/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for headbutt
  • +1 for slap
  • +1 for stomp
  • +3 for bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for ears flattened
  • +1 for widened stance
  • +1 for knees bent
  • +1 for toes spread
10/10 for Injuries:
  • first round


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner intellectual
  • +1 beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Alis’ round one total: 43/62



8/10 for Power Play:

  • If/Than Statements
    -1 “Were his jaws to find purchase in any bit of her flesh, he would follow through with the curvature of his form so that he stood perpendicular to her, prepared to bounce back on his heels to pull away from the gnashing and snapping jaws that most certainly will come after him.”
  • Realism
    -1 “...arching his body and spine in a very sharp 'C' to bring his own jaws to snap at the thick nape and fur and flesh towards the side of her neck/face.” If he's blind and they haven't made contact yet, how does he know where to aim?
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “ the thick nape and fur and flesh towards the side of her neck/face.” A bit more information is needed here. Which side of her neck?
  • Damage
    -1 How severe is the bruising to his hip?
    -2 What happened to Alis' paw stomp and bite? Every attack needs to be addressed, so if he evaded those attacks completely you need to say so. Try not to let anything be assumed, because both judges and opponents (in the next round) can then assign damage!
    -1 “Her headbutt misses it's intended mark, but instead manages to land squarely on his hip...” Which hip? For clarity's sake, even if it's obvious, always state left or right and, when necessary, front or back.
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for flattened ears
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • +1 for tucked chin
  • +1 for legs bent
  • +1 for lowered head
10/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate bruising to hip (severity assigned by judge)
    first round, no deductions


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
  • +1 Beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Mercury’s round one total: 38/62




9/10 for Power Play:

  • -1 “When her paw landed wherever it did...” It would have been better not to mention this paw at all and let the previous redistribution with the raised leg stand. Mentioning it here brings you into conflict with your opponent's ability to react. You're assuming Mercury isn't going to do something that completely screws everything up for Alis, like kicking or biting that leg.
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -1 “...into the front of his already battered right hind leg.” Where on the front of his leg?
  • Positioning
    -1 “...seeking to throw the weight of her hips sideways into the side of the man's right shoulder ...” Be sure to explicitly state which body part you're using in an attack. Is she using the meaty exterior of her leg? The bony point of her hip? Which hip?
5/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for shoulder throw
  • +1 for stomp
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for weight distributed
  • +1 for ears flattened
  • +1 for eyes narrowed
  • +1 for raised hackles
  • +1 for tucked tail
8/10 for Injuries:
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to neck


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner intellectual
  • +1 beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Alis' round two total: 41/62



10/10 for Power Play:

  • None seen!
5/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
    -2 “aiming to grasp her hind-ankle” left or right? And what is he using to grab it?
  • Movements
    -1 “he compensates for this by spreading his weight evenly along the three legs that are planted firmly to the ground” Planting his other paws doesn't mesh with his intent to vault off Alis' face
  • Damage
    -1 “of flesh at the meeting on his hip and torso” left or right side?
    -1 “but meets his flank instead of her initial target since he has moved forward” same as above
3/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for kick
    +1 for grab
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for ears flattened
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • +1 for weight distributed
  • +1 for hackles raised
8/10 for Injuries:
  • -1 for all bruising
    -1 for superficial bite wound


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
  • +1 Beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Mercurius’ round two total: 37/62




10/10 for Power Play:

  • None seen!
9/10 for Clarity:
  • Attack
    -1 If they're more or less parallel, how can she kick him with her left hind leg?
4/10 for Attacks:
  • +1 for kick
    +3 for bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for eyes narrowed
  • +1 for ears flattened
  • +1 for hackles raised
  • +1 for tail up for balance
  • +1 for weight balanced
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -1 for mild lacerations
    -2 for moderate puncture wounds


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 beginner intellectual
  • +1 beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Alis' round three total: 41/62



9/10 for Power Play:

  • Attack
    -1 “though he is prepared to release his hold on her foot” Grips/holds don't carry over into the next round. They have to be attempted so for this to have been acceptable you would have had to say something like “he attempted to maintain his hold on her foot but was prepared to...”
7/10 for Clarity:
  • Movements
    -1 “His body doesn't stay there for long, however, his feet pressing to the ground only briefly so that he can bounce onto his ankles” I'm not sure what he's doing here
  • Damage
    -2 where on his tail did the bite land? And what damage did he take?
2/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 for hold/twist
3/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for narrowed eyes
  • +1 for flattened ears
  • +1 for tucked tail
  • 0 for tucked chin as he is actively lifting his head
8/10 for Injuries:
  • -2 for moderate lacerations to middle of tail (severity and location assigned by judge)


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginner intellectual
  • +1 Beginner fighter
4/5 for Health:
  • Pack member? n
  • Unhealed event status? n
  • Unhealed fight status? n

Mercurius' round three total: 35/62


Alis: 125/186
Mercurius: 110/186

And the winner is...

ALIS! Mercurius must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • All healed by now!

- By Lazuli