
Taste the torture as you crawl begging for more


05-30-2018, 09:53 PM
The young woman had been with Dae long enough now to know what her heat meant. The woman wasn’t sure she was prepared to be a mother… in fact it scared her. It made her sense of dissociation go haywire. Her mind was in chaos and so, in a moment of panic, she had slipped away from the den she and Daemon shared. She could feel everything whirling around her as the snow flurried down towards the earth. It was cold, cold… so cold. She could see the frost coming out of her mouth but it didn’t register as her breath being cold. Her body felt numb, and Nova barely registered the trees around her as she came to the edge of the territory. She leaned against a tree, panting, as she looked around, ears flat against her skull.

She didn’t mind learning the other things… but the thought of motherhood honestly scared her. She knew it’d be coming… but she didn’t feel anywhere near ready. Daemon had promised he’d show her what it meant to be a woman… teach her about her role in the world. But right now everything felt weird. She blinked her bright red orbs several times, trying to bring herself back to reality. “D-Dammit…” The female whispered. “Come on… focus… dammit…” Nova closed those orbs, feeling her body craving Dae’s touch again… and yet…

The sound of approaching pawsteps faintly registered in her ears and Nova lifted her head again, looking around. It was when she saw those muted rainbow colors that her eyes widened, and she barked out softly into the falling snow. “C-chasm?”



4 Years
05-30-2018, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2018, 06:11 PM by Chasm.)

Winter was not a favored time of the year for his companion. Bones hated the cold and Chasm couldn't blame him. Bones didn't like to travel during this time, so for the most part they had remained stationary in one area. Bones was currently in the den curled up in pelts keeping warm. He would stay there all day, but Chasm couldn't sit still any longer. He had to get out of the den and move around. When he did leave the den he was met with the wall of cold. It made him stop and shake his fur, fluffing up his winter coat to beat the cold chill. He had no destination, but he kept his eyes open for abnormal landmarks that could help lead him back to the den. He didn't want to move too far, but he wanted some from his normal surroundings.

His luck at finding his siblings had been low, in fact Adore was the only one he had managed to find. It was a depressing thought to not know if they were still alive or if thier bodies lay rotting somewhere. He had thought everything would be fine once they were born, but life was still throwing curve balls at him and he felt he was still unable to rebound from it. Maybe he was never meant to be completely happy and free from worry, maybe life was suppose to be this confusing and miserable. He grunted before shaking his head pushing back his thoughts as he moved through the snow. The coat of snow was thick and it was still falling from the sky. The world felt cold and unforgiving.

A bark of his name made him come to an abrupt stop, his dual gaze looking around until they landed on the faded rainbow coat. Was he dreaming??? Was his mind playing tricks on him?? He stood for a moment in disbelief to see Nova not to far from him. He moved forward closing the distance between them and the closer he got he realized it was the living form of his sister. A happy smile broke out on his face as he rushed the last few feet to be in from of her, his tail happily wagging. He sought to press his nose into her cheek in a form of greeting.

”Nova I’m so glad to see you,” he said

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015


06-03-2018, 11:42 AM
It really was him… it really was her brother. Nova felt happiness swirl in her already rapidly beating heart. He rushed to her, nuzzling her cheek in an affectionate way that Nova remembered. To be honest it was Chasm who had practically raised her and her siblings. He’d been there when a father figure hadn’t… when their mother began falling apart. The young woman nuzzled her brother back, giving a soft, happy whine at seeing him once more. She was sure that Bones was somewhere within a couple territories as well too. In some ways she was glad that she could still see family… but the only ones she’d really still want to see would be the one in front of her, Bones, and Adore. The rest… she shook her head.

“...It’s good to see you too, brother.” Nova said softly, moving to hug him close. The larger girl was breathing in and out hard still, but she felt a little more steady, a little more grounded now that Chasm was here with her.

“I’m sorry about leaving Chasm… It got so suffocating…” She said into his fur, her ears falling back. “I’ve got a new life now too.” Nova pulled back, looking up at her big brother.

“Daemon is teaching me… how to be a proper lady. He’s been treating me well though, don’t worry.” She offered a small smile, though her mind was still racing just as fast as her heart. She wanted to say more… but where to even begin?



4 Years
06-03-2018, 06:30 PM

He couldn't help, but smile at her happiness to see him. When she left he hadn't been to entirely sure if he was the reason she had left or if it had been in fact Celestial. She had grown considerably, in fact it was really surprising to see how tall she had gotten. She was growing up and if he remembered correctly she had just hit two. By her scent he could also tell it was her heat, but Chasm was easily able to block it from bothering him. Though it only heightened his worry for her especially in this state. The last time their mother had been in heat she was force bred.

His ears perked as she apologized about leaving, explaining her reasoning which had been somewhat similar to Adore's feelings about the pack.

"It's okay I'm just glad your doing well," he said not needing her to apologize for leaving.

She then pulled back announcing to him that she had a new life. His brows drew upward, wondering what she had found. Did she find a mate already? She didn't smell of another pack so he assumed she hadn't joined another pack. As she continued on his anxiety grew and he felt his stomach drop at her words. Though she claimed the male was treating her well, it didn't set well with Chasm. His eyes were a dead give away for his concern, but he didn't want to make his sister upset. He bit his tongue for a moment unsure of what to say, not wanting to say anything that may upset her.

"If you don't mind me asking....... Uhm.... How exactly does a male know how to be a proper lady? Are you sure his intentions are for good or for his own purpose?" he kept his tone soft and gentle hoping she wouldn't get upset with him. He was concerned and didn't liked the situation.

"Words" & 'Thoughts'

Art by Sam2015


06-04-2018, 10:28 PM
The female frowned as she watched her brother, heard the concern in his voice. The female lowered her gaze, furrowing her brow. “I… I think it’s because he was raised different. I mean… It’s not like mom is around to teach me to hunt, fight, or how to be a good mate or anything!” Nova found herself shaking at the mention of their mother. It was no secret that Marina’s actions, up to and including her leaving, had hurt the girl deeply. She loved her mother dearly, and to see her gone now… made Nova not only feel hurt but bitter as well.

“S-so… I figured what would it hurt to give him a shot? He’s bound to know more than me.” Nova closed her eyes. “He cares for me, Chasm… he does. His ways are different from ours, but if he wanted to hurt me he’d have had plenty of opportunity by now.” The female whimpered, feeling the not-real feeling washing over her in a fresh wave. She pressed back into her brother, letting out a soft whimper.

“I miss how things used to be…” The girl whispered into the darker fur of her half brother. “...I wanna go back to those days… when we were little… and whole…”