
Do What You Do


05-31-2018, 05:23 AM
He was growing closer by the day, fallowing the old trails that his younger brother had taken. His plan was to check in, rest up, then head back unless Branch felt he needed his help. He had not been in favor of Branch leaving in the first place, but it hadn’t been his decision. Branch’s scent was stronger which hopefully meant he was alive and well. The family wanted a report and were stationed not far outside of Ardent lands. They would camp there for a few weeks before moving on, but the winter was already proving to be difficult. He had told his mother it would be a good idea to settle down until spring, but he knew there was a slim chance that his advice would be taken.

His thick winter coat was in full bloom which meant today’s temps were not bothering him at all. Wreckage’s had good thick coats to wear in the winter, one good trait they had. He blended decently with the white stuff as long as he was crawling on his belly. He decided that it was time to sit and relax. Finding a nice tree, he settled at the base of it. The larger male let a large yawn escape him for a moment before his deep mulberry eyes looked around. He took in the sceanery around him looking for other wolves or even prey animals. Seeing none at this time he shifted his body to a more comfortable posistion and closed his eyes. His ears lightly folded back as he relaxed his aching paws.