
Don't Get Cold Feet Now



6 Years
Extra large

05-31-2018, 02:52 PM

He had avoided her for nearly the whole time of her pregnancy, truth be told. He would sneak in at night when she was sleeping and rest with her for awhile, but usually before she was awake again he was gone- twice for a week at a time. He was elusive but busy, tracking down bears and keeping up with the new recruits- and his children outside the territory. He clenched his jaw around the dead carcass of a boar piglet hard enough he felt the crunching of bones between his teeth, thinking over all this as he neared the citadel now during the bright of the day. For once.

He had yet to enter the den, uncertain whether or not she would be there. A lot of time had passed, though he had no idea how long typical gestation periods went on for. It wasn't really on his mind, either- not right now, not that he wasn't excited to be a parent. He was nervous about facing her after being so elusive and neglecting her, would she understand and forgive him? After all, it wasn't the first time he'd ghosted her- what was a week to nearly two years? He would always come back, he hoped she knew that.

Even if he always would, did he deserve to though?

The titan of a wolf dropped the pig in the courtyard outside the grand mouth of the den, blood bleeding out into the snow from where he'd been holding it. He was sure if she was there, but if she would she'd surely smell the meal he'd brought back home. After a moment of staring at it, he began to cover it in the cold of the snow to preserve it. If she didn't come out soon, he'd leave it for her as a gift as he often did.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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7 Years
Athena I

05-31-2018, 10:09 PM

It had been a quiet morning so far. She had insisted that Daelos go out into the pack to do something productive which had left her to lay in the den on her own. She was grateful that the home that Elias had chosen for the two of them was deep enough that it kept out most of the cold breeze and that she had gathered enough bedding for herself that it prevented her from laying directly on the ground. For the most part she was at least comfortable if not warm. For a while she laid there with her own thoughts, glancing at her side from time to time when one of the pups would shift or kick. She couldn't even say that Elias had been absent. Whenever she didn't see him at night she would at least find the prey that he left or smelled his scent in the den around her from where he visited at night. His work around the pack was noticeable so she knew that he hadn't just disappeared completely. His avoidance was obvious... she just couldn't figure out why.

Maybe she had just set her hopes too high. She tried to keep doubt from creeping into her mind. Her whole pregnancy she had focused solely on her excitement and the hopes she had for this litter and the lives that she and Elias could build for them here. Her older children had grown up with her as their only parent and she had struggled to keep the three of them together in one place. When she figured out that she was pregnant she had hoped that this time around would be different... that being created from her love for Elias would make this different. Something about the echoing silence around her made the whispers of doubt seem so much louder. She had already accepted that there was no turning back now. But was it too late to readjust what she should expect from him?

A noise outside the den caught her attention and she lifted her head from her paws. The scent of prey hit her first, but then she noticed the dark silhouette just outside the then. Part of her just wanted to let him go and let their silence continue simply out of spite, but she also didn't want to perpetuate a problem that was bothering her. She pulled herself to her feet with a good bit of effort and padded over to the entrance of the cave, trying to ignore the waddle in her step as she went. Elias' features became more clear as she got closer and the sunlight behind him didn't obscure her vision quite so badly. Despite herself she still couldn't help the way that her heart fluttered when her blue-hued gaze landed on his face. She didn't really know what to say, but she felt like she had to say something to keep him from walking away. "They should be here any day now you know," she said quietly as she settled down onto her haunches. "Would you like for me to call for you when the labor starts or once it's all done?" Perhaps she was being a bit short with him, but if this was going to be the only exchange they had before their children were born then she at least needed to know this much from him.




6 Years
Extra large

06-04-2018, 10:37 AM

He had jussttt finished burying the young boar in the snow when she came out of the den, even with her waddling she was light enough that he barely paid mind to the sound. He ceased every other thought that had been on his mind the moment his eyes took in the sight of her, causing his body to freeze with his right forelimb pressing into the snow mid-snow plow push. His ruby gaze become quite obviously in a state of aw as those eyes widened and his features relaxed from it's previously stressed and stern pull on his facial muscles. His ears gave away his confusion on how to react as they indecisively stood tall and folded repeatedly until finally, they remained upright as they tuned into the sound of her voice while she spoke.

He felt that same flutter, and he was thankful for that. He missed her, and although he always had matters to tend to keep him distracted from that fact, he felt it tenfold when it was finally allowed to present itself whenever he saw her. Her love and her swallowed spite hit him hard in a cocktailed wave of emotions. He sighed and allowed himself to breathe and dropped his ass into the snow beneath him, pulling his two front legs together finally so that he could get used to the sudden change in gravity. Once he steadied himself he was able to try and focus- though it was clear he completely missed what she had said. He was that lost in his emotions, his brain already accessing far corners that were hard to pull itself out from. Fear had a tendency to do that to someone who had been through enough of it, even if fear was now the face of an upset pregnant wife.

Zuriel was everything to Elias, even if he did not realize it. Without her, he would have never grown the confidence to accomplish Ruina. He needed her, though there was a severe problem with the way doubt filled his head when they weren't together- and only when he saw her did he the realization that she was ultimate in his necessities. The way he looked at her made it quite obvious he was lost in thought and emotion, a distant look to him even though he sat right there before her. Eventually, the cold snow against his short fur pulled him out of thought and the tall beast stood up again to get himself out of it now that he was becoming better at handling his line of thought. He stepped forward, uncovered the young pig and then looked back up to her and froze all over again.

'Focus, Elias.' Thoughts spoke in a voice that was not his own, but they were truly his own either way.

"Zuriel," his voice came through slightly broken, it'd been a day or so since he'd actually used it so he took a moment to clear his throat and lower his crown to below her own. He wanted to hide the fact that he did not hear what she said, not wanting to further upset her or make it seem like he didn't care because he did, but his mind.. and the attention and focus he could give was severely.. complicated.

"I miss you." The muscles in his shoulders seemed to visibly relax as he surrendered, his body slouching as he took another daring step forward. His thick neck outstretched, square muzzle reaching beneath her own in an attempt to embrace her.. though every movement was slow and hesitant, did he deserve to?

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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7 Years
Athena I

06-08-2018, 12:33 PM

Zuriel watched his expression visibly change as his ruby gaze shifted up from the snow at his paws to her form. That was really all she needed to reaffirm that he still cared for her. That look in his widened gaze and how his features softened and relaxed pulled a slightly unwilling shadow of a smile to her lips. She had never been good at holding a grudge, which was clear enough in her presence here and her willingness to embark on this life with him, but it was nearly impossible to remain mad at him when he looking at her like that and his ears were flicking up and down so comically.

He didn't seem to fully register her question, but she didn't bother to repeat herself either. For a while they sat there in silence as he seemed to be taking stock of his own thoughts. She was willing to wait as long as he needed. If there was anything she had learned with Elias it was patience. Eventually he stood and undid the work that he had already done in covering the boar in snow. She wondered how long it had been since he'd spoken to anyone with how his voice cracked when he finally did decide to speak.

The tension on her own shoulders lessened as well at his confession, her expression giving way as she watched him move toward her with his head lowered to below hers and such hesitation in his movement. Any hint of upset was already gone from her mind, but she felt like she needed to make a point. There was few chances for her to do so with him. She lifted her forepaw, the one that now had a thin scar along her wrist where he had cut her to preform her blood oath, and rested it against his chest to stop him. She dipped her muzzle down to gently lift his chin so that his gaze was eye-level with hers once again.

He was so entirely intoxicating that it was difficult to not give in and embrace him immediately, but she knew that once she did she'd lose any chance to speak and actually have him absorb her words. Her gaze rested on his and she let her paw remain on his broad chest. "I don't ask for much. I've given you my body, my skills, my love, my soul-" Her voice broke a bit with emotion, but she tried to force though it. She was fairly emotional on any normal day as it was and this pregnancy certainly wasn't helping matters. "All I want in return is a little of your attention. If not for me... then for our children." Her paw slipped from his chest to rest on the ground again and she sighed softly as a small smile curled at her lips. "I miss you too."




6 Years
Extra large

07-01-2018, 07:05 AM

Her words hit him like a hammer to his skull, immediately sending him into a sense of dizziness as he listened to their depth. She had given him everything of her, and he had been so elusive.. as he always had been in her life. He had expected himself to change, to be more present.. to be there for her like he wanted to me, and yet somehow he could not keep himself still and his mind sound. He was still learning, but in order for any of this to work.. he would first have to be present, and to try.

He gave her a single nod, his eyes never once straying from her own. She asked for his attention and his whole body seemed to become overrun with a wave of emotions as all he wanted to do was step forward and embrace her, though his muscles tensed as he stopped himself and continued to listen. She missed him, as he missed her. He sat there quiet and in thought for some time, listening to the faint whispers his mind played in his ears and the echo of her own voice.

"I won't leave. From now, until the day of their birth, I will remain here on these lands, with you. I am here, and I will be here.. as your mate until my death." His promise was spoken with absolute certainty, with volume and with the depth of declaration. He allowed himself to step forward finally and brushed his nose to her cheek, stretching his neck in case she held him back again.

"I have been keeping myself busy, attending to duties I misprioritized when I should have been here more for you. I am focused now, and there is nothing else I can justify busying myself with. I will be here, I promise."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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