
Gods Will Fall


07-16-2014, 02:12 PM

He is drawn to the chaos, the destruction of this place again. A place where it is rumored that he can learn from others. Skills that he would need, if he were to be the god he was destined to be. He has been humiliated, his surname drug through the dirt, but he's eager to learn- to correct those past mistakes. He seek to make those who would laugh at him break. He strolls forward, his stance uncaring and brash. Arrogance leeks from every pore, but today he will try to be a little less full of himself. Crimson eyes sweep the empty field, it seems the lesser beings have fled as dusk came upon this field of death. He sinks to his haunches, on top of a jutting boulder, where he can see the area around him and he waits to see if someone else will happen across the field. The god waits carelessly- time has no meaning when one seeks to be great. Someone will come.



07-16-2014, 02:24 PM

The woman would traipse away from the pack lands and onto a land that was much darker. She had never been one for violence, but she knew better that to go about defenseless. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent of blood and gore. Her face fell into someone expressionless, only a small frown tugging at her features. A pale boy stood alone, looking as though he sough a fight. She would approach, massive paws pressing into the earth gently. "Looking for a spar?" She got the idea that he wasn't particularly good at making friends so she could keep about four feet between them, her defenses slowly settling into place. Perhaps they would take a moment to discuss terms? But she wouldn't take the chance, ears folded back against her skull, eyes narrowing upon her opponent. Short hackles would bristle along her neck and spine, powerful shoulders rolled forward as her skull fell level with her spine. Chin would tuck against her throat, tail streamlining with her spine. Powerful limbs would spread equidistant and bend at the joint for better balance, her toes would spread, sharp claws digging into the ground for traction. Last she would tighten her abdominal muscles, preparing for an attack.

"No serious injures is all I ask. You may have the first move." Her voice would echo around them, as she settled into attack mode. It was the first she had sparred such a tiny opponent, she was far more accustom to battling opponents her size or larger. But now was the time to learn. She just hoped she would break the poor kid. Lips peeled back to reveal impressive daggers, her ocean gaze settling intently on him.

ELSA vs CERBERUS for SPAR: round 0/2?


DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles lifted, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with her spine, skull lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked against her throat, limbs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened.

INJURIES: none, first round



07-16-2014, 03:30 PM

He waits, his presence uninterrupted for several moments before a strange scent infiltrates his nose. He looks around, his crimson gaze locking on a huge beast, a creature unlike any he as seen before. Cerberus is both intrigued and nervous by the sight of her. What is she? She speaks, and he blinks once before replying. "I am." He agrees with a slight rumble. She asks for no serious injuries, and he nods in agreement. "Yes ma'am." He says, for the first time in his life, he's respectful. Whether it's from her initial size or impression, he does not know. His body settles into a defensive position, perhaps the only position he is so comfortable with. Ears fall flat against his head as he steps forward, his legs spread slightly for balance. His eyes narrow, as he studies his opponent with interest. He wished to learn- he couldn't complain at the circumstances he was given. His claws dug into the ground as he thought of the best way to approach her, his tail twitching behind him, whilst level with his spine. His head lowered aligning with his spine, chin tucked slightly, hackles raising, and gums curling to reveal his teeth. His body grows tense, his shoulders rolling forward as he strides towards her, attempting to move towards her left side.

He figures her side would be easier to approach, then her front where her rather large teeth are. He lunges forward towards her left shoulder- seeking to close the distance between them in a few strides. He attempts to slam into her left side- using his right shoulder, as his jaws open and his head turns to the left, as he attempts to bite down her left leg, just above her elbow. As his jaws close, hopefully with her leg between them, he thrashes his head slightly, though not to much as he doesn't want to damage her permanently. He's seen his sister do so many attacks, but here in the heat of the moment- he can't grasp any of those memories. Has Artemis ever faced a creature like this? He hopes he's not making any dire mistakes?

CERBERUS vs ELSA: Round 1/2

defenses: ears flattened, legs spread for balance, eyes narrowed, tail and head level with spine, hackles raised, gums curled exposing teeth, body tensed, claws digging into the ground, shoulders rolling forward.

attacks: attempts to move towards her left side. lunges forward with the attempt of using his right shoulder to slam into her left side, while trying to bite into elsa's leg just above the elbow.

ooc: any questions, don't hesitate to pm me! Tried to make this as clear as possible, but everyone knows roamers crazy <3



07-16-2014, 08:03 PM

He would respect her wishes without question, which eased some of her worries. He would begin without speaking anymore, rushing towards her. She would remain still, allowing him to come to her. He would approach from her left, pale jaws unhinging as he collided with her side. A light bruise would blossom across the area of impact (along her side/shoulder area). Fangs would connect with her upper leg, but as he clamped down she would aim to throw her shoulder and limb forward in an attempt to force his jaws open uncomfortably wide. Simultaneously her hips would would swing out to her right in an attempt to place herself directly in front of him. Her right leg would extend in an attempt to wrap around his right forelimb. Her goal was to grab the appendage and pull it towards her in an attempt to send him tumbling. Powerful jaws would part simultaneously, aiming to grab a hold of the upper right side of his neck. She only wanted to grab the skin, nothing vital that could cost him his life. If jaws landed successfully, then she would take a step back, hoping to pull him forward and off balance, if her jaws failed, then she would remain in her position, unmoving.

All the while defenses remained intact. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, short hackles bristling while shoulders rolled forward. Her limbs remained equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed and claws digging into the earth. Her skull remained level with her spine and chin tucked against her throat, tail would continue to streamline with her spine to act as a rudder. Abdominal muscles remained tense, helping support her balance and absorb the impact. Her attention was focused solely on her opponent and the heat of the spar. She reined in her strength so that she didn't hurt him nearly as badly as she could. He was so tiny compared to her. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him, he was young and had his entire life ahead of him.

ELSA vs CERBERUS for SPAR: round 1/2

ATTACKS: hips would swing to the right, attempting to put them in a head on position. her right leg would extend in an attempt to wrap around his front right leg and pull it towards her to ruin his balance. Simultaneously, jaws would aim to grab the upper part of the right side of his neck, if successful then she would take a step back and attempt to pull him with her to further disturb his balance.

DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles lifted, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with her spine, skull lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked against her throat, limbs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened.

INJURIES: bite her upper left leg and some shredding from head thrashing (possibly more damage if her movements/attacks are successful), mild bruising to her left shoulder/side area

OOC: Skype or pm me with any questions



07-20-2014, 05:00 PM

In his flurry of movements, he felt himself impact the larger creature, and could feel bruising building in his right shoulder. It would bruise moderately, he'd definitely feel that when his adrenaline calmed down. As he bit into Elsa, the woman would move her leg forward, and his jaws stretched into a rather uncomfortable position, and her body spun around where she was now facing him. He scrambled to keep his footing as she moved, and fought to keep his defenses in check. His claws dug into the ground, legs slightly bent to take impact, his tail level with his spine and his ears were pinned, as flat against his head as they could go. His eyes were narrowed, his crimson irises barely exposed. His hackles had rose, to protect his neck and vital areas, and his chin remained tucked. He felt her paw swipe around under his legs. He stumbled, his front legs bending to his knees he would open his jaws to try to release his hold on her.

He would attempt to let go of her, and stumble backwards (nearly face-planting like a dork)- and he could feel her teeth pull at his scruff, tearing the skin. Facing his opponent again, he would study her for a second before launching himself back at her, this time attempting to jump upwards at her left side. His jaws opened, and he would attempt to bite into the skin of her left shoulder. He would move his legs in an attempt to grip her shoulder to keep his position, as his back legs dug into the ground.

cerberus vs elsa: round 2/2

defenses:claws digging into ground, legs slightly bent, tail level, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, chin tucked.

attacks:after attempting to stumble backwards, attempts to jump/rear up to bit into the top of her left shoulder.

injuries: bruising to shoulder. tears to scruff.

notes: lol. I started this post last night, and it confuses even me. ._. Roamer needs another Roamer to read over things. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE SAFFIE. If you understand this, you may in fact be magical. To clarify, he's moving to bite into the bit of her shoulder that's facing him!
