
choking on my sins


07-16-2014, 01:28 PM
He had swam for quite some time to get here, legs churning through the salty waters until they hit the beach and he slowly drug himself out of the waters. Tail hung limply behind him as he tossed a glance over his shoulder at the coastline that lay in the distance. It was time to leave, there was nothing left for him in these lands, nothing left for him to live for. Maybe his birth pack was still in Siberia, would they be in the same area? Under the same leader? For a long moment he would stand in the shallow waters with gaze cast over his shoulder at the lands he had just departed from. There was no one left to even bid farewell too, none of the old family was here anymore. Sade was dead... He had even slightly liked Zara, she had taken to Lentajin society well but she had disappeared as well not long after the behemoth woman had killed Sade and taken her pack. He had not stayed after that. He had tried a few times to join other packs but none suited him. Males ruled this world and he hated to say that he could not find his place in it. So he would leave... Yes... That was the best course of action. With a weary sigh he would turn and begin walking along the beach, enjoying the feel of sand beneath his paws for quite some time before he would turn and head towards the interior of the island.


07-16-2014, 01:41 PM

Silver paws pressed into the sand of her new home, much to her dismay. Boredom was clawing at her mind, demanding that she do something. There was no easy way to step down as Queen and then lead the life of a rogue. it simply wasn't possible for the silver temptress. Irritation flooded her body, causing lips to lift and fall irregularly. As she moved, an unfamiliar figure would form on the beach. Oh fate must love her. Lips curled cruelly in a twisted grin. As she closed the distance between them, her ill intentions would fall beneath the surface, she didn't want to scare him off yet. "Are you lost?" She would purr. Coral gaze darkened, something sinister brewing beneath the surface. Lyrics dripped like honey from her lips while venomous saliva pooled in her mouth. Silently she would thank whatever god was above her for sending her such a lovely gift.

She paid no mind to his pinkish figure, her sole focus was on the blood that filled his veins. Today that blood would spill. Stilts would bring her closer, uncomfortably close so that she could feel the heat radiating off his soaking figure. "I think you are lost, because, you see, you are standing on my beach." She would circle to her left so that she would move towards his rear and subtly herd him up onto the beach more. "What is your name?" Her voice never lifted above a husky whisper, sinful desire weaving in and out of each syllable. Jaw would part, allowing salvia to drip from the corners of her mouth before falling to the sand. A low rumbling purr shook her throat, her sinister staring pinning the unlucky man before her.


07-19-2014, 05:10 PM
There was something wrong, something felt amiss. There was a strange sensation arching through the ground and up through his paws as he walked and the tingle was beginning to spread through his body. What was this? Almost as soon as the question crossed his mind the woman would speak, slipping from the shadows and moving towards him as luxurious words trickled from her lips. Something about the way she held herself, the small little ticks and mannerisms she held immediately froze him in place. "Not lost, on my way out of these lands actually..." His words were a soft murmur, immediately making himself smaller then he already was. Head would tip to the side, almost in a cringe though he created space between his shoulder and ear in an obvious show of submission. She would continue to close the distance between them and that electricity in the ground grew, tensing his muscles and freezing him in place. What was this?

He could feel here heat, eve her breath cascaded uncomfortably down on him but he would refuse to move because obviously this is how he wanted him. He was on her beach? Eyes would widen in shock and a cough would escape from his lips as he fought to find words the express how sorry he was. "I must have missed the scent markers when I came out of the ocean. I do apologize miss... I will take my leave if you would allow...?" Every fiber of his being screamed at him to turn and run. There was something very wrong here. But force of habit was strong, it held him in place and glued him there until she realized him. But not yet. Instead she would request his name. "Taiga ma'am..." He could barely choke the words out, could barely force them past tense facial muscles. He wouldn't look at her, no. His eyes would remain fashioned to her paws, aware of her body language but not able to summon the courage to look her in the eyes.


07-23-2014, 10:46 PM

He was so tiny. So pathetically tiny. He was frozen before her, words soft. He picked the wrong island to use as an escape route. He desperately tried to make himself smaller before her, as if he wanted to disappear, but it wasn't going to happen. He was so submissive, it was sickening. His neck tipped towards her, exposing the precious flesh. Fool. He would make a feeble attempt at an escape, apologizing and offering to leave. His name rolled off his tongue, tones shakey and uncertain. Lips curled into a twisted grin. "Taiga." She would play with his name, tones low and husky. "Well come, I will show the easiest way to the next island so you may be on your way." She would tip her head towards the inland, gesturing for him to move.

Her gaze would explore his features, unable to keep the thoughtful look off her face. Oh the things she could do. But first, she needed him off the beach. She needed some place private. She was no concerned about him running, there was no place for him to run. And if he decided to be so foolish, she would simply jump his frail little body and break his legs. Or snap his spine and paralyze him. Saliva dripped from the corners of her mouth, her expression becoming hungry. Adrenaline flooded her system, her heart skipping a beat before kicking into overdrive. It had been so long. But she only needed to wait a few more feet.



08-19-2014, 07:51 PM
He could feel a quiver, a slight tremble beginning at the base of his spine near his hips but for now it would stay there, muscles spasming lightly beneath his pelt but still not visible to the outside world. He could feel it though. It was there... His haunches were curled slightly, leaning back and away to give this woman her space without moving back since she seemed to be enjoying invading his personal space. Tail was tucked firmly between his haunches, ears pinned back and head careened down and to the side so his cheek would face up. It was how he had been taught to greet and submit to women and somehow even as his whole body, every fiber of his being, screamed at him to run his tiny paws would remain planted on this earth. When she said his name a tremor ran through his body, quivering though him visibly as if his own name had slipped off her tongue in icy tendrils that had kicked up his spine. Her next words brought a tidal wave of emotions, relief, disbelief, calm, worry, panic, terror... It seemed that every emotion hit him all at once so hard he took a physical step backwards. For a moment he would blink, schocked by it all before numbly he would nodd, falling into step behind the woman. There had been the smallest flicker of hope, a tiny flame but that had been snuffed out by that tidal wave. He knew he would die here and here he was marching off to his own execution...


08-19-2014, 08:07 PM

He stood before her paralyzed, unable to move. A grin continued to curl her dark lips. His tail was tucked, throat exposed and ears pinned. He was picture of perfect submission. It was almost sad that she would be ending his life in a few short minutes. He would take a step back and for a moment she thought he would run. But he nodded, allowing her to the lead way. She move along slowly, in no rush, she wanted to find the perfect place. She would lead them through the forest, the sounds of the ocean a soft whisper. It was when they came to a small clearing within the forest that she would stop. Soft rays on sunlight toyed with her fur as she peered over at him. "Would you like a snack? I'm starving." Saliva would finally drip from dark lips. She had not allowed him to stray more than a foot from her in their journey, so he was still within her reach. The silver queen towered over him, he was so small, he was defenseless against her.

She would strike without warning, moving with lethal grace. He stood to her left and she would pivot on hind legs, rearing up onto powerful hind legs. She would bring her left limb down across his back, just behind his shoulder blades while her right limb wrapped around the front of his neck. Jaws would unhinge, grabbing a vicious hold of his scruff. She would then push off with hind legs so that she could flip him onto his left side. Releasing him, she would peer down at him, drooling heavily as her gaze darkened. "You are simply delicious." Her would would tickle his ear as fangs nipped gently at the appendage. Her right leg would lift, slamming down on his own right left, effectively snapping the limb. "I'm sorry." She would coo again into his ear. Abandoning his ear, she would lower her head, gripping his left forelimb between fangs before snapping down on his ankle with crushing forcing. Simultaneously she would jerk her head up violently, jerking him onto his back and dislocating his limb. Releasing him, she would moan in sick gratification. "Cry for me baby."