
Picking through the snow



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-22-2018, 12:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2018, 09:36 PM by Riva.)

She has mostly done her traveling north or south of Wolf-paw lake. Her most recent trek through the northern terratories was already feeling like a mistake. The cold stuck to her coat, and tingled up her paws. The cut on her pad was mostly healed by this point, but it ached more then the rest of her, causing her to shift the majority of her weight between three paws, tail erect for balance as she trudged further through the woods. The towering trees above her were oddly shaped, twisted and leaning against their brethren, occasionally making a semblance of a bridge with their slow sweeping angle upwards.

She would have even tempted to scale one such barky cliff, but the snow that lodged against the trunks and branches dissuaded her. She was more likely to dislodge the snow and slip off the trees with it. Still, she gazed upwards longingly, her imagination touching the sky as easily as these great towering trees seemed to.

It was late morning by this point, and the dubious sunlight of winter glinted through the tree tops, teasing her with the occasional brush of warmth. She missed flowering meadows and sunny stones to rest on, winter had already proven to be an unfortunate time for her and no doubt it would find many more ways to inconvenience her before it passed

As she walked she left the usual signs she had devised for a healer, giving others the chance to call out if they needed her, and set her mind to the difficult job of searching out herbs beneath the snow.

She started by clearing away the snow, kicking and nosing until it was clear. Next came the harder part, as she begins to dig in the frozen soil, breaking through the crusty layer to the softer parts beneath. It was a back backing job and soon she was panting from the effort, leaning her head upwards to the towering trees as she caught her breath. When she put her nose back down it was easier, digging into the softer soil until she found the route she sought. She nipped them gently with her teeth and drew them forth. She inspected them and then tucked them securely into the double wrapped ribbon around her forpaw.

She pulled away from the tree then with a sigh and looked upwards once more, her gaze longing. The too-serious healer took her ques from her dower mentor, but the yearling in her looked up at those trees and longed for something.
She glanced back at the snow packed ground around her, and huffed softly. "Oh hells. Why not"

She made her way around a gently slopping and wide tree, finding the lowest point and jumping up. The ice shifted a little around her, but held. She clambered up the branch to the top, and found an even taller tree leaning against this one. She followed it around until she could see parts of the forest laid out before her. She took it in with a wonderous sigh, a slow smile spreading across her too-serious face. "Yeah!" She yelled out, exhilarated.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-22-2018, 11:36 PM
The trio had been near the woods, in the pines specifically. Dragon hadn't really left the area since he had come back, and his heart was set on staying there. He had forgotten about Iskra mostly. Deciding that she wouldn't come back. It had been about a year now, and as much as he wanted to cling onto the hope she would return, he doubted she would. Maybe she had told him she loved him because she felt sorry for him or something. So all he hoped to do was move on and forget about her. It was hard sometimes to just...forget. But he would be naive to keep hoping she would come back, right?

He stood beneath a towering tree, his thoughts threatening to return to the star pelted woman he had fallen so hard for. "Forget about her, Dragon. She didn't care. She's not coming back." The soft thud of Shiva's paw steps on the branch above him indicated her approach. His tattered ear flicked, drawing back as he frowned. "'re right. I was stupid to believe her, just like I was stupid to trust everyone else." Brows drew together as he pushed her from his mind. Love didn't exist. Not for a blind man. He felt like she had played him...and probably decided the Abraxas or someone else was much more worth her time.

As he turned to go back to the pines, he heard someone yell. The voice was nearby, and although he was curious...he also didn't want to be around anyone. But curiosity got the better of him, and from the sound of the voice, he could tell it was young. Well, what's the worst that could happen? It didn't take long for his companions to track down the stranger, and when he came to stand beneath the tree that the yearling was on, he turned his head upwards. His companions both stood on the branches of nearby trees, eyeing her as well. "Any particular reason you're yelling from the treetops?" He questioned, to be somewhat flat and neutral.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-23-2018, 12:59 AM

The trees took on a haunting visage beneath her, midday light dancing upon their branches and reflecting brightly against the drapes of snow that could be found in every nook and cranny. She took in a deep breath of the cool air, feel it sting against her throat, and send a chill through her coat. She would have stood there looking out for a long time, if not for the distraction in the form of a wolf. He had been silent, and she had been distracted, and she would not notice him until he spoke. She just about leaped from her skin, dislodging snow from the tree with a soft ‘slosh’

She blinked, her eyes finding color in the stark forest, and jumping first from one creature then another. She knew they were cats, giant felines that rested in the branches of the trees beneath her. Her muzzle parted slightly in surprise, and she was momentarily at a loss for words. Her confusion didn’t last for long, her mentor had ferociously whipped into shape when it came to reacting in an emergency, and her situation was hardly as dire as all that… she hoped.

“Good day to you.. And yours” she called out softly, assuming the three were a team, and that the wolf wasn’t being hunted by a strange team of cats. What were they, and how did that strange friendship or association come about? She had heard about wolves teaming up with other species, but had yet to see it happen. On a biological level, she was teeming with curiosity to study them.

A soft breath escaped her, swirling in the air in a gentle stream of mist. “Because i’m alive.” she said simply, and found herself offering him a partial smile, softening the alert and seriousness in her pale blue gaze. “And I plan to remain that way for at least a little while yet. I would be a terrible meal, I promise you, all course and stringy from my life as a traveler” she was only partially joking. She didn’t know anything about this older man, or the strange company he kept.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-23-2018, 02:08 AM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2018, 01:35 AM by Dragon.)

He couldn't help but grin just the smallest bit at the yearlings greeting. He knew it wasn't often that wolves traveled with companions such as his. He had only met a couple of others with cats similar to his. Armai...she too, was blind. And she had a snow leopard that accompanied her. "Good day to you as well," He was never the best with small talk. But he supposed returning the greeting was the polite thing to do. Sightless gaze had turned skyward, towards the girls voice once he managed to pinpoint where it was coming from. It had been forever since he'd been blinded, that by now it felt...normal. He had managed to work hard enough to live comfortably with his disability, and felt no shame in it anymore.

So many things had happened in his life, and after he had lost his pack he turned almost recluse. Nothing but the company of his companions and occasionally his mother and some of his siblings. And sometimes Greed. He had promised them that Talis would rebuild, but he had taken longer than he thought because of the doubts in his mind. Now though, he had cast away the doubt. He wanted to forget about Iskra and work on himself so he didn't feel so weak. His trusting nature had dwindled, now it was him against the world.

When ththe girl replied to his question and added on that she wouldn't be a good meal, he let out a single but somewhat amused Ha! Before he could respond, however, Shiva spoke. "Tough and stringy is never very good. That's why we fatten him up," She gestured to Dragon, a mischievous smirk on her maw as her fangs flashed in the sunlight. Her deep amethyst gaze sought out the girls blue gaze, her tail flickering as she flexed her claws. "I'm sure we'd have no trouble doing the same to you. Eh Kimahri?"

The earthen cat gazed up at Riva, his own features twisted into amusement. "None at all. You look quite tasty already. I'm sure with a little seasoning you'll be quite perfect." Below, Dragon couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't mind them. They can be lazy hunters, which is probably why they follow me around." His tone was light. Joking, even. He didn't particularly want to frighten her, but he wouldn't really care if she did run, either.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-23-2018, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2018, 02:25 AM by Riva.)

He returned her greeting, and she felt herself relax a smidgen. He didn’t sound hostile, through his first tentative question through the trees had sounded brisk, almost unwelcoming. She lowered herself to her belly on the brunch, tail swinging a slow rhythm in the air behind her. She could see him a little better now, through there was still a decent distance between them.

The ’Ha!’ that escaped his lips sounded like surprised amusement, and she quirked her own muzzle into a more welcoming smile. It wasn’t the wolf that continued the conversation from there, through she didn’t know why she was surprised to hear wolven words fall from the tongue of the cat. “Sounds like a pretty good tactic” Riva agreed. “I’ve heard a tale of nomad wolves that kept a herd of cattle as their property, fattening them on the sweetest grass until they were ripe for eating. I’ve never heard of felines taking up a similar job, and I imagine it’s a tougher job to keep him fed”

She was guessing he was the kind capable of taking a joke, if his little sound of amusement, and the nature of his companions, was anything to go by. She rose from her belly and moved a little further down the branch, so she didn’t have to raise her voice so much to speak to them. If they wanted to kill her they could easily trap her on this perch, and she knew that cats were a much greater climber then she was. “Perhaps your right, I even come with my own seasoning” she indicated the ribbon wrapped multiple times about her forepaw, caches of herbs tucked neatly along the sides.

As she approached them, she would notice the way the eyes of the cats followed her, and how Dragon just sort of.. Gazed in her general direction. Curiosity got the better of her, and she walked closer then she might have otherwise, lowering her head gently to pair into his eyes. Aside from the scars across his skin, the pupils seemed almost normal, aside from a little glassy and distance. The biggest give away was their reaction to the light, or the lack of it. “Oh” she muttered in surprise, and looked again at the cats with new perspective, her smile that little bit brighter. “Lazy hunters they might be, but loyal friends, I’d wager” not many would stick by a blind wolf, and she imagined these two acted as his guide.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-24-2018, 02:33 AM

He couldn't help but laugh at her response to his companions jokes. Teeth flashing in a humored grin. It had been quite some time since he actually smiled and felt actual amusement. He had been plagued by dark and serious thoughts for a while, and he welcomed this change. However brief it might be. Shiva and Kimahri exchanged an amused glance at one another, their own teeth glinting with hints of a smile. "I like you, kid." The jaguaress seldom said anything like that, but this girl had a good sense of humor and she liked that. With how things had been lately, the seclusion and with Dragon's incessant brooding, it was a good change for the day.

The two companions watched as she got closer, and when she mentioned that she came with her own seasonings, all three laughed and smiled in amusement. It was quite rare for the two felines to act in such a manner, but they couldn't help themselves this time around. "Well, would you look at that. Saves us the trouble of picking the herbs to season her up with. Might be enough to season Dragon with too," Dragon's head tilted towards Kimahri's voice, eyes rolling just the smallest bit as he scoffed. "Try it you big furball," He playfully challenged his male counterpart, though the exchange wouldn't continue when he heard someone approach. By the sound of it, it wasn't his companions. He could hear their claws gently scraping into the branches above as they sat upon them. Was the girl coming closer to him?

Ears swiveled to hear better, and soon, her scent along with the scent of herbs reached him. He could tell she was rather close, and he stood there unmoving. He didn't think she would attack, and if she did, his companions were in a position to leap on her and drag her away if necessary. He heard a soft "oh" from her, and he guessed that she had noticed his blindness. He had gotten used to it by now. He supposed it wasn't often one came across a blind wolf, much less one that traveled with companions such as his. By her words, he guessed that she was observant. Or maybe it was all obvious, he didn't know. It's not like he made an effort to hide any of it. "That they are," He responded. He remained standing tall. It was how he always stood. Old habits died hard, and his habits from when he was an alpha still stuck to him. "You've nothing to worry about, they're not gonna eat you. They certainly won't eat me, I expect old meat doesn't taste very good." He grinned a bit, wondering what she thought of it all. It had been a while since he'd talked to anyone that he didn't already know, and it seemed he forgot how to keep a conversation going...if only for the moment.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-24-2018, 03:07 AM

She looked back to the feline, a slight nod of her head in respect as the girl admitted to liking her. She didn’t take offense to being called a kid, she knew she was young and unworldy. The banter kept up for a bit longer, and she had no doubt the two cats teased their wolven counterpart on a regular bases. He agreed to the loyalty of their friendship, and it was obvious all three of them cared for each other, no matter how strange that trio might seem.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you two?” she nodded her head first to one cat, and then the other, showing the confusion against the pale blue of her eyes.

“Thats good to hear, I can’t imagine being eaten is a nice way to go” another quirk of her lips. She liked this man, he travelled with interesting company and knew how to laugh. His baring, tall and erect indicated that he was accustomed to leadership or authority of some kind. A very strange thing to see in a blind man, and she respected it. She didn’t know his life’s story, but she was curious enough to hear it, if he didn’t mind sharing a tale or two with a pup. “Do the old scars ever ache? I know a few remedies that might soothe the skin” she offered. No doubt by her earlier comment, and the sweet scent of herbs about it, he could already guess what her occupation was.

As she spoke with the man, she almost forgot the bitter cold of water, or the long hours she still needed to spend digging herbs. Perhaps a day off from her self-proposed duties would be a good thing for her. She always took her job too seriously, and didn’t take the time to make friends. “You can call me Riva, by the way.” she leaned close to him, giving him a chance to take in the scent of her, to know her in the ways a blind man can.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-24-2018, 03:37 AM

Dragon was quite curious about this girl, as were his companions it seemed. Though the younger girl seemed equally as curious about them as well. He could smell the scent of herbs, and he guessed those were the "seasonings" she mentioned earlier. The thought of their prior conversation moments ago still made him feel amused, and it kept him in a better mood then he had been as of late. "We're Jaguars." Ears flicked towards Shiva's direction as she answered the girl. "We're just colored different. Normal Jaguars are usually golden in color, with black spots. Or black with dark spots. But just like you wolves are born all sorts of different, so are we." It piqued Dragon's curiosity. "You've never seen a jaguar, I take it?" Obviously she hadn't. But it never hurt to ask. He had never seen one up close until he had met Kimahri, then later he met Shiva. Her pelt was quite different from Kimahri's, and it always baffled him the way her coat was so different.

"Haha, no. I can't imagine being eaten. Especially by another predator," Though he supposed if it weren't for his companions being by his side, he probably would have gotten killed and eaten by now. He shuddered to think about it. He would hate to be in a prey position. Distracted from his thoughts by her sudden question, he thought for a moment. His scars didn't ache as much as he thought they might, though occasionally his eyes did hurt when they began to stream from the old infection he endured as his vision had begun to fade away. "Sometimes. But I think it's more from the after effects of the infection I had that comes and goes." His eyes weren't streaming now, but they were a couple weeks ago. The skin did feel tight every now and then, but he always thought that was normal for scars to do.

She would finally introduce herself as Riva, and Dragon nodded a greeting to her as she leaned in closer. It wasn't often he got this close to others unless it was his own family, but he was secretly grateful that she offered herself for him to get a better perception of her, even if only by smell. Her scent was strong with her so close, and he could smell her beneath the tang of herbs. He was correct in his assumption of her age, and he now discovered that she was also a loner. "My name is Dragon. It's a pleasure to meet you, Riva." He offered a friendly smile, showing he wasn't a threat. Even if he was, she probably wouldn't have been frightened by a blind wolf anyway. "What brings you so far North, if I may ask?" After all, it wasn't often he ran into strangers. Much less during the winter.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
06-24-2018, 04:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2018, 04:48 PM by Riva.)

The female spoke in answer to her quarry, and her ears perked up in curiosity. Jaguars yes, she had heard about this line of big cats. They were often found in swamps and wooden regions, and where good at climbing and swimming. She filled away the information the feline gave her, explaining the more common colors of her people, and how her and the male were an uncommonly coloured. “Thank you” the healer said simply, nodding her head again to the Jaguar. “No, I haven’t, and I hadn’t expected to see such a fine sight any time soon.”

She brought her nose a little closer, moving slowly so that Dragon would have plenty of time to throw her off if he so desired, as she sniffed the old scars. an infection? the cuts themselves could have been damaging to his eyes, but an infection had sealed his fate. She had a few strands of aloe vera, carefully wrapped in the soft leaves of lambs ear, and tucked against her ribbon, she teased that out now with her teeth, using a claw to cut a hole along the side of the thick green plant, squeezing out some of its juices, and dabbing it along one of the folds of lambs ear, creating a sticky poultice. “Do you mind?” she asked, her voice soft near his ear, she had already closed any distance between them. As a healer her idea of personal space was a little sketchy, a fact that put some wolves on edge or on ease, depending on the situation.

“You shouldn’t still be feeling any infection in your eye, that’s something i would love to examine. Er.. I mean, I would love to be able to help.” she coughed softly, pushing down her academic curiosity with a reminder of the suffering he had likely endured.

“Not the snow.” she said, a touch bitterly, stamping her feet to dislodge some of the white substance that clung to her, her dislike for the cold evident in her tone. “Herbs mostly, winter came too fast this year and I hadn’t finished collecting herbs, so now i’m stuck digging beneath the snow, and attempting to dry them without reliable sunlight.” it was clear from her tone of voice that her own folly exasperated her. “Yourself?”




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-01-2018, 12:19 PM

He was hesitant about someone getting so close to him, but when he smelled the aloe vera and the other herbs as she began to set them up (or so he assumed), he let his guard down just a little. Then again, what did he have to fear? If she were up to no good, his companions could easily help him out. On top of that, what else did have to lose? His vision was already gone, it's not like she could damage his eyes any more than they already were. So he nodded, relaxing enough to show he wouldn't hurt her. In truth, it would probably be best for him to let a healer tend to old wounds, especially since his infection kept coming and going. She had already invaded his personal space anyway, but that was fine. He wasn't too worried about her harming him, if she wanted to help then he'd let her.

She commented about the infection, his ears pulling back slightly. He didn't know anything about sickness, and he assumed that it was normal. He shrugged, feeling a bit sheepish and uneducated for once. "I assumed it was normal after being blinded. My brother tended to my wounds after the fight, but maybe there was something he missed. I eventually lost my sight after some time to the infection I assume. It wasn't immediately after the fight, but I did have problems between then up until I lost it completely." He never really talked about the raid since it happened. Didn't feel the need to. It happened so long ago now, that there was never any point in brooding about it. They went. They tried. They fought hard. He had been proud of his pack for doing their best despite losing, so he had focused more on that then the actual loss.

He listened to her explanation of what she was doing up this way, and he couldn't help the amused grin that tugged at his lips. "I live here. For now, anyway. I don't know if I'll be heading back south or if we'll stay here." He came to the realization that she probably had no idea what he was talking about or referring to, so he explained a little more. "My mother was an alpha once and had claimed this land. Then she passed it to me, we moved to Auster, and a couple years later I lost my pack in a challenge. So now here I am, trying to figure out if I want to rebuild or just leave that life all honesty though, I've been leaning towards rebuilding. I made a promise to my pack, after all." He wouldn't go into further detail unless she was interested, so for now, he just explained the basics. "I guess you could say I'm also around here because our family has ties to the North. My mother grew up in the north, and my grandfather and ancestors led packs in the north, too."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
07-01-2018, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2018, 06:51 PM by Riva.)

He let her get close, and she was able to ease the poultice gently over his eyes, the stickiness kept it in place, and she smoothed it over. She knew it would likely feel cold to the touch, but if there was any aching or pain left in his eyes, the soothing sensation would be almost instant. “Infections need to be washed and bleed out, around the eyes that’s pretty difficult and dangerous to do. Honey… I would need to collect honey for the antibiotic...” she was muttering more to herself then to him by the end of it as she considered everything she needed. Infections were pretty serious, and the fact that he was still encountering one was bad news

She needed to bleed out the pus, feed him honey, and keep the wound dry and clean for a few days as she kept an eye on it. He had given her a puzzle to work on and she relished the challenge, and on top of that it would ease his life if she was able to treat the problem, and not just the symptoms. She wondered, with a tiny touch of buzzing curiosity, if fixing the infection would return any semblance of his sight. But no.. it had been gone too long. But still.. She would love to know, to learn, if it was possible.

“That’s really sweet, your loyalty to your pack” she couldn’t help but note. This older, blind wolf, who stood like an Alpha, flanked by two jaguars who’s love and loyalty of him spoke of his character. She grinned, and hoped the best for him. “I don’t even know who my mother is, let alone my history, but I say fight for what you believe is yours, Dragon. In the short time I've known you, I have a hunch you make a good Alpha. And maybe i’ll have a chance to see that in action, you might just be stuck with me well I figure out the enigma that is your infection” she admitted, she gave him a gentle, encouraging nuzzle against his ear and then sat back on her hunches, looking oddly pleased with herself. “I’ll have to wait for sign of the infection before I can begin.”




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-15-2018, 04:34 AM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2018, 04:35 AM by Dragon.)

He quietly sighed to himself as the cooling effects of her treatment was placed over his eyes. It felt good on his irritated skin. He occasionally rubbed his eyes against his foreleg whenever it itched from when the infection cropped up, but this...this felt nice. He listened to her as she explained the process about how infections were supposed to be cleaned out, ears falling back in dismay. Arke hadn't quite done that, but he didn't blame his brother. He had done what he could, but without formal training, he hadn't done it correctly. Again, Dragon couldn't blame his brother for that. They didn't have anyone to really teach that stuff. When he heard the word 'honey', however, he flicked his ears and tilted his head slightly upwards. "I believe they know where to find some, and I'm sure they'd be willing to help you collect it." He motioned to the two felines sitting above them, both looking at each other for a moment before returning their gazes to the two canines below. "Perhaps..." He lashed his tail against the branch he was lying on, a curious tilt of his head accompanying his words.

Dragon smiled a bit as Riva continued, explaining that she didn't know her mom, and going on to say that he should follow his dream. Honestly, he had been doubting himself up until now. The fact that someone wanted him to succeed even though she didn't know him, and even with his disability, she seemed to believe in him. That was perhaps the one thing he needed this whole time. Someone to believe in him. To give him the confidence that he needed. To know that his mission wasn't going to be in vain. He held out hope that Iskra would be the one to say those words, but as it stood well...he shook his head a little. No, he couldn't think about her right now.

When Riva mentioned that he would be stuck with her, he chuckled. "Feel free to stay as long as you want, I'm sure those two are more than happy to hear there's a fresh face to talk to." He smiled, glad too that she would stick around, even if it was just for a short while. It had been a pretty long time since he had been around someone new, especially someone who seemed so upbeat and positive. His own family were either not around much, or still stewing in everything that had happened, much like he was. "Thank you, by the way. I'm starting to feel better already with...was that aloe you used?" He wasn't quite sure, but it smelled like it.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
07-22-2018, 04:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2018, 04:24 PM by Riva.)

She glanced at the two Felidae as Dragon returned her attention to them with a flick of his ears and nod of his head. She had almost forgotten about the two interesting characters that followed him, in the wake of her curiosity. She grinned sheepishly at herself, and nodded her own head towards the Jaguars, in acknowledgement that they might be able to help her. She had already been having a hell of a time trying to find herbs in the snow, and no doubt she would have had trouble with the honey as well - she was having that kind of luck.

“That would be greatly appreciated.”
She explained, and then let an impish smile flick across her features. “So which one of you gets to distract the bees?” she teased, but they could tackle the job of subduing the occupants of the hive when they got to it. As a healer she knew there was a couple ways to accomplish what she wanted.

“Thank you, Dragon” she was a loner and a traveller, and didn’t spend much time in the company of the same wolf. Yet, she felt like she was going to enjoy the time she spent with this noble wolf. Who knows, perhaps one day his pack would even need someone to train its healers. She had always wanted an apprentice, but she was still too young, too caught up in her own learning to take one on. Still, it was one of those one day things she greatly looked forward to. “You have a good nose, it was indeed. I’ve covered it with lambs ear so it shouldn’t rub off too easily, but try to avoid rubbing your eyes for the rest of the day.” she shrugged, through he couldn’t see it. “Here, being blind is an advantage, or you would be walking around like a tipsy wolf about now with your vision covered.” she siddled up next to him and gave him a nudge against his shoulders. “so what’s the plan now, Dragon? Did you have a den around here? Did you want to catch a bite? Through i have to warn you i’m a crap hunter in the snow.” it was her first winter season as an adult after all




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-23-2018, 04:22 PM

The earthen male grinned at Riva's enthusiasm and appreciation for the offer of help. His head turned skyward, ears tilting towards where his companions were as he wondered who would dare take up the task of infiltrating the hive. He didn't have to wait long before Shiva piped up, "Oh, I'm sure Kimahri is willing. After all, he's big and strong. You're not afraid of a few bees, right Kimahri?" She purred, teasing her partner. For a moment, Kimahri sat with stunned silence before rolling his shoulders and leaping down to the ground near the two wolves. "Me? Afraid? I like a challenge! Just tell me when and where! Those bees won't know what's coming." He grinned. Dragon chuckled, returning his attention towards Riva again. "There you have it," He was surprised Kimahri was willing, though he wondered if he would back out at the last second or regret it later once a swarm of angry bees were after him!

She thanks him and explained to him what was on his face, ordering him not to rub it for the rest of the day. He supposed that was doable. Although he didn't know her very well, he was sure that she would knock him upside the head if he ended up messing up the work she had done. Luckily for him, he was often too focused on where he was going that he would probably not even notice the stuff on his face, especially since the aloe soothed the irritation. "No need to worry about that, I think I've reached expert level blind wolf by this point." He winked at her, tail wagging a bit.

He couldn't help but startle just a small bit when she touched his shoulder, though his reaction wasn't very noticeable, if at all. He hadn't expected any contact beyond her plastering plants on his face, but he also didn't mind the touch either. She asked what his plan was now, and it got him thinking. "I do have a den nearby. Several, actually. Figured it would be a good idea since we're here a lot." He half turned to head in that direction, but then thought better of it. "Y'know, I'd like to repay you for helping me. Kimahri and I can go hunt something, and Shiva can take you to where the dens are, or help you look for herbs while we're gone. Whichever you choose."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
07-23-2018, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2018, 08:26 PM by Riva.)

She wasn’t surprised at the banter between the Felidae, in the short time she had known them she understood their dry humour as being not too dissimilar to her own. The darker male sat in surprised silence for a time, before making a closer entrance to the two wolves. He puffed himself up, rising to a challenge without fear, and she couldn’t help but shake her head and chuckle softly. Something about the personality of those two made her feel as though she had known them for years, rather then the few moments it had really been. There was fondness in her gaze as she looked at the posturing cat. Did he understand what enticing bees would really entail? Because no amount of postering was going to faze a swarm of angry stingers.

She looked back at Dragon as he spoke of his ability to move about as a blind wolf “I’m not surprised.” it was astonishing what people could live with and adapt to when they had to. Blindness sounded like a terrible hurdle, impossible to overcome, yet here was Dragon, fearless and certain, with an Alpha’s strength in his posture and his lifeless eyes.

She felt him startle at his touch, and gave him a bit of room, surprised that she had managed to startle him, through she supposed there was enough happening around him that it shouldn’t have been as unexpected. The cats were moving, and Dragon was already speaking of how they should proceed. He admitted to having dens near by, clearly he lived around here, unlike the wandering healer. “Thank you for that” the healer said graciously. “If you know of any herbs near the dens we could head to the den first and then branch outwards from there once more?” she suggested, at least that way the healer would know where they were situated and could return at will. She tightened the ribbon about her paw with her teeth, ensuring nothing would rub lose, the only preparations she needed to make before she could leave.




10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-25-2018, 04:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2018, 04:40 AM by Dragon.)

Though he couldn't see her reaction to his small startle, he could hear the snow crunch beneath her paws just a bit and he felt bad. There was a lot going on, he knew. But he couldn't help it. The last person that had touched his shoulder that way had been Iskra, so he felt stupid for reacting that way. He cleared his through, dismissing the thought almost immediately before smiling at her. "Of course! If I remember correctly, I know there is definitely some mint growing just inside one of the dens. Not sure how useful that is but, my mother put it there. It was one of her late friends favorite herbs." He was referring to Arian, someone he knew always held a special place in his mother's heart. Though she didn't speak of her much anymore, something Dragon could understand.

He turned and began to head in the direction of the dens, Kimahri following behind. Eventually, Shiva joined them, walking alongside Kimahri and he could hear the two bantering back and forth about who was the better candidate to deal with Riva's bees. Dragon couldn't help but smile at the silliness, but he was glad that they were taking the opportunity to relax for once. "I know it's hard to find herbs during the winter, but I'm sure you'll be pleased to know we do have a small collection thriving around here where the snow isn't so thick." He would inform Riva as he led her away to the dens.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.