


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-24-2018, 04:15 PM

It had been quite a while since he had been within the borders of Ruina. He had gone in search of the woman he had met some time ago, Baine. He had become quite infatuated with her when they had first met, and he couldn't shake her from his mind. He had managed to track her down, however, and was leading her to Ruina. Last time they met, he hadn't immediately brought her here because Ruina had not yet existed. But now that it stood, he figured this was the best time. The Titan walked with careful steps towards the mountain, crimson gaze on the lookout for his brother. He hadn't personally been around Elias for a couple of weeks, but he doubted his absence was missed too much. And if it was, well...he had the excuse of conducting pack business. That is, bringing home a new recruit into the ranks.

Upon reaching the borders of the pack, Ace paused for a moment. He wasn't entirely sure why he had asked her to come with him, though one thing was for sure. He did see potential in her, and he'd help her find it. Perhaps there was something more deep down, but he did his best to try and suppress it. Finally, after shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he tilted his head back and called for his brother. It was time for Elias to meet the moon child. It was chilly this evening, but still, the mountain gave enough heat to keep them from freezing over the winter. After finishing his summons, he sat and waited. Waiting for both of them to approach. No doubt Baine would be nervous, but he would reassure her if need be.




6 Years
Extra large

07-01-2018, 07:20 AM

The call of his brother brought summoned him near immediately. In moments, he appeared before him at the borders of their lands with his chest heaving and his eyes wide. It'd been some time since he'd seen Ace, and after everything.. it would be a lie to say there wasn't some part of him that feared never seeing his brother again. They had spent a lot of their lives apart from one another, but hearing him call gave Elias an intense feeling of relief.

He stopped and read his brother's body language and immediately, the overwhelming scent of the woman that lingered on him began to fill in the blanks for Elias. He was piecing things together, assuming that this woman was the reason for Ace's absence.. and that honestly made Elias feel.. good. He had his love, and whether or not this woman was in Ace's heart in the same was Zuriel was in his own, Elias was pleased to find his brother in good social health. He waited for an explanation before jumping the gun, but the slight grin on his face was a little hard to hide. "Good to see you back, brother."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Athena I
08-17-2018, 05:40 PM

It wasn't like her to do something so unexpected and unusual. She liked to think that she was pretty logical in her decisions and very much a creature of habit, but the more she thought about it the more she wondered if that was exactly what had been causing her so much trouble. She needed to do something... different. She didn't know if this was the right kind of different, but it felt right somehow. She followed along behind Acere as he led the way back to his pack. For most of the journey she was fairly quiet, but her mind was swirling with all kinds of thoughts and questions. She really hadn't even asked what this pack was like. She blindly accepted Acere's offer and she only hoped that her instincts were leading her to the right place.

She gave herself a quick shake as Acere called for his brother to make sure her pale fur wasn't a mess. The necklace she was wearing settled back down against her chest and she stepped up to stand next to him. It only took a few moments for a darker colored man with even more scars than her new friend to appear. The first thing she noticed as she sniffed for his scent was the obvious connection between him and Acere. There was no doubt that this was his brother, but if there had been then that would have eliminated any doubt. The strange thing she noticed though... It had been years since she had seen her older sister, but she would never forget her scent. She tried to keep the shock and surprise off her face, but she wasn't sure how successful she was.

"Zuriel's here?" she asked, her gaze darting from Acere to the man that she hadn't even introduced herself to yet. She was so surprised she didn't really even know what to say. "I thought... How did..." Her brain finally accepted that she might be reunited with her sister she smiled at the alpha and dipped her head respectfully. "I'm sorry, I was just so surprised... I'm Báine Adravendi. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Talk" "You" Think


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-18-2018, 01:06 AM

He side-eyed her as she sought to make herself presentable. Cute. He found himself grinning slightly, and wondered what his brother would think. It didn't take long for Elias his show up, and Ace could tell immediately that his brother had gotten there as fast as his feet could carry him. The single short sentence that fell from his brother's lips made him feel a bit bad, but Elias would understand, right? "Good to be back, sorry for taking off without a word...I'll explain later, there's someone I want you to meet." Head turned slightly to look at Báine for a moment, and he noticed the look on her face. Brow points pulled together for a moment in confusion of his own as he saw the momentary look of shock and surprise on her face. A moment later, she spoke.

"Zuriel's here?" He blinked for a moment, still slightly confused as if his brain was taking its time to comprehend what was going on. When she looked between him and Elias, and then seemed to fumble for words, the realization hit. It was his turn to shoot a look at his brother, as well as piece this together. He knew all about Zuriel, and Ace hadn't even registered that the two women might be related until now. What were the odds of that? He and his brother had fallen for two that was interesting. Báine seemed able to put away her surprise for a moment to introduce herself, and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Honestly, I'm surprised too. It didn't even register that my brothers mate and you might be related till now, but yes, she's here." He straightened out then and focused on his brother for a moment. "Sorry for being gone so long, I wanted to bring her here..." He leaned in closer to his brother's ear, "There's a story to this I'm sure you'll want to hear." He stood back again, wondering how this whole thing would go since he was sure she realized who his brother was...and maybe what he had done to Zuriel based on her initial reaction.




6 Years
Extra large

08-18-2018, 01:35 AM

He thought nothing of Ace bringing a guest until she seemed to be stunned by the idea of her sister being here. Elias paused for a moment and simply watched her, wondering what would come next. The idea of running into more of the Adravendis was always something that brought a chill to Elias. He never knew which ones wanted to kill him and which were understanding. For the most part during this little exchange, Elias' eyes remained on the woman he was uncertain about while he listened to his brother come close in a hushed tone.

Red gaze caught his brother's when Ace pulled away from him, reading for intensity so that he might know what this meant to Ace. Elias' curiosity was getting the better of him, and his eyes trailed back to Baine once again. If Ace was whispering, this was likely something that they needed to discuss privately. For now, his attention was refocused.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Baine Adravendi. I am Elias Praetor, Apollyon of Ruina." He turned to his brother, neutral expression only slightly broken by a smile that somehow didn't seem to make him appear any less dead.

"Zuriel is my mate, The Demon Mother. How are you related to her?" His tone was curious as he lowered his crown just slightly, interest taking over him as he waited. If she didn't know Zuriel was here, he assumed she was here for Acere alone.. and that spoke to Elias on their connection. Zuriel left a home already full of family for the sake of love and to start her own family. Perhaps Baine and Acere were not far from the same goals.

For now, his full attention was left on their guest until her intentions for being on the pack territory were made known, though he couldn't help but hope already that she was here to stay. She appeared so pure it brought an ethereal feeling to the air around him when he looked at her, like he was staring at an angel among demons.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Athena I
08-18-2018, 06:07 AM

Baine glanced toward Acere as he stepped forward a bit to whisper something to his brother, making her curious as to what he said. She didn't question it though. Instead she refocused on the man in front of her as he introduced himself as Elias and questioned how she was related to Zuriel. She wondered to herself if Zuriel ever spoke of her family, of her and her siblings, or if she had tried to escape them all completely. Maybe Baine coming here would ruin some kind of plan Zuriel had or maybe Baine was just over thinking it all. At the same time... Wasn't that basically what Baine was doing? Escaping her family?

"Zuriel is my older sister. I haven't seen her in years... Not since she left to be in Faite's pack. I hardly ever left Celestial so I never made it over to Lirim to visit... But I don't want to be there any more. I wanted to leave and do something for myself and Acere said I should come here." She glanced toward the pale man at her side with a slight smile. She really didn't know much about him or his family still. All she knew was that she liked the feeling she had in her gut when she looked at him. The fact that Zuriel was here as well felt like she was truly meant to be here. Fate brought her here for some reason... she just didn't know what yet.

Her light pink gaze turned back toward Elias, the rounded stone resting in her fur rolling gently with the movement of her head. "I'd like to join your pack... if you'll have me. I can't say I'm a fighter, but I'm a strong runner and I can hold my own in a hunt. The position I had in Celestial was more like a messenger and a diplomat than anything so running and conversation were the skills I worked on the most, but I'm willing to work hard on whatever needs to be done." She tried to hold herself with a bit of pride as she spoke, not wanting to appear small or weak next to these seemingly tough,giant men. She just hoped that was enough to convince Elias. She would turn around and go back to Celestial if she had to, but she hoped she didn't. She was too curious about Acere and too excited to see Zuriel to give up easily.

"Talk" "You" Think