



3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
06-30-2018, 07:58 PM
It had started with a simple stomachache and at first… and had grown into Priscilla throwing up and then later dry heaving as anxiety gripped her. She had grown feverish, heading back to the den as other members of her family had left for the meeting. Little did the girl know the blah feelings she’d been having was also a sickness setting in. Not even talking with her uncle, finding out that things weren’t her fault, could have saved her from the flu-like illness that had set in. She wasn’t sure why, but she was feeling progressively worse as she kept curled up in the den.

The meeting was probably over… but Priscilla still didn't move. She didn’t want to call for anyone… they were probably discussing whatever had happened there. She felt guilty for not going… but her body was too hot, her mind feeling like it was swimming with fog. The child whimpered, curling tighter into a ball in the darkness. ‘Why… why do I feel so bad…?’ Priscilla wondered, sniffling. Her nose was getting stuffy too, making it harder to breathe. Was her uncle going to be mad at her for not going?

A cough escaped Priscilla next. Though it was cold outside she felt like she was burning up… Priscilla curled towards the wall of the den, hoping that the cooler earth might help ease the heat running through her body.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
07-01-2018, 10:30 AM

He had left the meeting. And after the meeting, Frost had followed him. Though Zell was at the point where he just didn't care, so after that he altered his course to avoid anyone else trying to follow him. He had been in an incredibly bad mood for a long time, and he mostly blamed Faite for it. She left him alone with kids who didn't seem to appreciate him, and he in fact, felt like they hated him. Or at least...felt like Torin hated him. His more serious minded son seemed to prefer to stick up for some brat that wasn't even related to them, only taken in by Faite out of pity. It had irritated him to no end, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. While some (if not all) of his kids accepted her, Zell didn't have to. Family was a special thing to him. His kids didn't know what had happened to his family, and they likely never would.

He was passing by when the sound of coughing and sniffling pulled him from his thoughts, the male pausing for a moment to listen. Everyone else was at the meeting so who...? Wait, wasn't one of that rainbow brats kids not at the meeting? He didn't know the name of the pup, didn't particularly ever care to learn their names, and despite his very strong dislike for Jewell, he didn't have anything against the pups. They didn't have to pay for Jewell's incompetence. And despite the girls failed attempt at threatening him to stay away from her kids, why the fuck would he listen when something was clearly wrong?

Groaning, he almost decided against checking on whoever it was and just going on his way. For all he knew, that brat would try to get Torin to punish him. But ultimately, Zell didn't care. If Torin wanted to listen to Jewell's every command, so be it. This kid obviously didn't sound well, and Zell's parental instinct was kicking in. Ignoring the thoughts against it, he approached the den and peered in. He could smell the girl, but in her scent was that of an oncoming fever. Well, that's not good.... "Hey kid, you alright?" Obviously she wasn't, but he figured he should ask anyway.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
07-01-2018, 10:42 PM
Priscilla had been absent from the meeting and jewell couldn't truly blame her. Meetings were boring to pups and on top of it all it meant they'd have to be in proximity to Zell for a moment. She had left and told her sons and naeva to go follow Torin, who likely wouldn't mind the company of his nephews and nieces. She had some traps to check and it was easier without three rambunctious children in tow. She had been quick to tell torin she would make her checks fast and head for her den where he could drop them off. She had just finished and had a fat hare as a prize for her children when she was stopped by a scent too close to her den. Zell. He was stooping so low now as to seek her out? As to completely ignore that he wasn't wanted near her children. Had her warning not been enough?

She picked up her place towards her den. A bark for Torin and Frostbite was released. She didn't care anymore. As she came into her dens clearing she was treated with the sight of the Male sticking his fat head in her den and she released a snarl. She could smell fresh clues that Priscilla was inside. Memories of her own encounter with males around her children's age played on fast forward. Zell was singling himself out now. He held no sympathy, no compassion, was always bullying her, and worst of all his temper was foul, in her mind he was becoming the next reason for her to fear even her own home. He may as well of labeled himself as a rapist with how he acted towards her. She may of been having a bad day with her trauma or just over reacting but now there was a target on his back.

He obviously hadn't taken her warning serious enough. It was Damn time she proved that she could bite as well as submit. Her hackles bristled and her eyes narrowed. He had one chance to leave or she was going to show him exactly why he should of listened in the first place and stayed away. She didn't care if she got banished or not she would not let him stay near her children. "Leave now Zell!" her tail bristled and waved back and forth with her agression. Her ears pinned and she spread her paws to balance herself. Even with as little experience as she had she would defend her children with her life. She doubted a dominance fight would prove to him the severity of her warnings, no shed have to risk her life in more ways than one.

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



8 Years
07-01-2018, 11:36 PM
The healer was still thin, there was still the ball of anxiety that stayed lodged in her throat when she left her den, but Star couldn't let that hold her back anymore. She had taken enough personal time, and now she had to give back the time she had missed with her packmates. Star made a new routine for herself, one that involved snuggling tight to Frostbite's side in the early morning before the sun rose. She would bury her face in the thickness of his ruff and breathe slow and deep, just to keep the scent of him in her nose a bit longer. For a while, she would stay this way, until the sun rose and spilled morning light into her east-facing den or until Frost woke up and had to begin his duties for the day. From the top of her den, which was dug into a hill that housed a weeping willow tree, Star would listen as birds heralded spring and watch as fish began to hit the surface of the steaming water that made up the pond behind her home.

Once she felt a bit of peace settle over her, and she could recover from the wretched nightmares that plagued her, Star set out to check up on everyone. As she came near Jewell's den site, Star tilted her head at the angry voice she heard within. Standing away from the entrance, Star peered inside to see Zell, Jewell, and Jewell's sick daughter inside. "Uh, you guys okay in there?" This was not the kind of situation Star needed to be in right now, she really couldn't handle any hostility, especially between pack members. There was a sick child involved, and Star wouldn't sentence a child to suffer because of her anxiety, she couldn't.

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!