
It's called being Wired Differently



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-07-2018, 07:50 PM

It was getting harder and harder for her to breathe in the den at night. The others were growing in a rapid state while she so far remained smaller and a bit more fragile looking. Little did she know she was just a late bloomer and in reality her adult height would not be that much smaller. Aside from that she felt smothered as less and less space to herself was available. It was frustrating and aggravating to her. All she wanted was a corner to herself and a lot of distance between herself and anyone else. Her sleeping habits were beginning to change as she desperately sought the comfort of space from the others. She had started sleeping during the day when the rest were outside, then at night she was wide awake. This didn't help her to much because a new found frustration was beginning to bloom.

Boredom. Something else she absolutely could not stand was not having something to do. But everyone else seemed to be asleep and the warnings that Drakan had given her still rang through her mind. So the only thing she could do was try to find something to do while sticking close to the mouth of the den. There was vary little life to explore, bugs mostly but they grew boring rather quickly. She had the deepest desire to learn and so far no way to fulfill it, you can imagine how irritable it would make a young wolf. It had even made her a bit destructive (Minor destruction that would easily go unnoticed). Like the bugs around the den, she would play and toy with them, study them, and when she grew bored would destroy them. They were creatures, but without seeing the bigger picture, she had little opportunity to see what the bugs actually did in the world.

She sighed flopping down in a frustrated heap. This was going to be another long and boring night if she couldn't find anything to do. Her duel toned eyes looked around, for any other sign of life.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



6 Years
Extra large

07-08-2018, 05:04 PM

With his days dedicated to watching over his children and his nights dedicated to the safety of the territory, that left very little time for Elias himself to sleep. He generally slept in the afternoon, rising with the moon. By the time the Imps were awake, Elias had already finished his duties and was ready to dedicate his time to them. However, the snow and scarcity of prey up in the mountains had made it by far more difficult for him to properly dedicate his time to them than he expected.

He had noticed Actaea sleeping through the days, and while they were not training he didn't mind- but he had made it a point tonight to correct this behavior of hers if he could. Each of them were now beginning to show their own individuality and that pleased him, though he hoped to acknowledge Actaea's differences before she grew to resent him because of them. He found the purple mass at the entrance of the den like always, her curious eyes peering out with a burning need for something stimulating like how a fire craved oxygen.

"Actaea," he said in a hushed tone to not wake the rest sleeping in the den. The wind wasn't whipping through the mountains tonight like most nights, which made it possible for him to invite her out without too much worry for her safety.

"Care to go on a walk with me? I must secure the perimeter, I could use an extra set of eyes if you feel like you can keep them open." He grinned, knowing fully well that she could indeed keep them open. Those curious eyes weren't going to miss a thing on their little outting.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-08-2018, 08:51 PM

She shifted in her spot with a heavy sigh right before the hushed baritones of her father called her name. Eyes and head shot towards him, her first instinct was that she was in trouble. Though when her eyes landed on his form, his body language spoke differently. Standing she obediently approached him before he continued on with speaking. Her eyes lit up with his words, her tail wagging (which was rare). He was inviting her to join him, to explore at night, and most importantly have one on one time with him. It was enough to make her stone face light up with delight.

"Of course I can," she stated as her features twisted into a small smirk.

This also meant that tonight she wouldn't be bored. Her mind swirled with what she would see and anxiously waited for her father to lead the way. Once he began to move she kicked up her heels and fallowed along side him. She kept one ear pined on his movements while her eyes and her other ear taking in the world around them as they moved away from the den. Sure she got to explore some during the day, when she hadn't been sleeping, but the night time was a whole different ball game. Different animals, different bugs, different life all together. Her eyes darted around wanting to take as much in as she could as they moved.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



6 Years
Extra large

07-09-2018, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 02:29 AM by Elias.)

She seemed to light up almost immediately, not even allowing for his words to come to a complete end before he began to witness that little tail of hers slowly wag. The sight of her usually distant expressions transforming into something so interested simply made him bubble over with a warm sense of pride. He chuckled, unable to suppress his own excitement to share this night with her and turned right back around, waiting to escort her down back down the mountain that he'd come from.

Once she was trotting next to him, he made sure to keep his long limbs calm at a leisurely pace, not wanting to make it too difficult for her to keep up with him. He didn't want her rushing and slipping on ice, having young children this high up in the mountains was anxiety in itself... though he appreciated the secure feeling of being able to see an army coming from a mile away. The thought of war was not somewhere he wanted his mind to drift too, so instead his ruby gaze found the pup on his right side and his inky lips curved a smile.

The sound of a wild turkey somewhere below them calling for its mate made him pause, both in thought and physically as he stood there in the packed down snow that made up the pathway up to their kingdom. He looked to his daughter, wondering if she recognized this call or if it would frighten her now that they were out of view of the den.

"That sounds close," he mused.

"What is it?" He knew, as turkeys and mountain goats were common snacks for him up here in these mountains.. but did she? He had other matters on his mind, but for now.. he was enjoying life and the tiny pleasures that it offered, for the time being. Addressing her sleeping schedule could wait.. for now.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
08-10-2018, 08:28 PM

She kept up with him, all her pent up energy keeping her little body buzzing to keep going. She thought she was doing a fine job, even if Elias had made sure to keep his pace more slower then normal so it was easier for her. She attempted to keep an eye on her path while taking in as much of the surroundings as she could, her eyes remained bright, but her body had relaxed as she moved. She was grateful to have some alone time with her father, thankful there was no others pushing and vying for his complete attention. Surely this night would forever be in her memory as one of the more happiest times of her life.

The call of the turkey was noticed by her. Like she had some weird connection with her father's movements she paused the same exact time he did. Eyes staring into the darkness, her ears erect and forward, towards the sound. Little nostrils flared as they took in the scents around them and her scrawny tail straight out behind her. All her focus was on the area that the call came from. She wasn't frightened of the call, no she was alert from the call. She was curious about it, but she knew there was dangers around the mountain they lived. She didn't glue herself to her father like a pup normally would, but stood alert while trying to decide where the creature was moving, if at all.

Her left ears swiveled towards her father as he spoke and she nodded in agreement that it was close. He then asked her what it was and the gears in her mind began to turn. A small gust of wind blew up their direction and she greedily sniffed it. Though her nose was no where near as developed as an adults, the fact that the bird was close she could smell it. She remembered that smell, one of the more frequent meals her father would bring for them. A creature with feathers, colorful feathers. Narrowing her eyes she dug into her memories until she came to that one day where he had told them what it was. A fire lit in her eyes before her gaze lifted to his eyes.

"Turkey" she said confidently, remembering the smell and fitting it with the smell on the wind.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



6 Years
Extra large

08-13-2018, 12:15 PM

As she studied the air and did her best to utilize her senses and sate her curiosity as best she could about the call, Elias watched with a soft smile occupying his lips. His red gaze never left her, it was as though he couldn't look away as he watched the little gears in her mind turning. She was so smart, Elias could tell.. she reminded him so much of Eliana that it pained him to know Eliana would likely never meet her.

He wasn't prepared for the overflowing sense of pride and joy that those words brought him. He didn't expect to have his own heart pulled from his chest as she correctly answered him. Yes, she was learning their land. She didn't even need a hint. To watch a struggling, crying infant who needed so much help and care grow into an individual full of their own wonderous capabilities was a journey Elias was wholeheartedly enjoying.

He grinned and gave her a nod, containing himself for the most part though it was obvious he was very proud by that grin on his maw. Yes, it was a turkey. He hushed her gently afterward and began moving to the coverage of the foliage that made up the distance between them and that call. He masked himself in the shadows of the pines and crouched his tall height lower to the ground. He moved slow and on carefully placed steps so that he wouldn't make a noise, though he was mindful of Actaea and never strayed too far away from her. She was always on his radar, and he would get her as close as possible.

He felt like it was important for them to understand where their food came from, he did. Souls were their strength and everything on this earth had one, including the food that they devoured. He remembered as a kid that discovering animals alive that had already been delivered to him dead was the craziest realization, and for that reason, he stalked the sound of the turkeys until they were in sight.

Through the branches of pines, he watched them move in a small flock of four. He looked behind him for Actaea and motioned her forward with his nose, moving aside so she could fit there with him within the tree. He knew it wouldn't be long before they caught their scent, but he wanted to show her the family even if it meant risking missing out on a free meal. Once she was able to watch and study them for a while, he smiled and whispered for her to wait there in the coverage of the tree.

He crept out of the bushes and into the moonlight, the turkeys were finally starting to realize that the wolves who lived on these lands were giving them attention. Two took off immediately, though the biggest of them all seemed set on making sure the rest got out alive. Elias made quick work of taking the turkey down, a single lunge bringing him to the neck of the bird as it would attempt to run from him. One quick shake, a few flying feathers, and the thing was dead.. the other three already gone and out of view. Elias immediately looked up from the kill toward the tree where he left Actaea. He couldn't see her from here, she was completely hidden but he knew she was waiting there for him like he instructed. He gave her a nod and waited for her to come forward.

"This soul has now been claimed for Ruina, may the Cerberus find him now and deliver him home so that he may no longer be lost." He moved aside to let her fully inspect the turkey if she wanted. It was mostly unscathed, giving her the perfect opportunity to see one up close and unmutilated.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-09-2018, 06:12 PM

Her father had not corrected her assuring her that she was in fact correct even though her mind had already felt that way. Instead the large man hushed her gently, bringing her attention back to him. Her eyes looked up to him wondering what was their next move. The grin on his maw made a smile peel back her dark lips happy to see such a joyful expression from her father. Her father quietly moved forward and for a moment she watched him. Then she quietly fallowed suit, mimicking the best she could. Her father was being as quiet as she could, meant that she should do the same. Keeping herself from stepping on anything noisy and fallowing her father as he led the way.

She kept herself alert to her surroundings and stuck close to her father as the moved. It seemed like it had taken forever for them to move until her father stopped. She could hear the turkey's growing closer and closer as they advanced. It made her heart race in energy, but she had to remain focused. When her father did stop, so did she, looking to him. It took a brief moment before he motioned for her to come up beside him. Quietly the young female did so and peered through the pine at the living creatures not far from them. Her eyes widened a bit as she stared and studied the creatures. Watching as they moved, their body language, and their behavior. It was vary strange to see them moving around especially when she normally saw their lifeless forms.

He then told her to wait once again and she quietly nodded her head and watched him go. She watched as her father hunt, the power behind his muscles. Taking the whole scene in gave her a bit of a rush at every action spot. It didn't take her father long to bring down one of the turkey's and her tail wagged and a smile formed on her lips again. She waited until he gave the quiet nod before heading down to her father and the freshly killed bird. Her father's words drew her gaze to him. They hadn't had a religious session yet so she was curious what he had meant. Looking down to the bird for a moment before looking back up at her father.

"How does Cerberus find him?" she asked.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them