
It's all your fault!



3 Years
07-18-2018, 10:12 AM
Also mature for literally every reason, set directly after the thread with Levi

Ava was being driven crazy, she and had finally, finally gotten what she'd wanted from Levi and there was a sort of giddy madness to know there was the potential of life dwelling within her now but under it all was the quiet seething rage she'd been nurturing for what felt like her whole life and it was that madness and the anger that drove her now, merely hours after the deed had been done with her brother she was tracking down the man who'd started it all, the man who'd fucked everything up.

She tracked him, sniffing him out. She couldn't see him but as she drew up before the old den the pups had lived in before he'd been selfish, as always, and dragged them halfway across the continent only to turn them around, she could pick out is scent strong and fresh. A growl pulled from her lips and the woman's voice rang clear and loud over the stones. "Get your ass out here old man!" She didn't have the patience to play around tonight, she wanted nothing more than to slip into the blissful sleep of knowing she and Levi were finally going to have a family of their own but there was something, she just had to do first.

"Devil in me"

Leviathan or "Levi" as Mammon's brother and lover is welcome to crash all her threads regardless of tag rating.[Image: GMZH5Ns.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
07-18-2018, 06:36 PM
He had been quietly living in the north now for a few seasons. Dom had joined him here, after having found him near Sathanus's den picking at a meal. He hadn't had an appetite. Not since he had last seen his brother, Gabriel. Gabe had not been as Sam would of thought, he had destroyed their relationship by destroying Abba.

He knew he didn't look his greatest, he was lossing weight and battling his own personal hell. The sound of Mammon yelling brought him from his light slumber. His eyes cut to Dom for a second then he stood and moved out before Mammon got any louder or decided to come wake him up. As he emerged he moved towards Mammon, her scent reeked of sex and heat. "Come on Dom's sleeping in there, if your going to yell at me too then at least don't wake Dom..... Please." His eyes were sallow and he didn't even go to nudge her as he might of in the past. The only child he knew that didn't hate him anymore was Dom.

He moved past Mammon slowly and toward the deeper part of the mountains. He was leading her away towards the last kill that him and dom had made. As he emerged upon it he eyed it for a second before flopping down next to it. It had been picked at by him and Dom had obviously had enough to fill her up. He looked at Mammon then,"Alright, go ahead....." He let out a sigh, preparing for the onslaught to come. He knew she likely wanted to chew him out with the way she had greeted him. He missed the days when his children actually loved him.

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.