



7 Years
08-03-2018, 09:36 AM
Everything felt numb, like she no longer had a body, like she was floating on air with no contact to the ground. She could hear the birds chattering from above, but the sound wasn’t normal, it was drowned out like the birds were miles away. Had she died? Was she dyeing? Is this the heaven some wolves spoke of? Eyes fluttered open to look at the canopy above her, trying to figure out where in the world she was and if she was in fact dead. Everything was blurry and she couldn’t make out what things wereShe didn’t know Typhon had rescued her, had drug her all the way here, and that she was being treated by the healers in the pack.

Then all at once her pain clicked with her body and within minutes the numbness was gone. She squeezed her eyes shut as her head throbbed in protest. She pulled herself into a ball with a groan of pain. Everything was sore, tense, bruised, and battered between being beaten against the side of the canyon and drug all the way here. She kept her eyes squeezed shut, trying to shut out the noise of the world around her. Everything sounded so loud compared to a few moments ago and it was making her head hurt even worse. Lifting her left front paw she covered her face with it and just laid there while waiting for her headache to calm down. She defiantly was not dead, but she didn’t know where she was and how she had managed to survive against all that water. Then as her headache began to settle a bit her mind was able to think.

Her heart ached not knowing what had happened to the others, what had become of the rest of the pack. She sighed lightly and just laid curled up, her eyes opening here and there as the headache continued to settle, a sinking feeling in her gut as she worried about the others



7 Years
08-06-2018, 07:13 AM

Typhon wasn't quite sure how he'd ended up in this role. Savior. The word didn't describe him very well, and yet here he was, preparing to explain to Zinnia what had happened and how he had saved her. It made him sound selfless, something that he wasn't sure settled well with him. He would've chosen family over her in a heartbeat, but nobody else had been in need of saving - at least that he had seen - and letting a loyal follower to the Abraxas family die hadn't seemed very ideal, either. Somehow he had managed to drag her here, over the relatively vast expanse of land that lay between the two packs, and though she was not in perfect condition.. well, she was still alive, and expected to recover, and that was all that mattered.

He hadn't been here long, and hadn't had time to dig up a makeshift den yet, but the old cathedral made a decent place to let Zinnia rest as she came back to consciousness. Occasionally he'd check on her, making sure she was still breathing... but anything beyond that he left to the healers of the Empire, since he knew nothing of that craft. Inadvertently he'd found himself actually giving a shit about this woman, hoping she pulled through and waiting anxiously for when she finally awoke.

Luckily, he happened to be nearby when began to stir. Ears flicked, bringing himself to head in her direction, navigating around one of the many crumbling castle walls.  "Zinnia?" He asked gently, unsure of the state she might be in. He took a few steps toward her, head lowered to the ground.  "How.. are you feeling?" Sore, most likely, but he hoped she suffered no.. permanent damage from her injuries.

© argent 2017



7 Years
08-19-2018, 08:29 PM

His gentle voice called her name and that sinking feeling turned to butterflies. She instantly was able to recognize Typhon's voice and was so relieved that she wasn't alone. She didn't understand why or how, but she was just instantly relieved. Maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her? Her eyes opened once more and she lightly uncurled herself, enough to pick her head up and look around. Soon her eyes landed on him and she felt a full wave of relief. Tail gently wagged in greeting to him as he asked how she was feeling.

"Stiff, sore, and a headache, but nothing unbearable," she said with a smile.

What had happened? Was the whole pack safe and she was the only one banged up? Or was it just her and Typhon that had made it out. She didn't think she had anything broken nor any lasting damage. He didn't seem to have any visible injuries himself so hopefully that meant everyone else was okay.

"Is everyone else okay?" she asked.

She couldn't help but ask, she was worried about the rest of the pack. She was hoping that she had been the only one injured. She remembered being swept into the water and up until she was knocked out, but after that she didn't know and she wanted to know.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



7 Years
09-10-2018, 05:20 PM

Though you'd be hard-pressed to find Typhon calling the strange fluttering feeling in his stomach that he felt so often upon seeing Zinnia butterflies, he definitely could acknowledge - at least to himself - that the female sparked something unfamiliar within him. Something that nobody else had, at least this far in his life. Rather than think too deeply on it, he'd simply take each moment the best he could; and right now, he was simply happy that she was recovering, and very much alive. The male mirrored her own slight smile, nodding in acknowledgement of her words. She was doing better - that was good. Sore, but that wasn't permanent, and he had no doubt she could power through that.

"That's good to hear," he said, his voice betraying the relief he felt at that fact. The outcome had been a good one - he doubted many who lived through such an ordeal could say the same. Typhon fully believed the gods had been watching over them all that day, and Zinnia surviving was proof that she belonged here, with the Abraxas family, and as a friend to him. He hadn't fully been anticipated her question, so he looked briefly caught off-guard, though found himself nodding hesitantly. "Only some have been found," he told her, his voice forlorn. "Besides us... Ashiel is here, and so are two of Razi's children." He'd rather focus on the survivors than on the ones that might not have made it.. including his own brother. The thought didn't settle well with him, though he hoped dearly that Phenex - and the others, for that matter - were merely recovering on their own time. He found himself frowning slightly, hoping the news wasn't too hard for her to bear, given how she had nearly looked death in its face herself. "Malleus has put a lot of importance on scouting those lands and looking for survivors, so I can only hope..." His voice trailed off, brows furrowing as he tried not to let his emotions get the best of him.

© argent 2017



7 Years
09-18-2018, 08:12 PM

Her heart dropped at his statement, it was a harsh reality of what had truly happened. Not everyone had been found, in fact there was only a few. It made her mind wonder if the rest were alive and just lost? Or the fallen god forbid were they dead. She was glad to hear that at least the children were safe and sound, but she couldn't imagine how they were taking things. How they were making out without their mother. She had no doubt the family would take good care of them, but she knew there had to be some emotional scarring from being separated from your mother.

Her teal eyes looked to him as she held back the frantic thoughts running through her mind. They had to have faith. If someone like herself had survived then their god must have saved the rest of them. He spoke of Malleus being focused on scouting the territory for the rest of thier members. He seemed to trail off with his words.

"I'm sure with the aid of Risen Empire and the guidance of the Fallen God they will all be found no matter how long it may take," she said.

Though she had doubts herself, she didn't like to be negative and was hoping the optimism would help. Her eyes looked around briefly as the question of where exactly they were surfaced to the front of their mind. Now with what Typhon had told her she could assume that they were in one of Risen's territories, but how exactly had they gotten here.

"So how did we get here?" she asked.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"



7 Years
09-24-2018, 09:51 AM

Surely the Fallen God would not let his family perish in vain. Typhon hoped there was some purpose behind what had happened, though surely when Malleus called the pack together again he might have some insight into those events. The Abraxas had been loyal followers... had they not been? Thinking about it too deeply only made his head ache, and he decided he wasn't one meant to interpret signs from the Fallen God to begin with. That sort of thing was best left to other members of his family, members who knew far more than he did. It simply was not his place. He watched quietly, curiously, as Zinnia's expression morphed, obviously finding the news unpleasant. If he had doubted her devotion to the Abraxas family, her expression of genuine empathy only confirmed her loyalties now.

"I do hope so," he breathed finally, hoping his voice didn't betray the slight nervousness he felt at the potential to not find the others. What would Amon say, if he ever returned? Would he be disappointed in their choices, or commend Ashiel for doing what he had been capable of in his absence? He could only hope that everything would work out in the end, and it seemed that Zinnia believed it would. He'd try to grasp on to her hope to assuage the sudden whirlwind of worry building inside his chest.

Her question caught him slightly off guard, and he hesitated before responding. "I... dragged you here." Perhaps there was a less awkward way of putting it, but that was what he'd had to do. Some of her soreness no doubt had come from the way he'd handled her, but he'd made a choice and had to stick with it. Leaving her unattended to bring a healer to her later hadn't been an option, not with her being unconscious.  "I.. tried to be careful, but..." Typhon shrugged, feeling his expression twisting slightly.  "Dragging someone across the continent isn't exactly easy." Perhaps if he'd possessed a larger, bulkier build he would've been able to sling her over his back and carry her that way, but he hadn't and he'd made do with his only option - and despite feeling a bit weird reflecting on it now, he was sure he'd made a good choice.

© argent 2017



7 Years
10-07-2018, 01:41 PM

She truly felt that the others would be found, that things would all be okay. She had been spared and her faith was far from the faith the Abraxas had in their god. Though she wasn't sure now how things would pan out, if they were meant to reform the sister pack or if they were meant to stay. One thing was certain their home in the canyon was no longer safe. What did it all mean? She didn't even want to try and figure it out fearing her headache would rear it's ugly head around again. Teal eyes looked to him, hoping that her words would help, she could imagine that he was worried about the rest, most of them being his family. She could imagine being in his paws and her extended family were the ones swept away.

His words made her feel a little better, but they weren't completely convincing. She gave him a reassuring smile, hoping that it would help his mood, help ease his worry. She didn't like seeing him down, though she was only assuming that's what he was feeling. He had a good poker face and was good at hiding what he didn't want to be seen. She was able to recognize that he was a little off guard with the question of how they got here. His answer at first caught her off guard, but as she repeated the answer mentally she found her stomach fluttering with butterflies. It oddly warmed her heart that he had taken the time to get her here. Sure dragging her wasn't the best method, but how else would he have gotten her here.

He hadn't left her, instead he had taken her with him, no doubt exhausting himself by dragging her all that way. She smiled warmly at him, vary grateful at what he done.

"Thank you Typhon, I am vary grateful that you got me here where a healer could help," she said. "I do hope that I wasn't to heavy I have been trying to watch my weight."

Her smile turned into a slight grin, hoping the joke would help lighten the mood and make it a bit less awkward.

"Zinnia Talk", & 'Zinnia Think"