
Sereus Pups!



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
08-06-2018, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2018, 06:35 PM by Malleus.)
Yes indeed, Malleus and Serene are expecting! LadyLuna and I will each be taking a pup and we're curious to see if anyone might be interested in joining our family. If you're interested in applying there are a couple of things to note...

We would prefer strong personalities that take after one or both of the parents. That's not to say we won't consider milder personalities, but stronger ones will definitely have priority. Overly fearful or submissive types are definitely a no go, though. Malleus believes firmly in culling the “weak” and such characters wouldn't make the cut. For similar reasons we'll be very picky when it comes to pups with physical disabilities and mental disorders.

We're not accepting super evil characters. Dark is totally fine as the Abraxas aren't a sunshine and rainbows family, but chaotic evil types are no better than overly fearful types in Malleus' mind and they also wouldn't make the cut. So those that rape, murder and maim for the lawls won't be considered because Malleus has little to no tolerance for those types and it just won't end well.

We won't be adopting out characters who have in inherent dislike for the Abraxas and what they do. I understand personal growth IC, but Malleus and Serene both will be fostering a strong sense of family with their kids and it won't make sense for one of their kids to grow up hating them. They'll make a point to tell their kids about the Abraxas ways, about the Fallen God and about how important family is.

AND NOW...I'm gonna steal a couple lines from Tea's playbook as I like her style. I think it's reasonable for me to ask that you don't constantly throw your character into situations where s/he will be raped or maimed. Malleus will jump into a DM in a heartbeat to defend one of his kids and I dislike having to hold my chars back to avoid hurt feelings. The Abraxas aren't a family of doormats and the rape or maim of an Abraxas will definitely bring the pack after you. Malleus, for one, will not stop until the offender is dead – and he is a salt-the-fields type of vengeance seeker.

There is a 25% height discount up to 42” from Malleus! The Abraxas are a very tall bunch and dire wolves are very common if you want to go that far, but by no means is paid height a must! Serene is a very respectable 35” and as previously mentioned, Malleus is 42” so greater heights are more likely, but you are free to pick whatever height you like.

Activity is important! We reserve the right to take back characters if you fall inactive with them. This means characters who have been set inactive and characters that haven't been posted for 8+ weeks. Any purchases made for the character will go with the character when it's reclaimed. If we readopt the character out we reserve the right to keep the name and design even if it's one you provided. That just makes the transition to a new player easier.

I realize this massive wall of text is a bit off putting, but please don't let it scare you away! I also realize it's a bit much but I've been burned with adopts one too many times :c If, by chance, you've made it this far and you're still interested, below is the application!

I know it's short notice, but apps will be due AUGUST 15TH which is two days before they are playable!

<b>Design:</b> (either from the list below or one of your own creation)
<b>Design 2:</b>
<b>Twin:</b> Y/N (would you be alright with playing a twin?)
<b>Physical Description:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>General plans:</b>

1, 2, 3
4, 5

6 (note: if you pick this one you will have a twin because I am using it c:)




10 (note: if you pick this one you will have a twin because Lady is using it c:)

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
08-06-2018, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2018, 06:05 PM by Riva.)
Name: Felicity (Fel)
Gender: Female
Design: #7 (I'll change the description to soon soon)
Twin: Y
Physical Description:
36” in height, (or higher, i’ll have to track down how many gems I have)
A soft Amber gaze sit the shades of grey that encase the eyes of this dainty giant. Lighter and darker shades of a similar grey encase the majority of her body, from the creamier colors of her forepaws, and much of her face and stomach.

A pattern of heather-grey alight along her back, fading and growing to highlight shadows along her body. The back of her ears, and the lower half of her back paws are some of the darker patches on her body, encased in a shade of iron. Similar colors can be seen as a swipe down her forehead to her nose, and wrapped around the tip of her tail.

The starker, brighter tones of her eyes stand out against the muted colors of her body, and often they can be seen narrowing in focused play in this one-track minded girl.

Alignment:True Neutral
Fel is a serious child, with a nose wrinkled in consideration, and a tendency to get hooked on a thought. When she grabs an idea in her paws, she can be a steamroller, who doesn't give up easily. It adds to her tendency to ask questions, and her desire to know everything about anything. She is a curious child, who is also fiercely loyal, to the point where she cant see the faults of those she loves, and would fight for them with all of her being. Family fits into her idea of loyalty, and she would bury a body for her siblings, parents, and pack.

She loves to hunt, to test her agility, strength and coordination taking down larger prey with the pack. She also wants to find a love for fighting, watching members of her family mock-battle will inspire her to learn herself, often fighting imaginary foes as she grows and learns. She wants to be able to stand on her own four-paws above all else, and fight for what is hers, and what she loves.
Her idea of right might not be as true as a compass, and she can be a selfish creature, through with her strong love for her family, it’s nothing something that will be seen easily outside of the pack.
General plans:
To grow up with her family, learn to fight, and find her place in the pack.



5 Years
Extra large
08-06-2018, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2018, 09:29 PM by Marvel.)
Name: Marax Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design: 3
Physical Description:
36" - Heavy build
Youth: She's a roly-poly if there ever was one. Born with a thick layer of fat around her softest parts, and chubby little limbs. A stocky little ankle-biter with a low centre of gravity. Her siblings will rarely bowl her over, and have to settle for piling on top of her instead. Covered in a thin layer of downy fluff, her markings will be an indistinguishable mottling of charcoal on sharkskin. It won't be until she reaches between six and eight months of age that it becomes apparent she hasn't entirely inherited the standard Abraxas markings. Instead, a large sunspot will begin to darken over her right shoulder.
Build: A veritable thunderhead, formed of bone and sinew. Broad shoulders and hips, with a muscular torso. Bones like concrete are wrapped in thick ropes of muscle that ripple with each movement. Her paws are massive, with webbing in between to make her an adept swimmer and snow-walker. Her neck is corded with muscle, and her head is large and blocky (think labradors). Broad planes of her face create high, sloping cheekbones. Large, tall ears give the illusion of a much more elegant face. Oversized teeth threaten to poke out from beneath her lips when her face rests, and constantly slide into view with each twitch of her facial muscles.
Coat: Plush and soft as a lambs ear. Silken waves drape over her titanic form, dappled with markings that far from match to her bruiser's build. They hold a slight wave, and feather out over her form. Along her chest and belly, it seems to grow wild, lending her a disorganized air. Velveteen tufts around the backs of her ears tend to fluff out at all angles.
Marax wears a base of smoke grey. Along her underbelly, stretching from the tip of her tail to her chin, is ash. Along her snout, extending up her forehead and to the space between her shoulderblades, charcoal marks a slender line. It stops and starts in a similar manner to her mother's, with a brief flaring outwards above her brows to form a small blaze. Mottled stripes along her ribs could almost be called brindling, and bear the same shade. Her ruff, forehead and socked limbs are coated in sharkskin grey. She shares her mother's undereye markings, in the ever reoccurring charcoal hue. Asymmetrical bands wrap around her legs, marking the ends of her stockings. Last but not least, the wavering rays of a sun extend from the point of her shoulder in charcoal.
Eyes: Her eyes are purely her mother's. Rich amber eyes, like finely aged whiskey.
Scent: Woodsmoke and mulch.
Stance and Gait: Generally, she holds herself with the ease of someone who knows who they are, and what they are capable of. Though she tends to hold her head level with her spine, between her shoulders, she doesn't wear an aggressive aura. She moves with a rolling, assured gait.
Alignment: Lawful Evil - Neutral Evil
Long fuse:
General plans:



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
08-06-2018, 08:42 PM
App updated! I forgot to mention that we got 3 free pups for this litter and a max of 5. Lady and I will each be taking 1 which leaves 1 free pup and 2 paid-for pups!
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-06-2018, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2018, 04:52 PM by Dragon.)
Withdrawing my app ;-; I oughta be more active first lol
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



7 Years
Extra large
08-06-2018, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2018, 09:30 AM by Torin.)
Name: Azure
Gender: Female
Design: 4
Design 2: 6
Twin: Y
Physical Description: Azure isn't the biggest of the Abraxas by any stretch of the imagination but she does stand an impressive 41", she is however more slight than her father falling closer to the build her mother has. She has a sort of elegance to her, limbs slim but toned and they carry her with a regality that she simply exudes.

The pelt that is draped across this frame is thick and luxurious. She is visibly a mix of her parents, carrying the same grey base of her father, a light almost white shade covers most of the middle of her body from her shoulders down her fore paws and along her sides to her hips. The bottom of her tail and the fur along the top of her head and around her eyes. A darker shade marks her muzzle, cheek fur and down her neck. This shade also marks her rump, down her hind legs and along the majority of her tail. Her markings are where the mix is most obvious, the signature striping of the Abraxas are one of two colors either a much much darker grey color or a sandy blond color like that of her mother's coloration. Much of the darker grey is mostly seen along her back, and also stands as a solid color on her ears; while the blond coloration runs down her shoulders and along her fore legs as well as marking under her eyes. A mixture of these colors are the stripes along her neck and chest.

Then there is her name sake, set within her exquisite mask is a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Personality: Azure is a woman in charge and she will not be denied. She will not take kindly to being underestimated and is more than willing to put others in their place, starting with any of her siblings she feels she maybe be able to throw around. Though when she first gets some push back she will also learn to pick her fights carefully.

Azure is no headstrong fool, she is adept at sizing other ups and will not rush headlong into danger. She is however highly independent and that can make her a handful to try and reign in. Azure will be incredibly outgoing and may be a bit overpowering when meeting a stranger as she will often do her best to assert herself.

The strong influence of her family, especially those of her father's line, means Azure will hold her family especially those immediate to her as incredibly close and important. She has belief in her divinity and that of her family. Her family are likely going to be one of the only ones to whom she'll defer to, holding a deep respect for them and their wisdom.

General plans: Have Azure get into some friendly fights with her siblings as a pup, see if she can maybe meet some mortals and have her assumptions of the world challenged (and made stronger because obviously she's a god duh) maybe even meet someone who can help mellow her out. She'll probably mellow out in older age (7-8ish) by herself regardless.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
08-08-2018, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2018, 07:49 AM by Tealah.)
Name: Eligos
Gender: Male
Design: 9
Design 2: 6
Twin: yes
Physical Description: Standing at a more than respectable 42", Eligos is built less along the lines of a tank and more along the lines of an acrobat. Tall, but with flat, toned muscle stretched taut over a sturdy frame that is hardly hidden beneath a thin sleek coat that will do even less to hide the scars he will inevitably acquire. Massive paws even for his height took some getting used to, but his facial features are a masculine version of his mother's more delicate beauty. One could say he bears the face of an angel. It certainly makes him pleasant to look at.

(design 9)
A base of charcoal gray, very dark but not quite black, is the most prominent of the colors on Eli's pelt. However, the most noticeable color is a gold, smudged and gradiated through his fur along the bottom of his neck, up his sides and up his hindlegs from the hocks, slowly fading into the charcoal and striped here and there throughout even its most saturated areas with streaks of the dark gray. The same gold, saturated, touches his face in a blaze from halfway up his muzzle to the top of his skull, and streaks beneath his blood-red eyes like clawmarks dripping in gold. True black stripes his fur along his back, tail, and forelegs and engulfs his forepaws and the last half of his tail. He is an interesting mix between his dam and sire in appearance, a darker, muted palette taken from each and painted across the canvass of his form.

(design 6)
The soft cream of his mother's coloring predominates, mottled with white like hers, but a darkness was inherited from the Abraxas line, a darker murky brown working its way up from his paws like a shadow. It engulfs his forelegs in darkness up past the wrist and his hindlegs to the knee, slowly gradiating into the lighter cream of his shoulders and hips. Half his tail is engulfed before the color fades, and the color masks his face to his eyes and runs along his underbelly from muzzle to hip, edging upwards in front of his shoulder and hip before blending into cream. Darker shades mottle his form everywhere the shadow touches beneath his cream-and-white, like the dappling of leaf-shadows under a tree canopy. But darker yet, a chocolate brown covers his ears and drips down in a mottled pattern and streaks up his muzzle from his upper lip to his brow. Dark brown vies with white like paint splatters beneath sky-blue eyes, and a spattered white stripe overtakes the chocolate upon his brow.

Alignment: True Neutral or Neutral Evil
Personality: Eligos is a quiet one. He doesn't tend to put himself forward immediately, preferring to stay back on the outskirts of groups and observe rather than be the center of attention, but this isn't for lack of confidence. Because if there's one thing Eli is, it's supremely confident, in himself, in his ideals, and in his family. Overconfident, in many ways, particularly when Eligos is young and doesn't have enough experience to know the limitations of reality. He is also headstrong and stubborn, though he doesn't get directly confrontational about it so much as he internalizes much of his skepticism and just does what he thinks is the right way anyway. Only people who really get to know him tend to see that, though, all hidden behind that quiet, watchful exterior.

Eli is surprisingly patient and levelheaded. It takes a lot to rile him. He'll stoically accept heckling, teasing, and bossing... up to a point. One toe over that point, though, and he snaps. Not a raging-ball-of-fur rage, but a systematically-murder-your-family-and-salt-the-earth rage that is, luckily, carefully tamped down into a methodically-kick-the-shit-out-of-you-until-you-cry sort of rage when it is an Abraxas who pushes him too far. He doesn't lose control, though - he has an almost scary amount of control over himself even in the worst moments. But he is definitely that quiet kid that kept to himself that no one expected to snap and start sniping people from the clocktower, you know?

Being the quiet, strong, thoughtful and unassuming type, he tends to come across as a nice guy, but he has few or no close friends. His natural reserve may come across as shyness, but even if he were highly sought after Eligos would be friendless by choice, any overtures in that direction being gently rebuffed to give him that bubble of personal and emotional space that he craves.

In a fight - and Eli will get into a lot of those despite his patience - Eligos will tend to hold back at first to observe and learn his opponent, but don't make the mistake of assuming it is cowardice or reluctance to fight that drives this restraint. No, no, Eligos is a physical sort and loves a fight. But it isn't ever just about the fight to him. No, Eli uses it as a way to learn his opponent, to get in their head, to see what they are really like... and then to use that knowledge against them and break them down. He's confident enough in himself and his abilities that even every loss is a win to him, because you learn as much from a defeat as from a victory.

Eligos' loyalty is solid. As stubborn as he is, how could anything change his mind? But with his father, it's more than just loyalty. It's hero-worship, plainly and simply. For no one else does Eli make the assumption that Eligos doesn't know better than they do, but for Malleus, Eligos knows Malleus' word is law and more than that, if Malleus says it, it's true because to Eli Malleus is the Abraxas, is the morning and evening star, and what he says will be made so. Nothing in life matters as much to Eligos as his father's regard and respect, and Eli will unhesitatingly do whatever his father asks of him. It's not even a question for him.
General plans: he'll be a fighter and an intellect, and will make it a point to learn the Abraxas history and beliefs. He'll be a bit of a tag-along behind his dad for a while but eventually I plan to have him go out to try to coax mortals into accepting Abraxas rule and establish them as a power to be worshiped - whether that be through love or fear, he's capable of both.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-11-2018, 05:03 PM
A couple more designs have been added!
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



08-12-2018, 05:00 AM
Name: Lamia Abraxas
Gender: Female
Design: 3
Design 2: 6
Twin: Yes
Physical Description: (site minimum)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Personality: (site minimum)
General plans:



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
08-12-2018, 08:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2018, 10:57 AM by Pyralis.)
Name: Aureus
Gender: Male
Design: 6
Design 2: 1
Twin: Yes
Physical Description:

A shadow washed in light, Aureus boasts a beautiful contrast of colors. He appears as if he is always being struck by sunlight, the upper portions of his body a pale cream fading though muted gold tones swiftly into obsidian undersides. His dark muzzle and ears accent a handsome face highlighted with a mottled line of white down the center, stopping just at the base of his muzzle. Broken lines of white and black fleck along the curve of his cheeks underneath his eyes like light scattering on ocean spray. Subtle breaking of tone can be found throughout his coat. Scattered ivory bands highlighting the cream tones  of his pelt while muted golden brown bands mix within the midtones that grow darker until they are swallowed by the absolute shadows of his pelt. Lending a focus to this mix are his sky blue eyes, bright and intense.

As a pup Aureus will tend to be lean and a bit scrawny with ears and paws that just seem to be way to big for him. When he finally hits his growth spurt Aureus will grow rapidly into a large wolf standing at 42" high with a handsome, athletic and rugged build.  Taut, muscular thighs move the godling in a confident walk, his defined angular shoulders completing his carriage. Agile and quick despite his bulk, Aureus will finally grow into his paws and ears bearing a frame worthy of his heritage.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Puppy - Spunky and adventurous, Aureus is an active pup who lives for play fights and exploration. He will constantly be getting into trouble. Sticking his nose where it shouldn't belong will be his creed and unlike his twin he'll have a tendency to push the boundaries just to see how far he can bend them. He has no desire to break the rules however, he just wants to see what he can and can't get away with. What will bend, what won't. Despite his adventurous nature he has a reserved caution when it comes to meeting new wolves, even family members. It's baffling how a pup so bold one minute can become suddenly shy and quiet in the presence of a stranger. However, as he gets to know the stranger in question he will begin to open up and proceed to pester, poke, and recruit said stranger for dragon slaying adventures.

Adult - Aureus will grow in confidence as he ages, becoming an adventurous and spirited man. His curiosity will become more tempered and his tendency to push boundaries lessened though these aspects of his personality will not be completely gone. Aureus will stay interested in the world around him and develop a growing interest in others where his curiosity will be applied almost clinically in the search for information and understanding. He will develop an appetite for knowledge and crave a deeper understanding of himself and the roles of others in the grand design of the universe.

Aureus will lose his shyness as he grows and becomes more sure of his ability to deal with threats and unexpected stuations. He will take the initiative to greet others and openly carry conversations. However, some of the wariness will remain beneath the surface. He will continue to be cautious of others and keeps his inner self carefully guarded, only now he can mask any insecurity with a self-assured smile on his face. An actor to some degree, Aureus has an image of himself that he seeks to maintain and he balks at the thought of letting any doubts or fears, anything that might be perceived as weakness, to leak from his manicured facade.

Sharp and quick-witted, Aureus is a thinker as well as a fighter. Strategic in his movements he is not the sort to fight just for the sake of it. He is open to many solutions to a problem and is an adaptable wolf. He will shift and bend as the situation calls for it. More than just battle strategy Aureus will be drawn to larger questions. Often as he patrols or exercises he lets his mind wander and mull over philosophic concepts and the finer aspects of his religion. He has a deep desire to find his niche, his specific purpose for being. It's not enough simply to quest for paradise he must know why and what will ultimately become of him.

General plans:

As a pup mostly exploration, sticking his head in badger holes and coyote dens, and of course asking questions. Most of these questions will be about the natural world. He won't be super interested in his family's religion until he hits maybe 6-9 months. Til then it will be mostly blah, blah, descended from the Fallen god yea yea I know, can we go outside already?

Around the 6-9 month mark I will have something happen that will spark a reflection and new interest in his family's religion and mission. I'm not sure what yet. I do know at some point he will gain a companion that will help fuel his interest in philosophy and in conquest and set him on a quest to try and find his place among his family and the greater universe. This quest will continue to drive him as an adult. At some point he will also wrestle with doubts and insecurities about his family and likely, his sexuality. He doesn't want to be with a woman, he doesn't want to have kids. How does this fit with his families mission? Will he need to make some sacrifices? Aureus will struggle with looking at himself as he really is versus how he imagines himself to be. I don't plan any falling away from the family or turning on his religion, however! I just want some bumps along the way to add some plot interest and development. :)
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-15-2018, 08:45 PM
Wow, you guys definitely didn't make this easy!! Thank you all for applying! We've decided to go with Felicity, Eligos and Aureus!

After much thought we've decided to give the free slot to Sea with Felicity!

You guys have until the 19th to get your apps in acceptance
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.