



1 Year
08-16-2018, 08:51 AM
He was a year old.

He supposed he should be happy about that, because it meant that Leto stopped treating him as much like a baby and was starting to actually teach him how to make the snares and other traps she used, instead of just hunting. She hadn't trusted him with making them before, when he was a pup, because - as she told him a million times - she wasn't going to let some scatterbrained, no-attention-span puppy make the traps that could be the difference between a meal and starvation. He'd never been scatterbrained, and he had always had what would be a great attention span even for an adult, but it was ingrained in her to view pups as walking disasters.

He wasn't a pup anymore though, and he'd had months of observing her make the snares and traps even though he'd never been able to try, so once she started teaching him he picked it up quickly. For the first time, she was giving him cautious praise, instead of treating him like an annoyance. It was a huge difference to the attention-starved young male, but he craved more than that.

He was lonely.

He knew he had a lot more family out there, somewhere. Leto had told him about his aunts, Artemis and Iskra, and about how Artemis had had pups a few months before he was born. And of course Lyra and Ares were out there somewhere, with Chaos. He wanted to find them and see them again, but he wasn't sure he could find the mountain again and he knew Leto wouldn't help him. Still, he had to try, and she didn't try to stop him when he set off for the southlands. In fact, she had told him that since he was an adult now, she was going to start making her way back down to Auster. She'd always been more comfortable there - the only reason she'd stayed in the north was in the hopes of finding Artemis or her children again, but she'd given up on that.

Aquila puffed out a breath. He was definitely getting tired and felt like he'd gotten turned around somewhere. Maybe it was time to stop and set up his snares. He'd need to stay around a few days for them to really be effective, but he needed the break from travelling anyway while he regrouped and figured out where he was.

The brightly colored yearling surveyed the land around him, then flopped down in the shade of some big metal thing with a stiff metal tail sticking out of it. He couldn't help but wonder what the strange, half-buried object had been, and wonder even more about the long-dead legendary creatures that had made it.



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-18-2018, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2018, 04:20 PM by Yurei.)

A friend? No, I dont know the meaning of that word.

Weird was the first consideration many wolves could have by seeing this place. A place that probably Yurei haven't seen before, many strange things filled the ground. And Yurei with only 12 months alive, couldn't give any explanation about the weird stuff she could see as her legs carried her across this field. All she could smell was iron and with how the items were spilled throw the place, it looked like something very bad happened. But she could see some of those objects were old, some had mold covering them completely. Some others instead accumulated rush and the grass seemed to slowly eat them.

Yurei was new to this place, so she was afraid about what experiences she would live here. And since during her puppyhood and until today, wherever she went harassment and ignorance was all she got. So even if she didn't want it, she had prejudices about any new places she visited. And this one wouldn't be the exception. As she walked, she saw a figure ahead. This simultaneously stopped her walk. And following, a wolf scent came with the wind. Oh no. Was the first thought that came into her mind. If there was a wolf, she should leave and now as for the time being she didn't want to encounter others.

She walks. | "She talks." | She thinks. | Your words

[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



1 Year
10-07-2018, 10:12 PM
The sound of pawsteps brought the yearling Aquila's attention from his thoughts to his surroundings in time to see another yearling stop instantly. She seemed to give an air of fear - Aquila, who had never been feared by anyone, immediately assumed she was afraid of the metal object he was sitting under, and he was quick to jump to his feet to assure her. "Don't worry," he called out softly. "It isn't dangerous. It's just an old human thing. They can't hurt you." Well, he admitted to himself, they probably could if you were climbing all over them like his siblings would have, or if they fell on you. He took a few steps towards the stranger, blinking at her with the naive, serious innocence he possessed, not knowing any better. Growing up in the north there really hadn't been a whole lot of strangers to have met to dissuade him from a childlike belief in their innate goodness, nor had he come to know yet how unusual his own coloration and markings were, having grown up in a family that all sported similar.