
Mists of Gold (meeting)



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-18-2018, 07:02 AM
Her children were well grown, now. They hadn't been old enough to leave the den yet when the last pack meeting had been called, but they had been beginning to venture out onto the moor alone, so it was certainly time to introduce them to the pack members they might meet out there. It was also, she felt, well past time for the other pack members to start being more sociable towards each other. Aurielle and Regulus were, understandably, quite caught up in the return of Solveiga and Aramis, but without either of their attention on the pack it was languishing and fading, which would not do at all.

Leading her children out to the moor's stone circle - all but Cairo, who was ill, and she would need to speak with one of the healers about him as well - she fixed them with a stern look. "Be on your best behavior," she warned them. "This pack is our home, and while they may not be blood family here, it is still important to be polite and treat everyone with respect. Someday you will be hunting or fighting alongside them, and you do not want them to know you as the spoiled little brat who was rude to them, then, do you?"

Lifting her muzzle, she sang out a call for the wolves of Celestial to join them for a meeting. Maybe Aurielle would call a proper summer meeting for any announcements she wished to make, but for now Gwen would make due as she had to.

OOC: attendance is mandatory unless on official absence. Deadline is 8/24 but would prefer posts ASAP.



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
08-18-2018, 08:14 AM
Artur followed in his mother's footsteps as she trotted from their den to the fascinating stone megaliths a short distance from the extensive den. They were, she'd told them, to meet the rest of the pack's members today. Artur, who had not yet met a wolf other than his mother and siblings, was wary. The only other living creature he'd known was Princess, his mother's cat friend, and she was obviously inferior to his family, so it didn't give him a lot of confidence that the pack would be any different. Still, these adults would be the ones who would be mentoring them in the various skills they needed once they were old enough to be apprenticed, so it wouldn't do to alienate them. He fully intended to apprentice to the greatest warrior in the pack as soon as he was able to, though he couldn't imagine a better warrior than an Adravendi and the only real Adravendis in the pack were he and his littermates and their mother, and he didn't know if he'd be allowed to apprentice to his mother.

Only half-listening to her lecture, Artur sat beside his mother with his head and ears high in a puppyish attempt at regal hauteur, waiting for the pack to appear.



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-18-2018, 05:03 PM
Justice was patrolling the border on the plains when, unexpectedly, she heard a distant call from Gwen calling the pack together in the moor. She was the Right Wing now, not just the Lead Legionary, which took some getting used to. In fact, the idea of Aurielle as the alpha instead of Regulus was odd enough, since she was just a yearling. Though with Gwen there as an alpha too maybe that wasn't going to be much of an issue.

It just worried her to have a yearling with no real life experience and a very, very sheltered childhood leading a pack. Sure, Regulus had been teaching her since she was a pup, but it wasn't practical experience. It was all theory, and she'd never had to worry about going hungry, or getting hurt, or killed, because of her decisions. There had always been the safety net there of knowing no matter what she did, the pack would be there to take up the slack and catch her if she fell. Hell, when Justice was younger than Aurielle she'd gotten lost and had to survive on her own for quite some time before she'd found her way back. She hadn't had the luxury of Aurielle's life. Even when Aurielle's mother and littermate went missing she hadn't really had to deal with the tragedy. She could always imagine that they were out there, happy and healthy somehow. And now they were back, just like that. She'd never really had to deal with loss. So how could she be expected to know how to make decisions that could lead to it for other wolves? Or to help a wolf going through it, if she'd never really felt it herself?

Well, Justice wasn't thinking into it quite that deeply, quite that articulately. She wasn't angry about it either. It was more of a vague feeling of discontent with the whole idea, with half-formed protests and thoughts swirling through her mind when she thought about her as alpha. Justice herself wasn't a leader, had no real desire to be a leader, and probably would have had almost as much of a problem with ANY leader as she did with a yearling, but it contributed to a general feeling of wariness and withdrawal as she waited to see how this regime change would play out.

Turns out that 'quiet' was a pretty good way to describe the change. The pack hadn't really done anything but loll around half-heartedly performing their various duties while they waited for someone to more determinedly take charge. Gwen was busy with her pups, though she still assigned border and hunting patrols to be shared between the three remaining warriors so that Regulus and Aurielle could spend more time with Solveiga and Aramis. So it was a little surprising to hear the fairly new mother calling the meeting instead of Aurielle. Where was Aurielle all the time anyway? It wasn't like she couldn't run the pack now that her family was all together or anything. It wasn't any different than when Regulus was running the pack, she was just as distant from everyone as he had been after he took over too. Was she ever going to have an alpha that was actually involved in their pack members' lives instead of disappearing all the time?

Despite her faint disgruntlement, she set out towards the meeting with curiosity and a jaunty trot. There wasn't much to break the monotony of hunt patrol, warrior patrol, sleep, eat, rinse, repeat. It didn't even matter what the meeting was about anymore, so long as there was something new and different happening that wasn't just another patrol by herself.

She did blink when she saw Gwenevere's pups, though. She had expected them to be smaller, somehow. They must have been older than she'd thought, though when she thought back to when they were born, they were about right for it. The boredom made the days kind of blend together and pass so quickly that she'd lost track. She eyed them warily - kids, in her experience, were mostly capable of shitting, eating, puking, and whining, but these ones seemed to be currently sitting there nicely so she edged closer. "Hey, Gwen, what's up?"



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
08-18-2018, 09:04 PM
Viviane followed happily along behind her mother with her brothers and sister as she led them to the stone circle. They were going to meet the pack! She had been wondering what they would all be like. Would they be nice? Would they be really really big like Mama? Artur didn't think they would be all that great just because they weren't Adravendis, but Viviane sometimes thought that maybe Artur just didn't know enough yet to be able to know that sort of thing, no matter how confident he was about it. He wasn't really any older than they were. Just a couple minutes older than Caelia, and a couple minutes wasn't a lot. They were a LOT of minutes old now, so that was only a very small amount. He had almost the same number of minutes she did, so he wasn't smarter than her like he said. But, he probably didn't mean to be mean, he just got misunderstood sometimes. It got confusing sometimes, because Cairo thought just the opposite of Artur, and she didn't like to get caught up in between two opposing opinions. Why couldn't they just... both be right? Oh no, now she was nervous! She crowded closer to Merry, shifting and trying not to bounce while they waited.



2 Years
08-19-2018, 03:37 PM
Ever a happy child, Geoffrey hummed cheerfully as he followed his mother to the meeting place. He was trying his best to follow her pawsteps, but it was proving difficult. Her stride was much longer than his so he had to jump from print to print. Every once in a while there would be some obstacle, some rock or stick that would complicate his jump, and he'd pause in his humming to think his next move over.

It was over one such pause that they seemed to arrive. His mother's voice pulled his attention away from the stick that blocked his path and he lifted his head to gaze up at her with wide, innocent eyes. Him, misbehave? Never.

That was a lie. He'd gotten in trouble (and watched his siblings get in trouble) enough times to know about when he could get away with stuff and when he could not, and this meeting thing seemed like serious business. It seemed like a 'could not' situation. He'd be on his best behavior.

While he welcomed Viv's closeness as the group took their seats, the boy shared none of his sister's misgivings. Or his brother's for that matter. In all honesty he was excited to meet the rest of the pack. They may not have been family, but he was more or less stuck with them and it made sense to make friends instead of enemies. He'd even brought his favor bone along to share. The deer femur had long since been picked clean, but it was still tasty and the knobs on either end made it good for tug o' war. Maybe when the meeting was over he'd see if he could get one of his new friends (and yes, he envisioned many) to play with him.

[Image: jqslMGb.png]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
08-21-2018, 07:19 AM
Caelia's life experiences had been painfully limited, but it seemed that was about to change very quickly. She was grateful that her mother thought they old enough to explore parts of the moor on their own.. well, sort of, since they were always either being supervised or exploring with one another, or otherwise not very far out of their mother's reach. Caelia was eager to finally meet the rest of Celestial, though shared Artur's wariness on the subject. At their mother's word, she would behave, at least on the surface.. though she did firmly believe that those adopted into the family her mother had rightfully been born into were lesser, she too knew they would be the ones training them and teaching them valuable life skills. She would cooperate, lest she risk another lecture from her mother, which she was growing quickly tired of as she got older. Rebelling seemed more fruitless as time went on, and the sharp reprimands from Gwenevere were beginning to seem more like valuable lessons than annoying motherly nagging.

A her mother's comment about not wanting to seem like a spoiled little brat, she shook her head firmly from side to side. No, she most definitely didn't want to seem like any of those things, and she doubted her siblings did either. She leaned toward Artur's seriousness, finding less interest in mischief as, say, Geoffrey did.. but she loved them all the same. She moved quietly beside her siblings, watching with pride as her mother lifted her head to call the pack together - she hoped this meeting would be an interesting ones, and hoped the wolves of Celestial weren't as dreadfully boring as she feared they might be.



5 Years
08-21-2018, 09:13 PM

Fat boar piglet hung from his mouth as he trotted back to the borders of the Moore. He had a successful hunt and he was planning to see who was hungry in the pack. Things had changed since the last meeting. Auri was now the alpha and her right wing had been given to Gwen. The pack was quiet other then that which left him wandering out of the borders more and fallowing the herds. This did not mean he was slacking, he still performed his duties and even tried his best to pitch in elsewhere. He hadn't really left time to be social with the pack, which wasn't good either.

He paused as Gwen's howl rang out over the territory. He was unsure why Gwen was calling the pack together, but it sounded mandatory. Plus it meant time with other pack members and he was always up for that. Wagging his tail he corrected his course and headed straight for the call. When he got there he was pleasantly surprised to see the pups out today and grinned as he approached. Gwen and Justice were the only adults so far and he dipped his head in greeting to both of them. He then set the boar piglet down and moved away from it, sitting not to far from Justice and getting comfortable for the meeting. He wondered what Gwen had on her mind and who would be showing up to this meeting.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



3 Years
08-26-2018, 10:11 PM
Amos had been stuck in his own head for far too long, which was beginning to irritate him. He'd taken to sticking to himself for a long time, going for runs, hunting for whatever he could catch and drag back alone and generally muddling about in his own messy thoughts while still trying his best to be productive as often as possible. Really what he needed was to get out there and do some fighting, and porbably find a few sparring partners within the pack. Mostly he just needed to get his shit together.

Only a moment after the thought ran through his mind did he hear the call from the moor. Lifting his chin from his paws, Amos sighed and moved to stand up from the spot outside his den where he'd been laying. It was one of several he frequented since he didn't seem to feel especially attatched to any one spot at the moment. Tri-colored eyes scanned the horizon as he made it way to answer the call.

Arriving at the stone circle, Amos entered and sat down wordlessly, a faint shadow of the normally bright smile just barely on his lips. It brightened just a bit when he took note of the little balls of fuzz assembled near Gwenevere.
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
08-27-2018, 07:57 AM
(ooc: post is slightly mixed up. Assume Aurielle somehow missed seeing Amos in the crowd. Distracted by puppies, that's it! She was distracted.XD)

She’d been padding along the wall at the time she heard Gwen’s voice calling the pack, and her head lifted, confusion furrowing her brow. Why had Gwen called a meeting in the moor? Perhaps it was that the location was closer for still young puppy legs to travel, and they’d be old enough to meet the pack, today. Still… while she’d been enjoying her reunion with her mother and twin, she would have liked to be informed prior to the meeting being called.

She gave a shake of her coat and broke into a lope, leaping from the wall and into the mists. It was a chance to consider her options for the future as to whom she’d eventually install as the secondary leader to the pack when Gwen was ready to step down or Aurielle was ready to make her personal choice for the next many years of her leadership. A part of her wanted to make a choice soon, to give Gwen more time with her litter, but there weren’t many wolves to choose from.

She supposed she’d have to give it more time and study the pack further. Amos was a definite possibility. She nudged the thoughts to the side as she drew near enough in the mists to see the backs of the pack gathered at the circle. She circled around until she was hidden behind the stones, then let herself fade out of the mist into the circle to settle beside Gwen, smiling at the woman before her eyes roved to the pups, counting all but one. A soft hm of concern brushed through her nostrils.

“He’s still ill?” She asked softly, for Gwen’s ears only. She’d kept up her patrols between spending time with her family, and she’d caught the scent of a cold in passing by the den Gwen had dug. It hadn’t smelled serious, and she’d decided to let Gwen handle her own children, as their mother.

She lowered herself to her belly, coming to the level of the pups and studying each face with an easy warmth, bannered tail sweeping the ground as she took them in, from the serious, proud, almost haughty face of the largest male to the nervous female pressed against the chocolate and white boy with the green eyes and deer femur.

“Hello, kids. I’m Aurielle Adravendi, the Alpha of the pack. I’ve been looking forward to meeting all of you, and I look forward to getting to know you all.”

A familiar monotone frame caught her eye, then, and her head lifted away to rest those gradated blue eyes on Amos. Briefly, she rose to go to him, bumping his shoulder in friendly welcome with her nose and hoping to make that faint smile grow back into his usual grin. She hadn’t seen much of him since the meeting she’d called, and she was glad to see him.

“You and I will have to have a rematch soon… and figure out a way to get that weird log home from the Bifrost.” A toothy grin spread on her features at the prospect of an adventure as her brow-points lifted in a faint challenge before she took her place beside Gwen and spoke in a lowered tone to the older woman, head tipping close to keep the words between herself and Gwen, “I’ll let you take the lead on this one since you called it, but please keep me informed on when you intend to call meetings in the future. I’d like to be less likely to show up hurrying like a tardy apprentice instead of being there for the pack to see when they arrive as the primary alpha.”

She flicked a grinning wink at the woman to make it clear she held no grudges and swept a quick glance over the faces gathered. She wondered if her mother and father and brother, all still catching up on rest and healing from their various ordeals – from her mother and brother’s enslaved lives and malnourished bodies to her father’s stress and recent injuries in freeing them, they all had a lot to catch up on in food and rest and healing, though she’d be pressing them to start being more active once they were well enough to do so – would make the trip from the den in the Plains to this meeting. While her father had been making patrols, he had taken more of a beating than he was ready to admit fully—especially in front of his mate, knowing she blamed herself.

“They’re still healing and resting, so if they don’t make it to this meeting, I think we can allow it. I’ll be pressing them to start working on sociability soon enough, though.” This again was said in an undertone to Gwenevere as she waited however long it would take the older woman to decide that all had arrived who would.

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2018, 08:38 AM
Paladin had been past Gwen’s den earlier that day, and by the time he heard her howl for the pack in a rather unexpected meeting – both in placement and being called – he’d already been digging through his supply of herbs for what he felt would be needed to cure that cold he’d caught whiff of earlier in the week on another foray. Like Aurielle, he’d smelled that it wasn’t extremely serious and was still in the likelihood that the pup who suffered it would kick it easily. Now, though, it smelled like the boy could use some help.

He wasn’t in any great danger of more than having to take some unpleasant herbs, but the bitter tastes would be smoothed over with some hard-won honey Paladin had managed to wrest from a hive he’d found in a rotten tree stump. With the number-handed help of his large monkey companion, it’d been much easier than going in muzzle first.

Now he carried each plant the boy would need and a few Paladin felt would be needed if he didn’t improve wrapped carefully in one of his many rabbit skins dangling from his jaws. Of all the times for a pup to come down with a stubborn cold… Paladin was past due to meet with his Aunt and the chapter of Nomads to complete more of his training and gain his next Nomad mark and had planned to set out to Sweetgrass Basin that evening. It wasn’t far, and he was certain if there was no improvement even with the stronger herbs, then Aurielle and Gwenevere could send someone to get him—and a few highly skilled and trained healers, to boot.

Knowing Rielle, she’d probably take the message herself. He smiled around his mouthful of rabbit skin. He arrived to find that he was the last to arrive. He padded through the crowd to Gwenevere and lowered his package to the ground, smiling easily at the mother as he said, “I caught sniff that he’s still got a cold, so I brought you some herbs and honey for him. I can show you how much to give him and when after the meeting, if you like. I will warn both of you that I’m heading to Sweetgrass Basin this evening to further my advanced training with the Nomads. I’ll be gone for a week or two, but it won’t be too far if you need me here. I can ask them to keep a scout near the border to listen for a call for my name…”

His warning was given to both Aurielle and Gwen, though his shimmering young cousin was already aware. Never hurt to remind a wolf, though. He glanced over the four pups and grinned easily, tail wagging readily as he studied each face with interest. “My name’s Paladin. It’s lovely to see you all out and about.”

And he wondered, hopefully, if he’d be teaching one of them soon enough. He’d just have to observe and see over time. He slipped back to the pack and let his hips drop to seat himself next to Amos, giving the grey toned male a grin before he nodded to Justice, adding, “If you want, you’re more than welcome to come with me to learn something from the Nomads.”

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2018, 09:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2018, 09:14 AM by Gwenevere.)
She eyed them a moment longer until she was certain she'd gotten the seriousness of the occasion across to the young pups, then turned her attention to the pack as they straggled in from various directions. She smiled at Justice's wary appraisal of the pups before she approached, amused at the young woman's clear discomfort around children, then nodded towards Laisren who had come bearing a boar piglet. She hoped he was being careful taking those - boar could be vicious towards predators going after their piglets, and it wouldn't take much to end up in the middle of a whole sounder of hogs equipped with dangerous tushes and bad attitudes. They couldn't afford to lose one of their few adults because he'd gotten injured or killed going after dangerous prey alone. She made a note to speak with him alone after the meeting. She was less familiar with the male who showed up after. She knew he was a fighter, but he hadn't participated much in pack life on his own accord and she hadn't sought him out in particular yet, something she needed to remedy. Perhaps she ought to take a patrol with him despite the low numbers in the pack.

Aurielle appeared then, asking with concern about Cairo. "I'm sure it's only a cold," she assured the alpha. "My husband... years ago. He was prone to colds during the turning of the seasons. They could get quite bad if he wasn't careful. Cairo's cold is stubborn, but I don't see the same sort of warnings of it going wrong that Lanse would get." Although she didn't fully understand the science behind seasonal allergies and the way they could turn into respiratory infections, anyone who experienced that particular medical ailment could certainly have recognized that was what Lanse had suffered from as well.

As they waited, Aurielle left briefly to speak with Amos before returning. Gwen's expression didn't change at all at her words, but she was rather taken aback by the clear rebuke. Diplomatically, she chose not to respond to the reprimand, rather just stating simply, "It's not a meeting, so much as a chance to introduce the children to the pack so they know who they should expect to see in the borders. I wouldn't want them speaking to strangers thinking they were pack members, after all." She remembered her own childhood, remembered her idiot rebelliousness after her parents had stepped down as rulers that had led her to make promises to a stranger she never should have spoken to. Sin Armada. She had run away rather than face up to those promises, wanting to protect her family, but she never should have done it to begin with. She couldn't really regret it... it had led her to Lanse, and some of the happiest, though hardest, years of her life. She wondered whatever had happened to that Armada - at the time he had seemed so dangerous, so frightening, and yet she heard nothing about him since her return. Odd how childhood boogymen loomed so much larger in memory than in reality.

Paladin appeared then, bringing with him a packet that would no doubt drive Geoffrey and Viviane wild with curiosity. Gwen gave him a sunny smile of gratitude, though she also made a mental note to keep that packet well away from her two would-be healers. All she needed was Geoffrey adding the contents to one of his concoctions... "Thank you, Paladin. I very much appreciate the help."

It was clear though, that Regulus and his mate and son wouldn't be appearing, and Aurielle indicated they were still recovering from their ordeal, so she decided not to wait for them any longer. Turning her head towards the four remaining members of the pack, she raised her voice just slightly so that they could hear. "Good morning, Celestial. I've called you here today to introduce to you the pack's newest members, and to have each of you introduce yourselves to them. They will be learning from you as they grow, and someday they will be hunting, fighting, and healing beside you as full members of Celestial. Please take a moment to tell them a small bit about yourself, so that they can begin to get to know their packmates." Turning to the pups, she indicated each of them as she named them formally to the pack. "Celestial, please welcome Artur Pendragon Adravendi, Caelia Blythe Adravendi, Geoffrey Meriadoc Adravendi, and Viviane Lyonette Adravendi. My other son is Cairo Lanze Adravendi - he is ill so not able to be here today, but please take a moment to introduce yourself to him later so that he can know you all as well." Giving the pups a gentle nudge to encourage them, she stepped back a bit to allow the rest of the pack to feel free to approach and introduce themselves.

OOC: deadline for the next round will be 9/3. Feel free to have your character introduce themselves and tell the pups a little about themselves. Pups can post now or wait to respond/tell a bit about themselves.



5 Years
09-08-2018, 08:12 PM

Lais was quiet as the rest trickled in left and right. Shifting slightly he was disappointed to not see any of his direct family aside from Auri. He knew his brother was still recovering, but he just wished to have been able to see him. Lately he had been feeling more and more grief with his missing litter mates and his older siblings who had drifted away from the pack when he was still young. It didn't help that next season would be his birthday and he would feel the grief even more in the upcoming months. His eyes looked to Gwen's kids and he quietly sighed as he looked to their bright eyes. They were the future for the pack and right now it wasn't time for him to be selfish and wallow in his own emotions. Instead it was time to focus on helping the kids learn and grow.

Gwen spoke up, addressing the small group that was their pack. She stated she would like the pack to introduce themselves and state a little bit about themselves to the pups, before she introduced the pups to everyone. Eyes fallowed to each pup she indicated towards when introducing, doing his best to memorize each one of their names with their faces. When she finished he stood up and stepped forward eyes focused on the pups.

"Hello pups I'm Laisrén Maolán Adravendi. I'm the youngest brother to Regulus, born and raised here and I'm a legionary within the pack I also try to pitch in with hunting for the pack as well," he introduced himself and felt like he had told enough about himself.

If they were more curious he was sure he could spend more time with any of them after this meet and greet.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
09-17-2018, 06:11 PM
The rest of the pack slowly trickled in, even Paladin and Aurielle moving up to speak privately to Gwen. On his way back to join the rest of them, though, Paladin spoke up to Justice, inviting her to join him on his trip to train with the nomads. Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, finally seeing a chance to do the training she'd been itching for. But that spark died into wariness. She'd run away once to join the nomads, just like Paladin had, but unlike him she hadn't found them. Part of her couldn't help but wonder why he'd been able to, while she had spent several seasons of her life wandering alone. Was he just that much more lucky? Or had they just rejected her and left her to wander? Silly thought, that. Ridiculous, actually. But the fear still lurked deep down, a puppy's fear from her puppyhood that she couldn't quite shake. "Sure," she said with caution. "If I'm not needed for patrols I'll head up that way. It's not far."

The brief conversation with Paladin had quite distracted her from the meeting, so she was almost surprised when Gwen spoke up to begin, introducing each of the four pups and naming the absent one. Justice glanced around idly, wondering who all would speak up so she didn't have to, and realized as she did that Regulus, his mate, and their son had all not shown up. That only left a handful of them there, which meant... yep, only Laisren spoke up, leaving everyone else sitting awkwardly waiting for someone else to go first.

Justice made a face, but took the initiative. "Hi," she began in her usual brash manner. "My name is Justice Ancora, I am four years old and I enjoy long walks on the plains and lightning storms, and I dislike rain and prey with feathers. Oh, and cowards," she added thoughtfully. "I'm not a fan of cowards." She flashed a cheeky grin before continuing. "I am a paladin here, which means I do both healing and fighting, but more fighting. I like my job - once we got attacked by another pack, and I got to cut up a guy's eyeballs," she told the pups with a great deal of relish. What? It's what she would most have liked to hear about when she was a pup. What pup DIDN'T want to hear about gauging out eyes?



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
10-04-2018, 10:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2018, 10:32 AM by Artur.)
Listening to the adults talk back and forth wasn't particularly interesting, though he frowned when it sounded like the one with the teeth and the strange fur was scolding his mother for something. She'd introduced herself as the alpha, which was confusing because his mother was also alpha, so if they were both alphas why should she be able to get angry at his mother for doing alpha stuff? When you were the alpha no one should be able to tell you what to do. He continued to stare coolly and with a furrowed brow at her as the other adults settled themselves, though he reluctantly dragged his gaze and attention back to the meeting when his mother started it. She introduced them, first, and Artur sat up straight and proud when she gave his name, falling back into a scowl when she mentioned Cairo wasn't there because he was sick again. Cairo was always sick. Artur was starting to think it was just an excuse not to have to do anything.

But then the adults started introducing themselves and talking about their jobs, and Artur set himself to listen intently. Well, two of them did, anyway, and the first one who spoke up said he was an Adravendi, causing Artur to stare with narrowed eyes at him. An Adravendi? Mom had said that the rest of their family had been lost and she'd never found them. And who was this Regulus? Was he one of the ones that his mother had said their great-grandfather had adopted? No, probably not, if this guy was Regulus' younger brother. It was probably their mom or dad that had been adopted in and they'd just kept borrowing the Adravendi name. The guy said he was a legionary, though, which was what Artur wanted to be, so Artur kept the rather pointed questions that threatened to spill out to himself rather than offend someone who might end up as his mentor.

The dark-colored female was the only other one to speak up, saying things that... sounded like she'd meant them to be funny but Artur didn't really get the joke. He did understand what she said about her job, though, and his own eyes lit up with enthusiasm. She'd gotten to cut up someone's eyes? Yes! That! That was the job he wanted. Well, not the healing part. He would leave that to Geoffrey and Viviane, since they were so keen on it. He probably wouldn't get her as a mentor, since she wasn't actually a legionary, but gosh did he wish she weren't a paladin so he could be her apprentice and learn to fight like that.

No one else stepped forward to introduce themselves, but his mother had said she wanted them to get introduced too so the auburn-masked pup took the initiative. Puffing out his chest proudly, he stepped forward. "My name is Artur," he started with every ounce of dignity and arrogance a pup could possibly pack into a sentence. "I'm going to learn to fight. I will be the best warrior in the whole world and make all the wolves everywhere respect my family's name." He gave a decisive nod, his expression fierce. Well, as fierce as a puppy's face can be, anyway.



3 Years
10-06-2018, 10:11 AM
He probably wouldn't admit it aloud but Aurielle's sudden closeness as she came over to speak to him had his heart fluttering in his chest. In that moment he hardly heard or noticed anyone else here, there was just Rielle. "Absolutely, to both."

Once things got going and various wolves were finished muttering this and that to one another Gwenevere announced the reason for the little meeting. It was a pretty smart idea for Gwen to have her pups meeting everyone now. If he'd had more responsible parents he might have been less likely to talk to any stranger passing by. One by one the others were introducing themselves and one of the pups followed suit, making his lofty goals known with all the seriousness he could muster.

Never one to be shy, Amos took the moment of quiet as a chance to get to his own introduction. "I'm Amos Allantide, I'm a legionary. I enjoy meeting new wolves and going on patrol." Short, but not terrible. Honestly, being in this pack while it was quiet was dulling his social skills though the fault was mostly his own... He needed to start getting out more.
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]



2 Years
10-07-2018, 05:05 PM
Geoffrey glanced around eagerly as the grown up began to introduce themselves. They were, well, a little old, but there were no other puppies around so they'd have to do. Besides, to immediately count them out because they were old people was some form of discrimination, right? Geoffrey liked to think of himself as an equal opportunity friend maker so it just wasn't right to exclude them.

Finally it was his turn. "As my momma said, my name is Geoffrey Meriadoc Adravendi, but you can call me Geo. Or Merry." His eyes rolled heavenward as he tried to decide what he wanted to be when he grew up. "And um, I like making medicine a lot so I think I want to be a healer." He thought about it for another second, then added, "Or maybe a crafter 'cause I like making things but definitely not a fighter because cut up eyeballs are gross."

[Image: jqslMGb.png]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
10-08-2018, 09:46 AM
Caelia watched with subdued interested as other wolves showed up, plenty of which she didn't know at all. Her gaze rested for a hint too long on Amos, a darker grey male that had been eyeing them with a smile, before her attention fell on Aurielle who had lowered herself to speak to them. She was an Adravendi, too, then? She remembered hearing Artur ask their mom about their family, and remembering hearing that some had simply been adopted - given the name, like a child might be given a stick to play with. They could proclaim it was theirs all they wanted, but did that really make it so? Couldn't someone just come and take it away? Caelia considered this, and was quiet and calm as everyone spoke. She felt Artur stiffen at the mention of his name, and she too stood up tall and confident when hers was spoken right after. She hoped the smile she wore was a pretty one, because she really did want all of Celestial to think just as highly of her as they surely did her mother.

The older wolves began to introduce themselves, and her gaze followed them each carefully, trying to remember their names and family ties as best as she could. Because that stuff was important, right? Even if it was a bit boring. Justice in particular caught her attention, especially the bit about not liking cowards. Yeah, she definitely didn't like them other. And the bit about cutting up someone's eyeballs - while admittedly super gross, was also kind of cool. If someone tried to attack her pack, or hurt her brothers and sister, she'd totally want to cut up someone's eyeballs! Artur was surprisingly quick to speak up after that, and while she wanted to speak up right after him, that grey guy started to talk again and forced her to stay silent.

Trying not to pout, she held her tongue. As much as she didn't want Artur to always outshine her, she didn't want their mother to scold them for being brats, either. Her slight temper was soothed at Geoff's answer, trying not to giggle at the thought of the gross medicine he'd made for Cairo. "I'm Caelia Blythe Adravendi," she finally spoke up loudly - perhaps a bit too loudly - after clearing her throat. "I'm gonna be a fighter, too, like Artur. If anyone tries to attack Celestial again I'm gonna cut up more than just their eyeballs." Did she sound certain? She really hoped she did, even if it sounded foolish, given that she knew nothing about fighting. But... it was a nice thought, anyway.