
[Gabe]Prayers for the damned



2 Years
08-20-2018, 08:43 PM

She had caught a nice snowshoe this morning. Father still refused to eat much, uncle had disappeared, Sathanus was probably busy living her own life and her sisters were probably with momma and Olya. Life had fallen apart. So she did the only thing she knew to do. She traveled northward with the hare and a small leaf filled with berries and flowers she had plucked. The gods her mother claimed existed would hopefully answer. She needed guidance.

As she entered the place with the alter her father had taken her so many seasons ago she stopped. Its holiness rang out to her in it's own way. Did the gods care about her offerings? Would they disregard her? She had no answer for it and moved forward, making her way to the alter. What was left there was bones from old offerings and such. As hellish as it looked she dared not disturb the rest of the items. She gingerly laid her own on it and unfurled the leaf atop of the hare, arranging the items with great care and precision. Then she stepped back from it. "Please accept my humble offerings, I am in need of your guidance. My father grows weak with depression, my mother weak with age. The rest of my family are at war with one another. I don't know what to do, grandfather said he was a God, and then called me an abomination. I'm lost. My sisters are no where for me to find them. I just want my family back together again. Please with your infinite wisdom guide me so I may help to mend what has become broken."

She wasn't sure this was how you prayed, but she just wanted help. This felt like the right place to seek it out. The scar that ran her face was a horrid reminder of a gods cruelty to those she loved though. She had to wonder if uncle gabriel was punished the same way as her. She sat there with her head bowed and her eyes closed though, hoping against hope that some being would answer.

Walk "Talk" Think

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
09-02-2018, 02:21 PM
What exactly had driven him to move so far north was a mystery. However, he chose not to read into it. Perhaps it was the will of His spirit. Bidding him toward some unforeseen goal, or something that must be witnessed. Thus, the golden titan slipped through the lands. Waiting for the tight feeling in his chest, the one that told him to keep moving, to lose its grip. It took quite some time. He walked to the edge of the world, for all intents and purposes.

A great cliff at the edge of the continent, where the waves battered themselves relentlessly against the dark stone. The herald could hear them, destroying themselves against the wall of unmoving earth. Could feel the rumble and roar of their unceasing rage as it shook the very earth beneath his paws, trembling through his limbs. There was tranquility in the chaos here. It was quiet, the fury of the waves translated into white noise. When he focused, he swore he could hear His voice, telling him what he needed to do. He wasn't sure what this place was, but the harsh grip on his soul had released.

Warm breath puffed from his parted jaws, the effort of moving through the snow for so long had winded him. Crystals of ice gathered on his long whiskers. Sightless gaze mirrored the frozen world all around. He stepped forth, until the tiny cathedral welcomed him into its embrace.

.. I'm lost..

The words drifted to him on a breeze, an echo of his own sentiments. "Please with your infinite wisdom guide me so I may help to mend what has become broken." the voice was small, feminine. Familiar. He scented the air. Ah, it was one of the Fallen children. Dominika, was her name. Softly, the herald let his voice pass inky lips. "I hear that other men's gods do not speak to us as He once did. They leave signs for you to interpret on your own." he crooned, daring not step closer. He tasted blood on the breeze, and the faint aroma of herbs. This was a private moment, upon which he intruded.


walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.