
Chasing Regret



6 Years
07-13-2014, 06:12 PM

Sapphire slits would gently open, the young man not truly realizing this was a dream. His eyes would wander, but there was nothing before him. Only a massive room of darkness.

His head lifted, not scared at this point but curious. Why was no one here? Why wasn't anything here? His chin would rotate the room, still spying nothing as he decided to take a stand. But only when he stood, would clouds of black pull at his stomach and try to drag him under. He was panicked now, stepping and flicking his paws to rid of the darkness.

This was no dream. This was a nightmare.

He had leaped out of the pool, but when his paws hit the surface he was now back at the borderlines of Sericia. The familiar stench making his nostrils twitch. Had it been that long? What was the last day of his royalty... when was he once crowned as a prince?

None of that mattered to him anymore, his head giving a shake to erase the thought. His eyes rose to the plains; he was alone. There was no one there to be with him. This truly was a nightmare.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-13-2014, 06:34 PM

The place was dreadful. She wandered about completely alone, with no one to talk to but herself. A sad sight rolled off her tongue. What a terrible way to die, taken by a sickness rather than to die honorably in battle. Paws pressed into the earth as she moved, the scenery constantly changing her. It was a painful reminder to have his scent fill her nostrils, so familiar and so intoxicating, and yet an awful reminder that she was dead. Lips curled back to reveal ivory daggers, her icy gaze downcast, focused on the ground directly in front of her. With each step, his scent grew more and more powerful as though he was standing right in front of her. Hopelessly, her gaze would lift, knowing that she was only lying to herself. But there he was. Muscles would freeze, eyes widening in shock. It couldn't be, her mind had to be playing tricks on her. There was no way. "Caeto?" His name rolled off her tongue in a whisper, barely audible, she couldn't believe, the realization would be to painful. A frown colored her features. Slowly she took note of her surroundings. They stood at the border to his old pack, the place they had first met. Icy gaze would drift, absorbing the pleasant memory before returning to Caeto, half expecting him to no longer be there. But he was still standing there, looking just as lost as she was. The girl would fall silent, taking a moment to simply bask in his presence because soon he would be done and she would be completely alone, again.

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6 Years
07-13-2014, 07:57 PM

That voice...

The male would raise his head high above his shoulders, something he almost never had done. His ears swiveled in many different directions, his dark orbs closed just to hear that edge one more time. He tried to inhale the air, but there was no scent. Only the stale air of his old kingdom.

His body whipped around, his head lowered instantly as his eyes connected with that voice. His chin tilted, his maw almost dropped. "Zar...?" his throat whispered just as hers, in shock, "Zaria...?"

"Is it..." Is this real life?

"Are you..." Are you alive?

His claws dug into the ground. He wouldn't dare move from his side of the border. He was too frightened to go toward her, to even speak with her. He didn't want his questions unanswered, he didn't want her to disappear. But she was here? She was alive? Was what he heard a rumor? A lie?

Even though everything around him was so old, so fake, it wasn't through to his head that this wasn't real. But was this even a dream? It didn't matter. He wanted it to be real. He wanted to be with Zaria again. He didn't want to leave her.

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