
Are You Happy Now!?



3 Years
07-13-2014, 05:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2014, 05:18 PM by Svetlana.)

She was hurting, angry, and since coming to Olympus she had not interacted with any of them. Body slunk along Olympus lands, a prisoner within the lands of her other mother. A mother who claimed her from Ebony without even asking her consent for it first. Part of her heart knew Virgil meant well, but Ebony was her family too. Not just her siblings, but the whole pack. They were all her family. She was without all of them... a stranger. If it were not for Korrin being with her the girl would surely be lost. The fox was doing all she could to keep her friend's spirits up in these dark times. The fox too was irritated, and supported her friend not wanting to interact with the Olympians.

"We'll get home someday, Korrin. Even if I have to challenge for my freedom when I'm old enough." The young wolf would say. The small fox would lift her gray eyes to meet light blue ones, giving a nod. "Korrin does not doubt that, Svet." The smaller canine would twitch her ears, looking out across the valley. The two sitting beneath a tree. It was their spot... where they could often be found. A small den was dug beneath it, among the roots, where the two would sleep.

Svetlana's eyes rose to the heavens. "Whether the will of the gods or not... this is not my home." She would say aloud, though whether or not someone would answer was to be seen.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
07-14-2014, 04:21 AM

How ironic was it that as she was in the process of attempting to find her way to Ebony and then back home that there would be challenges ongoing for her step-siblings bringing them one by one to Olympus. Andromeda had gotten lost on her first occasion, winding up at the borders of a pack named Ludicael. Whilst she had returned home with each of her siblings safely afterwards, the young girl had felt a desire to find her way there still. She hadn't yet achieved it though, Ludicael once more had called to her, its strange scent still seeming somewhat familiar. She had sat there at the borders for several hours attempting to put the pieces together though had eventually given up and had made it home on her own once more to be greeted with the realisation that she hadn't needed to travel to Ebony at all. Svetlana, one of the siblings she had been hoping to see was in fact here. What of the rest of the family?

She didn't care, and the oblivious golden girl would make her way to her sister's direction, hoping that her senses weren't somehow lying to her. She had to admit she was doubting them a little with Ludicael though now however it seemed not to be the case and there before her was her sister. Not realising the sadness that plagued the girl at the moment, Andromeda would rush happily towards her eager to greet her sister. The Olympus side of the family had visited Ebony numerous times, though this was the first time she had seen any of her Xanilov family in the Olympus lands.

Plans were already forming in her mind to show Svetlana around the lands though as she got closer she could see that something clearly wasn't quite right with her sister. Physically she looked fine of course, though it was the emotional side of things that was plaguing her and concern would now fill Andromeda's features as she slowed her approach slightly and carefully came to a stop before her. "Svet? What's wrong?" She would have thought the other as excited to be here as Andromeda had been upon realising that one of her sisters was here though for some reason it didn't seem to be the case.

image by lunarcat7



3 Years
07-22-2014, 04:18 PM

It was the voice of her Olympus sister that would bring Svetlana out of her thoughts. She would lift her gaze, meeting the other girl?s with her own soft blue. She would flick her ears back, feeling the sharp anger rise within her belly. ?What?s wrong?? She would ask, the question coming out almost sarcastically. Truthfully, had Korrin not nudged her and reminded her that this was her sister she was speaking to, an uninvolved party, she might have snapped at her.

?Put simply... no. I was not asked if I wanted to come to Olympus... Our mother challenged Katja for me... Pretty much stole me from Ebony.? Even if she was trying to keep her voice under control it was clear enough that the girl was not pleased with this. Her fur was raised slightly, and she let out a slight growl.

?There are more wolves in Ebony that are my family besides my mother and siblings... Those that I trust... Those I could call family... And I was taken from all of them without a choice. Olympus is not my home... And it never will be.? The girl looked away from her non-blood related sister. ?...In short... I just... I don?t want to be here.?

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
07-22-2014, 05:59 PM

The question would be repeated, spoken sharply as though Andromeda herself should know exactly what was wrong. Sadly though the gilded girl had no idea what had happened with the challenges for her siblings the fact that Svetlana hadn't actually chosen to be here and instead would be hurt by the anger now aimed in her direction. Keeping her calm though she knew something was clearly bothering her sister, she longed to get to the bottom of it and hopefully before either of them lost their temper too much.

Korrin was fortunately the voice of reason here it seemed, without a even a single word he managed to calm the other down. She would cast a thankful glance in the fox's direction before letting her gaze settle once more upon her sister. She was calmer towards Andromeda now, though clearly still upset and honestly as the Olympus child listened, she had no idea what to really say. Was there anything she could really do to make matters any better.

"Just give it a chance here Svet." Andromeda would sigh. She too had once been confused by being brought to Olympus, now of course she understood it was her main home and Ebony her second though the girl would still think herself fortunate to live in either. It was a shame really that her siblings first visit to what should be their second home would be under such pretences that would in fact bring them a great dislike to the idea. "I get that it's not fair you couldn't choose. I was born in Ebony too though Svet, Olympus was so strange when we first moved here but now I've come to think of both packs as homes."

As for the stealing issue, she honestly couldn't understand why her Xanilov siblings wouldn't rather stay with their second mother and other siblings. If Gods forbid it had been the other way around, she could of course see the pain in leaving behind all of the Olympus family though at least she would be with one of her parents. "If you talk to mother about it perhaps something can be sorted out." She wouldn't dare suggest anything in particular, though she certainly hoped that Svetlana would grow to think of Olympus as her home, its doors were always open to her after all before and clearly after Raisa had left them. She restrained herself from telling her to stop moping around and once more reiterate the point of giving Olympus a chance, though the thought certainly crossed her mind.

image by lunarcat7



3 Years
07-25-2014, 03:08 PM

Give it a chance. That was far more easily said than done for her. The girl would give a soft sigh, looking away from her sister now. Had her heart not been blinded by anger and hurt she probably would have done just that. But she saw only the need to get home... To avoid all of those here. The girl would look back to Andromeda again, ears flicked back. ?Perhaps so... But... All the same it was not being forced to come here. I wouldn?t mind coming to visit but... I belong in Ebony, Andromeda. I might have some family here yes... But it is not the same. Olympus was your birthright... And Ebony is mine...? The girl was speaking in a softer tone now, but her words were still sincere in showing how she truly felt.

The mini-version of Raisa would close her bright blue eyes, shaking her head. ?I have duties to Ebony... Just as you have duties to Olympus. Our paths were set by the mothers we were with... And that is why I can?t accept this. Ebony needs us...? The girl lifted her gaze to look at her sister. ?Val went after mom... They are looking to me to become the heir... I... I can?t just abandon them.?

The fox at her side would give a soft sigh and looked at Andromeda. ?Svet does not wish to fail Ebony and abandon them as Raisa has... Svet wants to be better than that.? She would conclude, hoping that perhaps both sides could be understood, or at least out in the open. She knew Svetlana was set in her decision... But her words could very well come off as hurtful to her other family members. The fox would give the other a sympathetic look... But not much more could be given.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]