
It's More Than Us


07-13-2014, 03:32 PM

It wasn't too late, the sun was a little over noon. And mother had decided to snooze off, as was the best time for Amarant to adventure off into the world. But today he wanted to bring his brother along. And so his journey began.

He would gently paw his way beside Koray, knowing he may end up attacking him again if he was startled while sleeping. He stood beside him, to make sure he wasn't in range of his last attack. "Koraaayyy," he would whisper not to wake his mother, "Come onn, Mama's sleepingg." He would gently take a nibble at his ear, and swing back in case he had awoken abruptly.

He ran to the mouth of the den, looking back for his brother to wake up and going down on his front paws with his rump held in the air. He wagged his tail happily hoping Koray would come join him. He did need his guardian after all.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-17-2014, 09:33 PM
Sleep was wound tightly around the nocturnal young wolf. He'd been lucky to get a chance to nap during the day. Last night he had been keeping watch like he did every night. So in the morning he had been grumpy and tired like he was every morning. The nap beside mother had been a much needed one, to regain his strength; but fortunately for Amarant it had been long enough that the other pup managed to catch him between dreams and with rest in his body.

The whispering only earned a feeble swipe from the forepaw of a sleeping pup. The nibble at his ear was more effective. Koray flinched and the sudden motion woke him enough to see his brother wagging his tail and prancing to the mouth of the den and back. From there it was not hard to figure out what he wanted. Koray smiled. Ammy was going to bring him along for adventure. He was glad his brother wanted him along, so he could look after him, and because Koray knew he slowed Ammy down with his sleepier pace and more cautious approach to things. Quietly getting up from where he had been curled beside his mother, Koray scampered towards his brother and attempted to tackle him whispering "That's for biting my ear!" and then attempting to lick his face before darting towards the entrance and letting out a small whine when the light hit his eyes.

"Why's it always got to be so bright out when you want to play Ammy?" Koray grumped a little, before his eyes adjusted and his tail began to wag. "And where are we gunna go?"


07-18-2014, 04:12 PM

The boy would giggle as Koray tackled him, returning a few licks before his brother released him. Amarant would look to Maia to make sure she wasn't disturbed before joining Koray outside.

Koray would squint to the light, Amarant finding it rather enjoyable. He liked the warm rays of the sun, it made him comfortable leaving mother's side. "It's too scary at night." He would respond. Koray was always up at night, but Amarant would rather fall asleep as quickly as possible to avoid all the darkness. As long as his face was stuffed into Maia's side, he was fine.

He would take off running, hopefully his brother would follow. "I'll take you to the orchid! It's not too far from here." He would come to the borders, crossing them without any hesitation. But would Koray follow? He would stop and turn around to make sure that he was still coming.

Walk "Talk" Think


07-30-2014, 12:54 AM
Koray teased his brother by playfully bitting at his ear without really trying to hurt him. "It's not scarry at night Ammy. It's dark, and quiet, and magic." Koray insisted. "I stay up at night to make sure it's safe so I know." he went on to explain, as he wagged his tail a little proudly.

When Ammy told him of where they were going, Koray tilted his head curiously. "Whats a orchid?" he asked following his brother either way. Sure enough he passed the borders without even a thought to them, as they meant little to Koray. Near his brother was the only boundary that mattered. Koray's job was to keep Ammy safe, not worry about invisible lines on the ground telling him who owned what. Besides, it was starting to smell good out here, so why would Koray worry?

The ash and fire colored wolf was beginning to adjust more to being awake, and feeling the sun warm his fur. Stretching his legs beside his brother was always fun and he absently wondered what the day would have in store for them.