



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
09-21-2018, 02:00 PM
Uh oh.

Eligos had been exploring again, wandering away on his own. He was poking around near the border - not too near, because he didn't want his father to be angry at him if he accidentally went outside and he didn't want his mother to worry, but within sight of it so he could eye it curiously. Or... sniff it, rather, since it turns out the border was actually invisible. It was closer than he'd gone to it on his own before, though, so there was plenty of new little holes and puddles to explore. He'd been wriggling through a mass of roots under one of the big sycamores, maybe an old fox den or a badger set, when... oops, he'd gotten stuck and couldn't go forward more. Remembering that it had taken him forever to get out the last time when he'd tried to keep going forward after this, he wisely decided to back out instead.

Only, apparently he was stuck that way, too.

As he cautiously eased backward, he suddenly was jerked to a stop when his head caught tightly in a forked root. He planted his feet and pulled hard, but all he got for his effort was a a pair of sore spots around the back of his head where the root pressed down harder and harder the more he tugged.

Well, there was his current predicament, half in, half out of a hole beneath a tree, small butt sticking out and tail drooping about his hocks, wondering now if maybe sticking his head - and getting it stuck - in what was possibly the home of a bigger, meaner animal than him had been as good an idea as it had seemed at the time.

OOC: keep in mind that although this is tentatively AW anyone who isn't part of the pack or the family is probably going to get their face eaten if they mess with Baby so don't say I didn't warn you.