
[Birth thread] surprise!!!!



2 Years
09-21-2018, 08:39 PM

She'd been reunited with Iskra for a short time. So far she tried to stick close though the spirit of adventure captured her once again. Though shortly after she had wandered off something started to feel different from before. She had felt the movements within her swollen abdomen. It was strange to think something lived inside her. All from a one night stand with a boy just to try to make iskra have some kind of motherly reaction. Maybe it had also been a bit of loneliness and want for company to help celebrate her birthday.

She placed back and forth inside the shelter of the barn she had found. There was old hay she had piled up in the corner in the back. She wasnt sure why but every few minutes there was a sharp pain in her stomach that made her stop and close her eyes. Whatever was up she didn't like it. She moved then to her bed of hay as she felt a break in the pain for a minute. Maybe she just needed to lay down.

It wasnt but a few moments later though that something inside her burst. Her head moved to look at her stomach in shock. She questioned if she just peed herself as she lay there but a moment later she could hardly think. The feeling of wanting to expel what lay in her abdomen was strong but she wasnt sure if she should try. She kind of wanted iskra or even Dragon at that moment but she didnt know if either of them could find her or if they could tell her what to do. Her ears pressed back and she watched the outside of the barn from her corner. It had rained this morning but she knew her scent wouldn't have been washed away completely.


[Image: giphy.gif]

As her sister and voice, Ithiliel is allowed in any and all of her threads regardless of tags.



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
11-17-2018, 03:51 PM
The young healer was wandering through the range, intrigued by the crops that grew in abundance in this territory. Of course, food doesn't always mean healing properties, and for the most part she left the corn and other growing things alone. She was more interested in replenishing her herbs, a never ending task. At least she had begun to stockpile pastes and ointments she had created from the herbs. These lasted longer than the herbs themselves.

She was sniffing intently through the undergrowth, when the scent of a pregnant wolf caught her attention. She tilted her head in curiosity, and explored the scent further. There didn’t seem to be any trace of another wolf, and the smell of pregnancy was strong. She followed her impulse and moved after the scent, as it let her towards a den. The sound of moving from inside told her what was taking place. This wolf was alone. Of course, appearing right now could also be a tricky business. A wolf giving birth was likely to be defensive against a stranger appearing in her den.

In the end, it was the silence of the woman that drove her on. No one could keep completely quiet in the pains of childbirth, and she was too worried that something was wrong. She moved into the den with caution. “I’m a healer, i’m here to help.” she said in soothing tones. Her eyes looked at the stranger with an expert eye, she was definitely in the throes of childbirth, of that there was no mistake. She moved herself into the other woman’s view, and would pause there, giving the woman time to adjust adn send her packing, or seeking out her aid.