
Slow it Down



6 Years
07-13-2014, 09:59 AM

Azalea had adjusted easily to Tortuga, all things considered. Puppies lent to a more cautious nature and even now, with the puppies up and about, she found herself looking around as she left the den.

The puppies were napping and Azalea needed to stretch her legs, maybe find a snack. It was nice to not be so wide that she could hardly walk without a waddle. It was nice to be nearly done nursing. Perhaps she would find something to bring back to her little carnivores.

Her nose sniffed at the air, eyes searching now as their amber depths looked around hoping to see Soren. The yin-yan colored boy had stayed with her, though she was sure it couldn't be easy to be so near to where he had been held against his will. She wanted to remind him he was loved, to make him happy to be here. Azalea wondered if he was making friends.

As she padded along she heard a noise from behind that caused her to stop and whip her head around. There, following behind her, was Raziel. "Raziel! Silly boy, you are supposed to be sleeping." If this had been her first liter, Azalea would have been freaking out, but now she knew that these things were bound to happen. Puppies didn't stay puppies forever. "Very well, would you like to come with me? I'm going to try and find something to eat."




1 Year
07-13-2014, 10:50 AM

Oh, the world was so wide and new to the young boy. Hardly, he knew where to start with his adventures that he craved. As soon as he had opened his eyes, the Adravendi had been venturing around the den, tumbling over his sleepy siblings, being the only baby awake amongst a pile of puppies. His maiden was the wolf he most resembled, and there was a certain connection between him and her. Every time she left, the young boy would yelp and whine: "Mommy! Don't go!"; and he would attempt to come with her, but she had always told him to stay, so he would. Each day she left to find food to regurgitate for her children, the boy would wait absently, lonesome and quiet unlike his siblings, who had engaged in wrestling matches and bickered about who was mommy's favorite. Each day he would wait for her to return, his heart beating faster than a rabbit as horrid thoughts would reel through his tiny mind. 'What if she never comes back? What if she gets eaten? What if a wolf hurt her?' Every time she would come back, she would be greeted by eternal cuddles by her masked son until she left again?but today, she wasn't leaving without him.

All of the pups were tucked in the den, including the young Adravendi, who had feigned sleep, making innocent little snoring sounds and breathing slowly. The maiden was fleeing in their midst of snores and quiet whines, in search of a meal for him and his siblings to share with their mother. It would likely be their first meal fully of meat, having been weaned from their mother's milk. As soon as her noise would disappear, the young child sprung into action, slowly creeping around the general vicinity of his siblings, careful not to awaken any of them. If he did, his mistake would bring their maiden back, no doubt. The pearly pelted child scampered out of the den, white light blinding his jaded gems for a moment as he tumbled over a heap of snow. A huff escaped his tiny muzzle as his ears flopped downward, cold biting at his veldt ears already. He enjoyed being outside, but his goal was set. 'To find mommy!' Righteous thoughts rolled through his mind as he pulled himself up, shaking frosty snow from his short pelt and marching away, beating the ground with oversized paws.

Her russet masked face was visible, as well as her form. The young Adravendi gave a small yelp of joy within his mind, picking up his pace, but in his attempts at stealth, he failed miserably. The young boy had forgotten how mis-proportioned he was as a puppy with a pudgy puppy body. Right over his oversized paws he tumbled, rolling toward his mother for a few feet before he fell flat on his belly, the cold gnawing at his sensitive stomach. At the clamor that he had created, his mother whirled about, rubies shimmering. "Raziel! Silly boy, you are supposed to be sleeping." His obsidian mask would tip upward at his mother, coldness forgotten and replaced by a toothy grin of playfulness, before he would rise to his reclining post, giving a gentle whine, his vocals feeble. "I missed you Mommy. I didn't want you to leave without me again. You leave every day without me, and I just get really lonely without you." The young boy gave another whine before he would inch toward his mother, nuzzling her legs gently, as she spoke again, his obsidian audits relishing the sound of her voice. "Very well, would you like to come with me? I'm going to try and find something to eat." The only reply his mother would get was a happy yip and a playful bat of his paws at her stilts, tumbling to his side once more. His paws splayed out wildly as he flailed to get up again, his tail wagging in excitement to be the puppy who refused to sleep to go on a big adventure with his mommy.



1 Year
07-13-2014, 10:56 PM
0000 WORDS
Mommy and Brother
let's join forces,
we've got our guns and horses. i know you've been burned, but every fire is a lesson learned.
[Image: paradise_by_trynxie-d7l1o0c.png]
It was sometimes hard for the young child to fall asleep. Always fearing never to wake up again, but then again she tried to forget those nasty thoughts that she held deep inside of her. Sarka was the smallest of her siblings, the runt of the litter and with a small body frame a lot of others probably thought she would break. To add on she was a quiet and reserved little girl, even though she spoke softly and rarely unless it came to her siblings and mother. Even then she was far more content keeping what she had to say to herself. Words would sometimes hurt others, and she didn't want to hurt others. One thing she also knew though, was that she didn't want to be left alone. As soon as she saw her larger brother stumble out of the den to follow after mother, Sarka would rise herself in a pitiful way and follow him as well. Trying to sneak along with her small body.
Her mother however was a lot smarter than the average wolf, well at least this young pup seemed to think so. A shiver ran down her spine into her limbs as she noticed Raziel, and now her cover was no longer there as she had been partly hiding behind her big brother. Sarka would let out a small puff of her nostrils, she was scared, but she wanted to go with them of course. Though it was a bit difficult for her since she really didn't want to use her voice. Instead to announce her presence, she would paw at her mothers tail. Eventually able to softly bite the tip of it with her little mouth standing on her hind legs. Though only to stumble backwards with a small 'thump' into the dirt. Blinking, the girl would look upward towards her mother. Hoping she wasn't mad, or hadn't noticed her.



6 Years
07-19-2014, 05:45 PM

"I missed you Mommy. I didn't want you to leave without me again. You leave every day without me, and I just get really lonely without you." The furry lump of a pup wiggled toward her, snuggling into her legs and pulling at her heart strings. She smiled with a soft sigh, looking down at the boy. He seemed thrilled at the idea of going with her, so excited.

She turned to go and her tail was nipped, making her muscles jump in shock as she flinched away to look back. There was another pup, black headed as well. Another child of hers, of Sarak's. Azalea squinted for a moment, avoiding the eyes of either child as she collected her pain, mopped up her sappy emotions.

Azalea knew the little she-wolf wouldn't say anything so she just smiled at the girl. "Come on, we're going to find food." She moved slowly now, purposely placing each paw to not step on either pup. She also didn't want to leave them in the dust. She knew they would want to explore and take in the sights.

The chilly snow filled forest was quiet, sans the calls of winter birds singing joyously. Azalea had planned to hunt but now she wondered if she might find something already killed, easier to keep track of two shaky legged pups then.