
Sparkling angel, I believe!



1 Year
09-28-2018, 10:09 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2018, 10:11 AM by Chael.)
The landscape was so dark here! Chael wasn't quite sure what to make of this new path she found herself on, but it did make her stand out rather well. Her glimmering white and cinnamon pelt was a stark contrast to the dark grey and even darker black of the large rocks and mountains around her, hell, even her blue opal eyes shined against the terrain as she made her way in her usual northwest fashion. Chael was never quite sure where she was going, but she did keep a set of stars as her guide with the sun rising on her left, and setting on her right. Her mother had taught her this way of travel, and they had never been lost before. Here on her own, she found herself getting lost constantly because she would lose track of the star she was following, or she would find herself back-tracking for a few minutes.

It was quite frustrating to navigate this place by herself. She wanted so badly to bring her family in, to send them the news that she had found the perfect place for her perfect angelic family. She waved her tail as she walked, thinking of the family she did have left with her, thoughts of them always warmed her in ways the sun never could. Still, Chael had a very important goal to accomplish, and the only way she could do it would be to travel every land and explore the whole of this new land.

Having grown up on rocky terrain like this, the young angel made short work out of navigating her way through and knowing which rocks were sturdy enough to carry her weight. It made her seem to float across the rocks, almost like a ghost. Her perfect form graced over the ground and never once slipped or fell. She gripped each huge rock face with her pads and nails, jumping from stone to stone as she continued her northwesterly trek. The end of this land would come up soon, and when it did, she would follow the coast to the north and follow it around. Chael had to find somewhere for her family to congregate and praise their god fully. She couldn't wait to rekindle her father's kingdom on this earth. It had been a few months since the Angelic Horde had somewhere to roost.

Action. "Talking." "You."

Chael Anjelico



2 Years
09-28-2018, 10:31 AM
WARNING: Language
Sorenn liked the mountains well enough, he supposed. It was hardly has favorite terrain. The prey here was skittish and nimble, and storms seemed to roll in with no warning. It was an exciting way to live, perhaps, but ill suited to him. In his mind he pictured a pack of ferocious, burly wolves dropping down onto those fucking goats from cliffs above. Assholes thought their dainty little hooves would get them out of a pinch, huh? Sorenn sneered as he imagined it.

His stomach rumbled, breaking him out of his daydream. He huffed and sighed. Alright, so he'd had a pinch of trouble taking down anything of substantial size. That didn't mean the pesky little rodents popping in and out of the stones below were beyond his reach. Maroon eyes bore into the crevices and shadows, waiting for a marmot or pika to make itself known. Instead, he caught sight of a white flash of fur farther above. Sorenn's eyes snapped upwards, expecting to find another mountain goat mocking him. Instead, to his surprise, he found a wolf. Hmm, he thought to himself, considering. Well.

He wasn't about to expend the energy necessary to pester some random shewolf, and he hardly cared whether or not she came down to him. He pushed away his earlier thoughts of cliff dwelling mountain wolves dropping down onto unsuspecting prey below, no longer feeling as if those imaginations were helpful. In the end, he decided to pretend he had never seen her and continued picking his way among the scree below. If she wanted to engage him, she was more than welcome to. If not, well, he still needed to eat didn't he?



1 Year
09-29-2018, 04:13 PM
Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, Chael scanned the area around her, seeking out whatever might be lunch. There was movement below, and her bright blue opal eyes found and locked onto it. She would have mistaken the male for an oddly colored rock if not for his moving, though his coloration was rather interesting to look at. He seemed to be hunting, and for a second, Chael wondered whether she should grace him with her presence or not. Deciding that everyone deserved the chance to meet her, Chael hopped nimbly from stone to stone until she reached a respectful distance away from the male. "I just thought you should know, I thought you were a rock when I first spotted you." Looking down through the scree pile, Chael wondered what he could be hunting that lived in such tight spots.

"Did you lose something?" She wondered at the male, looking him over then looking back to the rocks he had been searching through. As far as she knew only rodents lived in places like that, and snakes. He couldn't be that hungry, right? Chael couldn't imagine eating vermin when there were plenty of mountain goats and the like around. Hell, she would take on a big horn lamb before she would eat a mouse or rat. Could that be what he was doing? What kind of wolf did she decide to interact with?

Action. "Talking." "You."

Chael Anjelico