
Thus Strangely Are Our Souls Constructed



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
10-02-2018, 08:27 PM

Mist swirled around his feet as Brandr strode deeper into the forest. Every few minutes his eyes would glance upward at the moon which glowed golden on the horizon. Gwenevere was planning to talk with the Abraxas and the very thought made his skin crawl. Just going could leave her in serious danger but he knew accompanying her would put her in greater danger. He still remembered the threat the green-eyed youth had left him. Brandr didn't want to be recognized until Gwen had a chance to make her stand.

Above him a great horned owl hooted it's low call and he felt his fur stand on end. The trees toward like spectres above him. Brandr came to a halt and took a deep and steady breath as he willed himself to go onward. He needed to do his best to be of service to Celestial and he decided it was high time he do some scouting near Abaven. Now that his pups were getting older he felt more confident about doing so, and should the new overlord try to force claim him Brandr would make sure to give the man a fight he'd never forget.

How long had it been? It felt like ages. It felt like nothing. The time spent amongst his family moved far to quickly, his children had grown up so fast. Yet, as his thoughts turned to Abaven and his former life there it seemed as if a lifetime had passed. Brandr dreaded confronting how he'd changed in that time. A pair of crows gazed down at him for a moment then took off into the sky, their dark forms causing the moon to flicker before his eyes.

"Talk" "You" Think