
newest arrival


10-07-2018, 08:16 PM
man, it was one of those days. the laziest of days there is. nothing to do and nothing to gain. at least not yet. he didn't know how to gain anything right this second. sure, ideas were forming but did he ever listen to them? no, at least not the good ones. he didn't know anything about this land, had happened upon it in his travels and boom! he was here. having just wandered around this meadow or plain or what have you for a day or so, he was at his wit's end. it would help to have a map in these situations, but he was the type to forget what he had mapped out in his head. for the paper was not a thing of wolves but of long gone human beings. his species didn't have access to such useful objects, and he'd moan and groan about it if he even knew about 'em.

as it was, he had traveled far. farther than what he thought possible for himself. he walked until his legs hurt and his paw pads itched with a burning sensation. he walked until he saw the sun lower itself over the ocean. he was just there, here and everywhere. Puck yawned widely, his clean pink gums and healthy (or what could be counted as healthy for there were also no toothbrushes) teeth viewable for all to see. he didn't rightly know who would be fascinated by teeth but that wasn't his business. he could appreciate that everyone had "their thing". and "his thing", for him? that was simply up to fate. he hadn't much experience in settling down in one place. this land? just another stone to step. another place to briefly conquer then be on his way. oh, he didn't mean conquer-conquer. nah, fam. he wasn't big on world domination. leave that to the bigwigs.

this place, this unknown place, was another brief thing. he had the rest of his life to figure out where to live. why settle down in one particular area? as it was, the young man settled in. the blades of long foliage tickled his nose as he sat. almost hidden by the grass, his stark white pelt with the peculiar stripes on his flank was the only indicators someone was there. man, he was bored. was he ever bored. someone, give him something to do. someone to talk to. heck, he'd settle with a mouse. they can't talk back so sometimes that's damn good. another night here, under the open sky, and he'd leave this town behind. that was his goal. but plans could change, really they could. it was up to the fates and he didn't have much hope in them. as it was, he heard a few rustling noises behind him. he didn't turn though his ears were piqued and alert.

let 'em pass or let 'em talk. he could do with either.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-08-2018, 01:05 AM
Ares decided it was time to wander away from the place his family had settled. Well...he and his dad, anyway. His sister had long disappeared, and he hadn't seen her in ages! Oh well, that meant he had his dad all to himself! But lately, he'd been feeling a strange itch in his paws, and now that he was venturing beyond what he was used to, that itch had gone away. He yearned for new things! New sights and sounds and smells! And he was certainly finding them. The summer sun baked the earth as he moved, his swirled coat soaking in the rays, but he didn't mind it right now. He was too focused on investigating these new lands!

The saber-fanged titan moved through the tall grass, his head clear above the foliage as he moved. He didn't make any attempt to hide his steps. Why should he? He wasn't afraid of anything and he was certain he was taller than most. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he noticed a new smell. Ears flicked and head tilted as he detected the scent of another wolf nearby, and curiosity got the better of him. He headed towards whoever it was, practically making every effort he could to make as much noise as possible. He was excited! Would the stranger run? Fight? Ignore him? So many outcomes, and only one way to find out!


10-08-2018, 11:14 AM

kids these days should be at least careful. at least that's what he thought. he'd been on his own for a long time, stealing from nearby packs and pack lands to survive. he was a regular thief in that regard but ah, the past was long gone now. well... to be frank, he still liked to stick his paws where they didn't belong. that part of the past couldn't be so easily faded. as the scent of the younger wolf came to his grey nose, the young man turned to face him. he was much, much larger than Puck but that didn't really bother him. he knew he was a shorter guy. there was no need for a complex.

the hues of reds and blues on the other's pelt made the man grin, however. he didn't have much color to him and frankly, he'd seen enough browns and blacks to last a lifetime. it was refreshing to see someone that was a bit different. he considered himself a bit different as well. "well, hey there, short stuff!" the young man beamed as a slight laugh came to his tone. he had to crane his neck a bit to look up but ah, that was fine. let the jokes be in good humor. a lesser conscious person would ask how's the weather up there? but Puck did not.

no, he turned himself fully around to face the stranger. leaning forward to bounce on his hind legs, he went on. "so I guess other woofers live here, eh?" he rather hoped he wasn't on a pack's land. in the long run, he didn't care but since he was new here there was no need to start trouble right away. "ya got a name there, sonny Jim, or are you waitin' to hear little old mine's? cause I'll tell ya. Puck. name's Puck."

"Speech" Walk. "You." 'Think.'