He was tracking, weaving his way quietly through the prairie. His was aiming to find the freshest deer trail and track down some deer. He was hoping to get at least one deer today to get some fresh meat, bones, and even parts of the hide. He moved quietly, trying to act as natural as he could so that other animals wouldn't become alarmed. He didn't want his prey spooked before he could find them.
Finally he ran into an extremely fresh trail and altered his course to fallow it. Moving slower and quieter he moved along the scent trail knowing they were not that far away. Keeping himself aware of where he was stepping and to not make much noise. He could hear the faint movement of the two deer, the snorts and the huffs. They were close and instinctively he slowly crouched his body keeping himself on the trail, but out of their sight. He glanced around wondering if any others may be nearby.