
Searching for Safety



07-27-2014, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Stride quick and purposeful, the anxious grey female hurried to her destination. Her body was somewhat hunched as she moved, weighed down by thoughts, worries, and more importantly fears. Gold and purple eyes stared out of a watchful, distraught face, her brow drawn into a nervous frown as her gaze darted about, seeking not only ahead for any sign that she was getting close to where she intended to be but also behind to ensure that the two lives that followed had not fallen behind. If they too would have disappeared, Ashtoreth did not know what she would have done.

As it was, her family had already lost two members. Leon and Ashelia both were gone, or at least as she had told Cador and Vaishya, sparing them the harsher realities in her haste to be gone of the place where her mate had brought them after Valhalla had been lost. It had been practically all she had been able to say - "They're gone," - in her frantic departure, rushing the kids and urging them to follow, to stay close, to not stray too far from her side. They were not safe anymore, the Avian Estuary could not protect them, and they desperately needed a new haven to shelter in.

Ash did not entirely know what it was that drove her here, to Olympus, but her paws did not slow until she caught the scent of their border, stopping there and turning to glance with concern at Cador and Vaishya. She had pushed them too hard in this travel, harder even than their father had pushed them when they had moved the first time, but in her mind it had been necessary. She could not allow them to stay rogues a moment longer. They needed the safety a pack could offer.

She still shook as she stood before them, wishing that she could have been stronger, wishing that it was less obvious just how painful and frightening all of this was for her. She was supposed to be the parent, the strong adult for her children to gather around and take comfort from. Without her own rock, without her mate, she felt entirely lost. "I'm sorry this is so sudden," she said to them, her voice unsteady as she tried to explain. But no more words came to her. How did she tell them she was too weak, too scared, too ill equipped to raise them alone? Grief and distress threatened to take hold of her, blurring her vision with tears, and she took a moment to hide her face and compose herself, only turning back to them when she felt relatively steady. She hoped it would be a good enough front to hold up in front of those who would be greeting her.

Releasing a shaky breath, the lean hunter turned her head to set her gaze in toward the lands whose border she currently waited upon, taking a moment to draw in a deep breath, release it, and take in another to howl for those who could answer her. She hoped, so very much she hoped, that she was making the right decision. Olympus had always been close to home, a neutral neighbor as far as she had been aware though she did not entirely trust her recollection of politics. All she could do now was hope that they would take mercy, pity, whatever it took to help her and her children in their time of need.


07-27-2014, 08:09 PM

He didn't know what had happened, but Cador knew that it was bad. Gone meant missing, absent, not present. Cador couldn't comprehend his father being gone unless something terrible had happened. His father wouldn't have abandoned them - would he? But Ashe was gone too, presumably with their father. Cador already felt the absence of the male he had looked up to so much, and without Leon striding at his mother's side, his mother looked lost and confused.

Cador had done his best to look even stronger now than ever. He'd walked in his best imitation of his father - carrying his head high and his tail streaming behind him, not dragging near the earth. He was channeling his father's steady, unassuming confidence as best he could, determined to fill the void that Leon had left by leaving, wherever he was. In Cador's mind, he was sure that his father would be back any day now, and Cador just needed to carry the mantle until his father returned with Ashe in tow. They had probably just gone to have an adventure or something and mother was just worrying too much - nothing bad could have happened to his father, right?

When they finally came to a stop, Cador sunk back on his haunches, little brown tail wrapping around his paws as he breathed a nearly silent sigh of relief. Walking like that was tiring! How had his father managed it all the time? "It's all right, mother." Cador tried to sound assuring, leaning his small body against her leg for a moment before turning his amethyst gaze towards Vaishya, checking on her silently. His gaze would scan her form, seeking any sort of injuries and to see if overall she seemed to be doing all right.




07-29-2014, 01:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Vaishya followed in her mother's footsteps quickly, her short legs struggling to keep up with the grueling pace the grey hunter set though fear, desperation, and a sheer force of will made it possible. Her posture very strongly mimicked the older woman's, hunched and bent and practically creeping across the ground, though where Ash's face was contorted in worry Vaishya's was a wide-eyed mask, too frightened to even express how she felt. It made no sense to her yet, why her mother was bringing them away from the Avian Estuary and the rest of her family - how could Da and Ashe just be gone? - but the panic and fright that Ashtoreth exhibited was enough to make it clear something was wrong, and being her mother Vaishya followed helplessly.

She did not know where they stopped, only that finally they were allowed to rest. Her breath by this point was coming in quickly, the strenuous pace having gotten to her somewhere along the way, and she hurried to fit herself close beside her brother and mother. Her legs shook a little, a mixture of fright and exertion, and so she quickly sat, her head still ducked and her tail coiling closely to her side. Where were they? Her wide, gold and blue eyes stared around her at the expansive valley that surrounded them, the vague scent of a pack as yet unrecognizable though it was present. What were they doing here?

Casting her gaze in her mother's direction, it was hard to recognize her as the calm, soothing figure that they curled up with at night. She was so unlike herself, seemingly on the verge of tears and visibly torn up about everything that was wrong with their lives. What did it mean for her, for Vaishya, this new fear that had so overwhelmed her mother? It made her shiver to see it, and a little she sidled over toward Cador, seeking his solidness, his steadiness, in the face of all this chaos. Ashtoreth howled, the message clearly a summons, but Vaishya did not give it more thought. Instead she wondered about the dangers they had escaped, the dangers that her father and sister might face if they had not already. Would she ever get to see them again? She pressed her cheek to Cador's leg, at last letting her mask slip and closing her eyes in a moment of silent fear.



7 Years
07-30-2014, 02:00 PM

Change was consuming her life, one thing after another keeping the Centurion on her toes. She had given birth, accepted members, held an important meeting with the Empress, approved a marriage, and given lessons. The season was passing in a whirlwind, too fast for her to truly keep up, but one event in particular plagued her. Day by day, its influence wore off just a little bit, but never enough to allow her mind to truly block it out.

Each and every time the dame closed her eyes to sleep, she was assailed by the memory of disposing of her youngest. She relived the feeling of releasing him from her grasp and letting him fall into the crevice as she turned tail and ran, too cowardly to stay and stick it out. Natalya was ashamed of herself in that moment, but she was not ashamed of her choice concerning the infant. She knew that it had been for the best, despite the pain it brought in her dreams and the dull ache that followed her throughout the day.

Her head remained high, though, as she set out to answer yet another summons at the border. There she found three newcomers awaiting a reply. She barked in greeting as she approached, finding her way too them mere seconds later and dipping her head in a brief hello. "My name is Natalya Olympus and I am the Centurion of this pack. Tell me, what brings you to our borders?"

Walk "Talk" Think



07-30-2014, 05:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She continued to stare into the territory after her call had faded, seeking out any moving forms that might manifest themselves into the wolves that she sought. How many would come? Would any come? She knew next to nothing in detail about the place aside from the fact they were ruled by a woman, and that at one point one of them had traveled to Valhalla on some diplomatic mission. Not even with that could she recall anything about the stranger, face or name, and for the first time she wished she had shown at least a little interest in the politics that were going on around her. It would have been incredibly handy to have now.

Turning her gaze, the worrisome mother rested her eyes on her children, watching how the two leaned upon each other for support. It was heartbreaking, watching them be put through this. She had always had fears, reservations, about having children, afraid that she might be inadequate as a parent, that she might fail. Leon had been the one to assuage those fears, to convince her that all would be well, and she had conceded in the end. And look where it got us. Desperately she hoped they would be given their second chance, as well as the help she terribly needed, here within this new pack.

Ashtoreth focused on maintaining her tenuously held calm, forcing her gaze eventually from the children so that the sight of them would no longer cause her eyes to tear up. It did not take long for a dark figure to show themselves and approach her with an announcing bark, the woman carrying herself with the dignity of one both highly ranked and well respected. A shiver raced across the nervous grey wolf's spine at the sight of her, and almost without thought her head lowered a fraction more. She felt small compared to the tall woman who came to meet her, listened silently and edgily as she introduced herself and her pack, finishing with the anticipated question. Why was she here?

"My name is Ashtoreth Adravendi," she stated, her voice sounding as small and desperate as she felt, "and these are my children." Or what are left of them. She could not quite bring herself to say the rest, fighting the lump that had formed in her throat at the mere thought, the fresh tears that collected in her two-toned eyes, and after another second managed to find her unsteady voice again. "We're looking for someone to take us in," she explained, "a new pack to join. We can't--" She stopped, cutting herself off. There was no "we" anymore. "I can't..."

But still the words evaded her. It shamed her too much to say she could not care for her children alone, without help and without the safety of a pack. They were her responsibility, no one elses. What right did she have to burden a pack with her problems? "Please." She had not intended to beg but the word left her before she could censor it, leaving no doubt in her mind that she had reached her lowest point. But it was all for the betterment of her children's lives, for Vaishya and Cador. For them, anything was worth it.



Extra small
08-06-2014, 12:12 AM

He wasn?t aware that Olympus ws to become a focal point for his past and his future altogether, but here they woud come. Valhallans. They had finally fallen from their perch, and he felt as though it was deserved. Most of them had looked at him as though he were a tyrant for simply being stronger than they. Most of them had treated him as though he would have no future, because of how he was. How had he been so different from the great man that had raised him? Where was his twisted mind. They were likely all things that were thought of when it came down to it, but Syrinx was also well aware of the fact that most of them were as lost now as he had been then.

This one though, was more directly related to his line than anything else. Her children were Adravendi. She was wed to one. One that was vacant. He?d left his family? Leon had no pride, clearly. A grimace crossed over his face as he watched them from afar. Atop a rock he glared down at them, wondering what had become of her brood and of her. Leon?s scent didn?t touch the lot of them, so it had been a moment. There was no excuse deserting family. Especially when they most needed you. They weren?t strong enough on their own yet. The beast climbed down from his perch and moved. Another had already taken assessment of the situation, and perhaps it was presumptuous, but their queen was having his children. He should have note of anyone in Olympus. Anyone that would be around his children. Besides, Ashtoreth was close enough to family. Her children certainly made the quota. He doubted she?d be happy to see his face of all that she could pass, but familiarity was familiarity.




08-08-2014, 11:57 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had never anticipated seeing someone from home. Olympus had been something completely unrelated to Valhalla, a neighbor and nothing more, and when the pack had been set free she had assumed the lot of them to have scattered to each end of Alacritia, searching for sanctuary in places that were far from the memories, far from their pasts. It had never once occurred to her that another might have already set himself on a similar road to the one she had chosen, might have bypassed all the troubles that she and the others had had as rogues. But the moment the large, blue-eyed man walked her way, the quiet course he cut through the grasses directed at her, she did a double take and stared in open surprise.

Was it possible he had grown even larger since last she had seen him, or had she possibly shrunk more under the weight of her new troubles? He projected such a large, imposing figure even in his calm gait, the seriousness about his face only adding to the intimidation of his stare. And his jaw, teeth and bone exposed for all to see, even now unsettled her in its strangeness. But still he was not unfamiliar, and it seemed she was not unfamiliar to him either. He addressed her by name, surprising her that he should know it, and said nothing more, assuming, she thought, that it would be enough.

Somehow it was. They might not have been related by blood, but Syrinx was an Adravendi, the family that she had taken as her own when finally she and Leon had made their vows. He was a representation of all of them, those that had been a part of her life since she had joined Valhalla, and unexpectedly seeing him was almost like seeing a friend amid complete strangers. "Syrinx." His name was spoken almost in disbelief, her gaze somewhat mirroring her daughter's as her eyes went wide. What should she expect from him? She had never truly known him, not on a personal level and hardly on any others. What station did he hold here? Why was he here? Confusion was evident as she glanced between him and the tall, stately woman who had first greeted her. The anxious hunter leaned slightly toward her children, an unconscious gesture to both comfort and seek it in knowing they were still safe and close. "You live here?" Was it too much to think he might vouch for her, to help her acquire a place in this pack he seemingly belonged to? Surely the silent plea was in her eyes, but she could not yet bring herself to voice it, afraid to hear how pitiful and utterly helpless it would sound to them all.



7 Years
08-15-2014, 12:16 PM

It wasn't the distraction she had hoped for. This woman sounded quiet and ashamed of herself, for one reason or another, as she struggled to get the words out. To make matters worse, the demon that had entered their ranks about a season ago sat idly by, and the newcomer obviously recognized him. Natalya tilted her head in his direction, judging by the smell, and her distaste for him seemed written all over her expression. "More family of yours, Duke?" She spat her question somewhat like it was laced with poison, a thing she did not want to touch her tongue.

Though she hadn't announced it to anyone but Virgil, it was no secret that Natalya harbored no respect for the man who had once called himself her king. He had abandoned his duty to his family and pack, making Olympus's reign easier to come by than was originally thought. He had then returned, crawling back to the feet of the empress who had once adored him while she was weak of mind and heart. He had fathered a litter of children that would be born without the blessing of the gods, and Virgil had participated willingly this time. Natalya was certain that no good could come of his presence, no matter where or what the situation.

Her head turned back to the new woman, expression softening into a more welcoming one. "Ms. Adravendi, why is it that you chose to come to Olympus? Do you know anything of our customs and laws?"

talk, think

To Feel Alive IAMEVE by IAMEVE on Grooveshark



08-16-2014, 11:32 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Whatever hope she had felt at the arrival of Syrinx was dashed upon seeing how he was received by the the tall, dark woman, sensing the displeasure that settled over her with his appearance amongst them. How much help was he likely able to offer if those ranking wolves in Olympus so blatantly wished not to associate with him? It made her wonder how he had fallen into such disfavor, what he had done to cross this woman in particular if her sentiments were not shared equally throughout the pack. The anxious grey hunter shifted slightly on her paws, the uncertainty of the situation and her family's chance at stability rising higher once more. Syrinx might not have been able to say much in her favor if his words would possibly be ignored, she supposed, but a familiar face was still better than strangers.

Despite the obvious rift between the two Olympus wolves, when the lady Natalya addressed her again her tone was not tainted with the same sort of malice she had expressed with Syrinx but was kinder, more patient. Perhaps her case had touched her somehow? "I..." She began her answer, ready to speak but realizing in that first syllable that she knew nothing. "I don't." The laws, the customs, the structure of this pack were all entirely foreign to her, assuredly different than what she was used to. It made her case feel all the more feeble for it.

"I can't go back to Valhalla." The statement was made with a soft shake of her head, sadness and helplessness settling into her desperate features. "I can't. This is as close as I can get." Pity? Was that the card Ash was trying to play? She did not entirely know, did not entirely want to know in case the answer shamed her more than she already felt. She just wanted to feel safe again, in a territory that at least held echoes of home if it did not entirely reflect the plains and moor she had been so familiar with.



7 Years
08-18-2014, 08:11 PM

She understood how hard it must have been for the woman. She understood, yet she did not truly pity her. As a mother, it was important to rise above everything that you struggled with for the safety of your family. While this woman seemed to fully realize that she needed to find a stable place to finish raising her children, she didn't have a clue what she was getting herself into.

"Miss Adravendi, this is certainly no Valhalla. While close in proximity, we are very different packs." Natalya's mouth had formed a grim line but her voice remained friendly. She knew that there was a chance that this woman could be worth accepting, but did they even have room? An idea came to her then, clear as day, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "You and your children may reside in Olympus for the time being. We will soon call a meeting, and there I will explain the laws and customs of our family and offer a chance for joining." She would wait only long enough to hear how the woman would receive her offer before turning and leaving, hoping to complete her duties and set her plan in motion.

-exit Nat-

talk, think

To Feel Alive IAMEVE by IAMEVE on Grooveshark



08-19-2014, 09:44 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The initial answer she received was not heartening. Somehow she knew in the back of her mind that she would never find another pack like Valhalla, but hearing it spoken by one of Olympus's own residents seemed to solidify the fact even more strongly. Never again would she have a home as comfortable and perfectly matched for her as that had been. Never again would she see those same faces that she had grown accustomed to seeing each and every day of her life for the great majority of it. But she needed to do something. She needed to find a new place that might substitute, that might offer her the same basic opportunities that Valhalla had. A safe place to live, company with which she could learn from, and a chance at bettering her life and her children's.

Eyes of gold and purple closed briefly, willing herself to remain steady though the discouragement she heard in those friendly words was nearly enough to crush her already fragile spirit. Life was terribly harsh and indifferent, and being safely tucked away all this time left her feeling more vulnerable than she had ever been.

But hope was not far off. It came with a sigh and then an offer of temporary residence. Almost not believing what it was that she heard, Ashtoreth's gaze widened in mimicry of her daughter's, listening with apparent shock as she and her family were told to stay and wait for a pack meeting, at which point everything, whether they would be allowed to stay or asked to leave, would be finalized. It was a thin hope - so easily it could all work out against her favor - but the desperate mother clung to it like a life line. "Thank you," she answered through a watery smile, her two-toned eyes on the verge of tears once again. It was not the answer she had been so eager to hear, but it was a step in the right direction. Turning her smiling face upon her children, she leaned in and nuzzled both of them roughly, reassuringly, and then moved to guide them inward after Natalya had departed, hoping that everything would work out for the better since those young wolves deserved so much more.

-Exit Ash and kids-