
My Worst Enemy is My Memory



9 Years
10-25-2018, 12:53 AM

Rin left Lirim lands for the first time in what felt like forever. He traveled to the South, no destination really in mind. He wanted to get better. He didn't want to continue being the pathetic shell of who he was when he was years younger. But how did he find that again? Thin and frail frame moved carefully across the lands, steps slow as he shuffled onward. He had to stop several times along the way since he hadn't traveled so far in so long, and it seemed his body was having trouble handling it. When he finally did stop, he found himself among trees that seemed to have been bleached beyond what they normally looked like. Their trunks were white, the vines that draped over them were white as well. He didn't know where he was, and if he had visited here before then he didn't remember.

Ambling on, Rin spotted a spring that seemed to glow through the darkness. The moon was full, a thin veil of mist blanketed the area, but still, he pressed on until he reached the edge of the water. Leaning down, he began to drink the cool refreshing water, and it was then he swore he spotted the face of his brother within its depths. Startled, he took a step back and glanced around, almost as if he was expecting Kyung to come jumping out at him. He didn't know why his brother had always plagued his mind like he was some sort of Demon...though Rin firmly believed that he was hated by his sibling. Even after all these years, all he felt was pain, and regret, and sadness. Sighing, he settled onto his stomach, head stretching forward until it rested by the edge of the water.

Dull eyes shone with the glow of the water, and slowly he began to drift to sleep...

**Dream Start**
He woke up in a world that was dark and lifeless. No moon. No stars. He couldn't even tell if there was a sky, let alone any signs of life. Everything was pitch black around him, except for one thing...He squinted to try and see what it was, but all he could really see was a glowing white silhouette with burning red eyes in the distance, sneering at him. "You've come a long way...but you've tarnished our name! You're a pathetic excuse for an Armada! You're the weakest link in the chain, and you always have been! All of your siblings and our family went on to do great things and died noble deaths. But you? You live that's not very fair, is it? Rincavornon Armada, son of Isardis came from the seed of the greatest king alive, and're the greatest failure of them all!" Brows furrowed as he stepped back, heart racing. That...that was the voice of his...father? "What...I don't..." "You deserve nothing but the pain and misery you've suffered all these've done nothing but drag our greatness through the dirt. Were I still alive, I would have killed you myself!'re a traitorous wretch, now aren't you? You've failed to spread your seed and our name...failed to conquer the were never loyal to your family now, were you?" Rin's heart began to race faster as he suddenly felt smaller than ever. It wasn't true! He had always wanted to be like his father, but he had been one of few that had managed to open his eyes and see his wretched ways. "That's not true! I've always been loyal to our family, but you were nothing but a monster! I could never be loyal to those who followed such wicked ways!" He shouted back, but the ghost of his past was no longer there. He searched frantically for a moment before gnashing white teeth and a loud snarl unleashed near his face, startling him and sending him to fall on his side. The ghost of his father laughed and sneered at him, those blazing red eyes practically staring into his soul. "Not only are you a traitor but a liar as well...don't worry, child. You'll soon get what you ultimately deserve..." He sneered. Rin cowered as his father's shadow grew, towering over him like a demon from Hell.

**End Dream**

To an outsider, it seemed like Rin was having a seizure of some sort. His body twitched and his eyelids seemed to alternate with fluttering and screwing tightly shut. He whined and yelped beside the spring. He was unable to wake up from his nightmare and was at the mercy of his father as he was being torn apart.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11-11-2018, 04:44 PM

Rincavornon gets a trick!

Poor Rincavornon seems to be trapped within a nightmare that he can't escape from. The eerie atmosphere of the night won't make things much better for him when he finally does wake up, either. Rincavornon gets a bad event!