
If you only listen with your ears, I can't get in



1 Year
10-26-2018, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2018, 07:20 PM by Pnuma.)
(Using liquid time, this takes place a few weeks before this thread)

Pnuma traveled through the forest, his eyes unfocused as he trotted briskly around the trees. He wanted to focus on the mind, or the voices that spoke in there at the very least. A kind man stated they were a gift, but needed to be controlled in order to use them. He should have asked for specifics. How did he control a spirit? So far they only whispered anxious rambles or belittled him. When he was smaller, they spoke more happy thoughts, but as he grew, they turned negative. Perhaps their mood correlates with his? He would have to check at a later date.

He found a nice, comforting spot at the base of a large willow tree. He sat with his back against the bark and closed his eyes. He focused on the voices inside his head, his ears twitching as he listened to something only audible to him. The whispers seemed to mix together, it was hard to pick one voice from another to follow, especially considering he wanted to listen to them all. One he could always hear clearly over the others was an anxious one. 'Turn around,' it murmured. 'Look behind you before they see you.'

"There's nothing there, my back is against a tree." He spoke aloud, hoping conversing with the spirits would give him a better advantage rather than thinking at them. However, none of the spirits recognized or even registered his voice, continuing as normal. 'Look behind you!' The spirit cawed, an action Pnuma perceived as stubbornness.

He huffed, opened his eyes, and focused on the tree behind him, looking it up and down. "See, all tree, no people." He stated, slightly frustrated the spirits wouldn't talk back to him. It was like speaking to a wall, or no one at all...
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
10-28-2018, 02:39 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Full on the remains of another predators kill Aerndis had decided to spend the nice summer day exploring. The weather was warm and there was nary a breeze but it didn't matter much since the air wasn't humid. She picked her way through the woods, marveling at the way the light diffused through the leaves to create a truly unique atmosphere. Stretching she shifted her paws to carefully avoid stepping in water but as she thought about it a swim might not be such a bad idea. Even in the shade of the trees it was still a sweltering summer day.

Aerndis gently eased herself into the water. The stream she entered was shallow enough that it came up to her chest and still allowed her to forge through the water. She continued on her way when she caught an unfamiliar scent not to far off. Curious, she followed the scent to see a young man sitting against a large willow tree with his eyes closed. She gazed at him. How could he sleep that way? He was murmuring to himself and as he turned to look behind him she approached. "Hi, there! What are you looking for?"



1 Year
10-28-2018, 03:59 PM
He jumped at the sound of a voice behind him, his short fur rising in surprise. He twisted around and laid eyes on possibly the most beautiful pelt he had ever seen. It was as though a portion of the galaxy had floated down to speak to him. His parents had told him of the strange, colorful pelts some wolves were born with, but he had never seen one before. His eyes widened in awe, gawking for a few moments before catching himself and clearing his throat. Great! Creepy staring is an excellent first impression.

However, the anxious spirit was correct in a way. A person had shown up behind him like it said, although at a slight delay. Perhaps spirits had a type of future vision... or perhaps it was a lucky coincidence... He didn't want to think of the latter option. Any thought invalidating the spirits, evidence they were just figments of his imagination made him sick. He didn't want something to be wrong with his brain. Thinking the voices were spirits just made him feel better than thinking they were an illness he could not cure.

Her question wasn't an easy one to answer, at least for him. He wasn't looking for anything, he was just being a creepy weirdo in what he had believed to be a somewhat empty forest. Mumbling to himself... or rather mumbling to the spirits that never cared to reply. He could make something up or tell the truth. One of the first wolves he had met away from home had a father with the same 'gift' as he. Perhaps it was more common than he had once thought. He was still wary of telling just anyone, he would have to probe before telling anyone about the spirits.

"Oh! Hello. I wasn't looking for anything really. I was just taking a rest... a form of meditating." He replied, not exactly the truth, but not exactly a lie either. "What brings you here? Are you looking for something?" He inquired, hopeful to start a conversation with the girl. Partly because he was a tad lonely and it was nice to speak to someone, partly because he wanted information about that may slip from the girl's tongue. He didn't want it for a malicious reason, he was just curious about the lands he had stumbled upon.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
11-17-2018, 08:35 PM
ooc: Sorry for the late reply!

I have toured the endless starlight…

Aerndis grinned as young man looked at her. She was well aware of the reaction her technicolored coat seemed to get. Though every so often she couldn't help but think that she was a little bit of a freak. It was good that most of the prey she hunted were color blind or she'd have no chance of becoming a skilled hunter. All in all she was pleased with the advancing of her skills. Despite being on her own for most of her life she was becoming a skilled huntress.

Her head cocked gracefully to the side at the mention of meditating. She didn't know what that was exactly but she could understand needing a rest now and then. She often rested after a good days exploring. "Oh, I'm not looking for anything in particular. I just thought I'd do some exploring. You see I'm thinking of settling here in the southern lands and I want to get more familiar with the area and the prey that live here. My name is Aerndis by the way. What about you? Do you want to join me in exploring?"



1 Year
11-18-2018, 02:11 PM
He relaxed when the girl grinned at him, relieved that she was not offended by his staring. However, the sudden realization that there may be an entire family of galaxy wolves blew his mind. He always thought he was bright, with his rusty red-orange taking up most of his body. Now that he learned of pelts that had shades of purples and blues and pinks, he suddenly felt very dull and plain. A few extra seconds of thought would have led him to understand he could not handle the stares a stary pelt would give him, but that did not stop him from feeling a twinge of jealousy.

He was surprised at her offer to bring him along to explore, considering they had just met barely a few seconds ago. He was flattered that the young woman saw him as trustworthy enough to travel with her, even if it wasn't far. "I'm Pnuma and I would be glad to explore with you." He spoke softly but tried to get across his appreciation in the tone if his voice as well. He stood up, stretching his legs a bit before taking a few steps toward the woman. "I bet if we keep close to the streams we will come across some fish or maybe some waterfowl if you want to find some." He gave a suggestion, but he was welcome to hear another idea.

Some exploring would do him some good. He was also unfamiliar with this place and there was nothing wrong with expanding your knowledge of an area. The spirits didn't directly object either, quietly whispering anxious rambles, which Pnuma has learned was their default status. A little adventure would also give his mind a welcomed break from the constant hums of the voices.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-01-2018, 02:12 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

"Pleasure to meet you, Pnuma!" Having someone to talk to while she explored would be a nice change of pace. While she enjoyed the solitude and the focus it gave her she didn't like being alone all the time and without a stable pack to call home she was given to bouts of loneliness. Hopefully that would change. Now that she reconnected with her family and had a general area in which to return. Having that space to return to after a long journey made the exploration and travel more enjoyable than it had ever been.

Her ears flicked forward at the mention of fish and waterfowl. "I like the way you think, Pnuma. That sounds like a plan to me. I'd love to catch a duck. I tried once but all I caught was a cold." She started along the banks of the waterways, climbing deftly over the twisting roots and trunks of the willows. A few nights ago she'd caught fish and met a man named Branch. She wondered if he was roaming around today.

"So where are you from? Do you live here in the southern lands as well?" She didn't notice any familiar pack smell to him but that didn't mean anything. She'd only met a few pack wolves and she was sure there were a number of pack scents she wouldn't recognize. Pausing beneath a particularly large and old willow she nipped absently at the leaves as the wind rippled through the verdant drapes. Her head twisted sharply to her right as she caught the sound of contented quacking. It seemed luck was on her side… or the universe was luring her into a trap in which she would embarrass herself in front of Pnuma. Aerndis could never be sure which way her luck would fall until it finally showed its hand.



1 Year
12-01-2018, 10:32 PM
"Nice to meet you too!" His voice was optimistic and genuine. Though he had not been on his own for long, the internal demand for another's presence was already constant thought in his mind. A mix of the uncertainty and stress of being alone and the instinctual need to speak to another had slowly grown over the few months of being away from his birth pack. Though they may not have been the most supportive people to hang around, they were people to talk to. For Pnuma, that was enough. Pnuma wasn't the best at surviving alone either, the spirits being a constant distraction while hunting and traveling, leading to a plethora of lost hunts and being lost in general. Having someone to help keep his mind focused was a definite plus in his books.

He was glad when she took to his suggestion, even adding that they catch one of the animals that they find. Having another to hunt with him seemed fun, though the bonus of a possible meal was a nice addition. He gave a soft chuckle at her joke, a small grin following suit. "Don't worry; we'll show those ducks who's boss!" He declared, his face turning into a more determined expression, though with a hint of playfulness. He let her take the lead, following after her as they followed the stream.

"No, not really. I tend just to wander around. I don't really have any set place I stay." He spoke, eyes scanning for fish as they walked alongside the water. He was very much a nomad, roaming the continent and only staying in one place when he could no longer continue. Though he wasn't hiding from anyone, he didn't like sticking to one place as it was much easier for someone to find him. He didn't know why he was so paranoid about this, but it made him feel better to be sure that he was challenging to discover.

He noticed the woman turn her head and followed her gaze. The voices were much too prominent in his mind to hear soft noises if he was not aware of them, such as the ducks in the distance. They would always be muddled into the constant voices, technically audible, but indistinguishable from the surrounding noise. He strained his ears and quickly also heard the sound of tasty waterfowl. His tail started to sway, conveying his excitement at the impending hunt. "Do you have a plan? I could chase them toward you... If that works with birds." His voice was low. He didn't know if the birds could hear them from where they were, but he wasn't one to take chances.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-16-2018, 07:25 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Aerndis glanced at Pnuma and nodded lightly as he spoke about not really having a place to stay. She was much the same, at least until recently. Despite having a place she could call home now she still found herself driven to wander. Perhaps it was because she'd spent so much of her early life wandering from place to place that it was engrained into her brain. Staying in one territory for more than a week seemed strange. It just didn't feel right. Though, she hoped that would change. She liked the idea of living in a pack with her family, like she had when she was very little but the idea and the reality were likely very different experiences.

Aerndis crept forward, eyeing a small flock of mallard ducks. There were two males and a number of females, the males shiny green heads quickly catching her eyes. Now how to get to them? She gingerly followed along the willow roots to the edge of the stream where she crouched down and watched the ducks. They didn't seem to concerned about predators. She considered Pnuma's idea. "I don't know. They could really scatter any which way and I'm worried they'd take off into the sky if we try to herd them. That said I don't really have a great idea other than to just go for it, they do seem to be drifting toward us a bit." Aerndis bunched her legs under her body and watched the birds for awhile. A few of the females broke away, heading toward deeper water but a male and female were headed for the shallows not too far from them. Aerndis gestured lightly with her head toward the pair.

The ducks waddled onto the shore, shaking out their feathers and preening themselves. Aerndis coiled her legs underneath her body and leapt toward the pair of ducks. It took a few bounds and by the time she reached them they were struggling to take off into the air. Aerndis fixated on the male, leaping up to snatch the bird in her jaws, hoping she could jump high enough to snag it before it ascended out of her reach.



1 Year
12-28-2018, 11:33 AM
Pnuma followed the young woman as they edged closer to the ducks, his long, elegant legs careful not to disturb the sticks and stones beneath him. He lightly nodded as Aerndis gently criticized his idea, making a mental note of it whenever he came across birds again. It did make sense that they would fly away. The spirits in his mind were not as considerate, harshly berating him for his stupidity. He shook his head and flicked his ears to clear his mind, watchful not to alert the waterfowl in front of him. This was not the best time for them to start acting up, but he did his best to ignore them and focus on the hunt.

His eyes shifted to the pair of lone ducks, making their way onto land and blissfully unaware of the wolves' presence. They were in reach of them now, no longer under the protection of the water. His muscles bunched in anticipation, ready to strike. He sprung just after Aerndis, eyes locked onto the female bird. The fowl quacked and squawked in distress as they tried to flee, scrambling away from the charging canines. Though is gallop drew him closer, the female had already made it into the air before he could catch up. However, she was still in reach if he jumped. He pounced, stretching to grab the bird before they got too far. He felt bone between his teeth as his jaws snapped on the bird's leg. Perfect.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
12-31-2018, 10:16 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Score! Aerndis' fangs seized hold of one of the mallard's scrawny legs. From there everything was chaos. Wings beat her in the face, feathers flew up everywhere. When she landed a spray of mud and water flew into the air and she accidentally backed part way into the lake. As Aerndis tried to get out without opening her eyes she slipped and both she and the duck crashed into the water. Water flew up her nose and sent her sputtering and shaking her head as the duck flailed in the water, trying to take off.

Aerndis lunged and this time managed to seize the bird around the neck. She violently shook her head back and forth until she heard the snapping of its neck. Success! Aerndis practically pranced back to the grass-covered shore. She dropped her prize and shook out the water from her coat as she turned to see how Pnuma had done with the hunt. This was great, having someone to hunt with and now they could have a nice meal to round out the day.



1 Year
01-06-2019, 01:11 PM
Clawed feet and wings struck at his snout as the bird struggled against his grasp. Spirits battled in his head, all telling him to do separate things. One told him to let go, another demanded he bite harder and break its hollow bones. Anarchy within his mind caused him to freeze, he couldn't think, couldn't see as the thrashing duck forced him to keep his eyes closed. He needed to kill this bird before he panicked.

He dropped the bird to the ground, pinning it onto the dirt with his paws before it could escape. He went for its neck, his teeth digging into its soft flesh as he took hold. Suddenly, he jerked his head to the right, then upward, snapping its neck. He sighed in relief, his tense muscles relaxing now that the job was done. He pressed his nose into its feathers and mumbled a soft "Thank you." His belief that the voices in his head were spirits caused him to think other creatures had spirits too. He felt that if he thanked the spirit after he killed an animal, perhaps it would not go on to haunt a wolf's mind like the ones he had.

He lifted his head to see Aerndis with her own prize. His tail thumped against the ground happily as he grinned at her. It's been a while since he had hunted with another, or hunted period. He mostly scavenged as the spirits often compromised his hunt, but another wolf kept him focused. He was thankful for that.
Pnuma is a mild schizophrenic. He is not dangerous but will mention spirits and act strangely. These are not actual spirits and are just
auditory hallucinations.



5 Years

Pride - AsexualDouble MasterValentines 2020Trick 2019
01-10-2019, 07:42 PM
I have toured the endless starlight…

Aerndis' tail wagged lightly as she grinned at Pnuma. She was pleased to see he'd seized one of the ducks as well and neither of them was going to walk away empty. "Whew! That was fun, nice work!" She rested a paw gently on her prize and eyed it for a moment. She was sorely tempted to rip right into it and devour the tender flesh even though she wasn't really all that hungry. Living alone it was necessary to eat a kill quickly or she'd have to compete with scavengers for a meal, now that she was part of a pack she felt a bit more at ease with her food. It wasn't too far away from where her brothers and grandfather were staying. Maybe she could surprise her grandad?

Aerndis turned to Pnuma. "Thanks for hunting with me, Pnuma, I really enjoyed it. Maybe we'll run into each other again some time. I think I'm going to take this duck to my grandad. He can be a real grump sometimes but I be he'd appreciate a free meal." She picked up the duck in her jaws and with a nod turned to start heading back toward the Range.
