
Silent Prayers



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
10-29-2018, 02:48 AM
Her paws padded lightly over the soil path, gradated eyes scanning and shifting across the plains as she made her way along the wall, before slipping up a ramp to trot along the top of the stone boundary that blocked the pack-lands from intruders in all but the open areas left to allow prey and wolves to pass by under the careful watch of sentries.

She’d been watching the prey move through, and had noticed that, while they had been initially nervous even when she’d been old enough to observe them without supervision by her father, they had begun to move past without worry, since they hadn’t been harassed by the watchful wolves that could be at the top of the wall at any given hour.

The shimmering white wolf stopped and turned her head to scan slowly over the lands beyond the wall, letting her eyes drift over without focusing too hard on any one point—she knew that any unnatural movements would catch her eye better if she wasn’t focusing intently on things.

All was clear, save for a few deer feeding well out, almost at the edge of her range of sight—she caught the flicker of a white tail flitting at a fly. She thought, perhaps, that it was a doe and her half-grown fawns. Turning, Aurielle leapt lithely from the stone wall, landing with a soft thump of paws and trotting toward the hillock that held the Seat of her family.

But she didn’t go to the ravine that led into the cave and the wide area just outside the cave’s opening, though she paused to utter a short bark of passing greeting down the ravine before her path took her onward to a glade some ways past the heart of the wooded hill’s side.

Her haunches lowered as she came to a stop at the center of the glade, gazing down at the divots filled with pretty stones and grown over with herbs and flowers. Chosen by her great grandmother at the time of Cairo the first’s burial, here at her paws. Erani’s grave – the second she had lain in – lay beside that of the Adravendi patriarch. It had been a wish that couldn’t be fulfilled at the time of her actual death—to rest beside the male who had loved her and guarded her almost ever since she had joined his pack. First as a stranger loves a new friend, and then, at the end, a love realized too late to do more than admit it.

Aurielle’s ears fell back as she wondered absently what it would have been like if things had happened differently then. If there had been more time. Might Gwenevere have actually been blood-family?

The thought of blood family led her mind to her own blood. She knew her parents had wanted to perhaps have at least one more litter, but they were getting to an age where it might be hard to conceive. A brief, wistful smile twitched over her features at the thought of having a bunch of little brothers or sisters – or both – nipping at her hocks and tail-hair.

Maybe… But her mother would have to get out of that shell of fear she’d donned during her ordeal. Both Solveiga and Aramis bore scars that needed to heal.

A long look was cast to the graves at her paws, before her head bowed and she murmured softly, “How do I help them? How can I help them when I’m falling flat just leading the pack?” A hint of self-venom edged into her tone as she hissed the second question.

The pack was quiet, despite her desire to get it truly hopping, and she knew she had Gwen to thank for Celestial not falling into complete shambles. Gwen was juggling motherhood and a pack and still managed to hold herself tall and strong, and here was ‘Rielle, failing at something she’d been trained to do from the start.

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-10-2018, 07:28 PM
Walking through the pack lands lost in thought, Gwenevere was surprised to see Aurielle's form in the distance, the glimmering white form disappearing into a grove of trees. Something prompted her to follow quietly through the trees, and she emerged to overhear Aurielle's quiet words.

A quick glance revealed the place as being graves, old graves. She stared somberly at them as she paced forward to stand beside Aurielle. She knew who Aurielle was speaking of - with her mother and brother in the pack, but still haunting their dens, interacting with no one but Aurielle and Regulus and possibly Paladin, it could only be them she was referring to.

"You can't," she said softly, not without empathy for the young wolf. "You can give them support, you can treat them with herbs, but in the end it comes down to them. They need to make the decision to move past that part of their lives. No one can do it for them."

She seated herself beside the alpha. "No one blames you for struggling," she added after a moment. "You are young, and had responsibilities set on your shoulders that none of us expected you to bear for years yet. To have your mother and brother returned to you... damaged... We understand that it has been difficult to split your attention between attending to them and the pack." She hesitated to say that it would become easier - life never really got easier, rather wolves learned to bear it.