
Channeling Miyagi [meeting]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
11-18-2018, 08:21 PM

Malleus made a point to greet each member as they arrived. Those that didn't speak to him and merely found a seat received a warm nod; a simple acknowledgement that he was pleased to see them there. The others he made a point to talk to.

The first, Ashiel, brought with him a surprise. The moment Malleus laid eyes on Pyralis he broke into a wide grin. Several from Aurum had never been found and Malleus had finally decided he needed to come to terms with their deaths, so seeing Pyralis alive and well warmed and gave him hope for the others. "It's alright, Ashiel. It's good to see you, Pyralis. Sorry for the confusion. I'm glad you're well. And I do believe I can find a place for you here. We can talk after the meeting." Things had changed since she'd last been to Risen and there were a few new rules and expectations that his chaos loving aunt needed to be aware of.

The next to speak to him was his son Aureus. Malleus grinned at him and then said, "I think it's time you children begin training so today you're going to get a mentor."

And then Serene. For her Malleus' expression gentled. "My dear," he said softly as he returned his kiss.

Next came Apollo, whose serious pronouncements required a sterner face. Malleus nodded firmly, then said, "Your diligence is admirable, Apollo. As for the predators..." He trailed off into thoughtful silence. "We'll address that problem today."

The rest, with Aaliyah (who managed to escape his notice) being the only exception, were each acknowledged with a nod. When it was clear that no more would be joining them, Malleus made a mental note of those who were missing and then got the meeting underway.

"Thank you all for coming," he boomed to catch their attention. "Today I wanted to fulfill the promise I made at our last meeting, but first I wanted to welcome our newest member and introduce him to the pack." He nodded to Rain. "Rain has decided to join our ranks as a healer. Be sure to introduce yourselves to him after the meeting."

He then turned his attention to the children present. "As for my promise, all our children are now old enough to begin their training and I want to extend the opportunity to our community. Felicity, Aureus, Eligos and Pyrrhic would benefit the most from the tutelage of fighters. Shilah and Seiran both aspire to be healers. Amaris, I believe, would benefit from a hunter's knowledge." Kaine's boys, since neither were there today, would have to be paired up later. "I'll give you all a moment to think it over. Remember, this is not a something to take lightly and it certainly isn't something I'd extend to everyone if I didn't think you were all capable. Our future is more important than our present and we each have been given something worth sharing with the next generation." He left it at that and moved on.

"That's not the only thing we need to discuss today. It was brought to my attention that there has been an increase in predator activity in our lands. For the safety of the pack I think it best we take care of the problem before it has a chance to get out of hand and to that end, I'm looking for volunteers to help me drive the interlopers and thieves from our land."

OOC: next round is due by Dec. 3rd. It's not mandatory, only those who are interested in training a pup (or two! heck, three if you're brave) and those who want to fight predators need to reply. No one can leave the meeting yet, though, as I might have more for Mal to say.

"Malleus" "Pascal"
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



3 Years
11-21-2018, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2018, 07:07 PM by Rain.)

Malleus had told them he wished to train as a healer, and indeed that had been his original intention, but his knowledge of healing was not particularly advanced. His knowledge of poisons however was slowly growing, as was his knowledge of hiding in plain sight, and spying.

“If I may…” He spoke,  quiet but firm. “I’m not much older than the youth of the empire, and my knowledge of healing is not the best, but I could take an apprentice to teach more intellectual skills; such as diplomacy…” He paused, feeling the gathered eyes of the giants on him. His tongue caught in his throat briefly and he realized with sinking dread that he was making a fool of himself. These were warriors, what did they care for diplomacy? He swallowed and attempted to steel his resolve. “I can teach them how to gather information, and how to infiltrate other packs.” He could make cunning spies out of any of them…If he wasn’t laughed out of the hall by the gathered giants first or torn to pieces for his insolence. "And I can teach them what I know of poisons." His desire to achieve greatness far out shined his fear of failure, his ambitions to prove himself as a member of the empire were second only to making his father pay.

speaking Thinking   You



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
11-25-2018, 01:13 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Ashiel settled in, eyes casting a glance at the arrival of his companion, Griff, who settled into the lower branches of a nearby tree. When Asharya arrived he grinned at her. He could tell from her expression that she felt much the way he had when their mother, long presumed dead, suddenly appeared alive again. Part of him knew it would take more than a flood to kill his mother. She'd always seemed invincible. His sister squeezed in between him and Pyralis and he grumbled half-heartedly and scooted aside to give them room. It was only fair after all. He'd spent the whole night with Pyralis and his sister deserved a chance to reconnect with their mother.

When the meeting started Ashiel listened with rapt attention. He took in the form of the new member as well as the news of the young one's chance to take on a mentor. Ashiel was a bit hesitant. He didn't know if he had the right temperament or qualities to become a good mentor but he supposed he might as well give it a shot if Malleus thought he was capable. The news of increased predator activity was concerning. With a young daughter who was becoming more mobile with each passing day she was at particular risk. He'd need to keep an eye on her. That made him doubt he could could train anyone but then… he did have his sister and mother would help… maybe.

"Malleus, I volunteer to help drive out these threats. Also, I am willing to take on an apprentice and see if I am indeed capable of teaching."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
11-25-2018, 01:23 PM
You Made Me A Believer

Pyralis grinned at Malleus as she took a seat. She figured he wouldn't turn her away but it never hurt to be sure. With all the pups running around she wouldn't have been surprised if Risen was hurting for enough territory to support all these hungry mouths. She noticed something had caught her son's attention and when she turned she inhaled sharply. Asharya? Spirits, it had been ages! "I'll say. I was starting to wonder if you'd been eaten. C'mere you have something on your face." She didn't but Pyralis didn't want to fall to pieces in the middle of a pack meeting. She reached out to gently lick her daughter's cheek. "Yes, we do. After the meeting I think we need a girl's day out. Hm?"

She listened to the meeting but still her attention kept returning to her children. It felt like forever since she'd felt this complete. She nodded lightly as Malleus spoke as well as her son and the newcomer Rain. She stood. "I'd like to get in a good workout showing these predatory invaders just why they should fear the Abraxas. I don't know if you'd trust me with anyone but I'm willing to take a shot in instructing some of these whelps in the ways of battle."

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!

Shilah 1


11-25-2018, 01:35 PM

Bitterness started to grow in his heart as he watched Pyralis with her children. This wasn't fair. Why did she come back and not Razi? He watched Seiran move to sit next to Apollo and looked away. She was back at least and yet… it felt like they hardly knew each other. Despite her return he still felt terribly alone and closed off from his family, even when he was surrounded by them. Everything was beginning to feel claustrophobic. He needed to get out of here and get his head sorted out. As soon as he was a yearling… just one more season. Dry season might not be the best time to strike out on his own but he frankly didn't care. He'd head for the south of Boreas where the winters were wet and mild and figure out who the hell he was now.

Shilah laid down on his stomach and rested his paws on his forearms as the meeting went underway. He was only really half listening when Malleus mentioned apprenticeship. He lifted his head. When the new member, Rain, spoke Shilah's ears flicked forward. He stood. "I'd be interested in learning more about poisons and I could be something of a practice run. You see, in a season or two, I intend to leave Risen." He turned to look at Malleus. "I need some time on my own to get my head on straight. There's a lot I need to… deal with and I can't do that swaddled up here." He spoke with as much firmness as he could. He'd run away if he had to but his mind was made up.



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
11-26-2018, 03:55 AM


Malleus started the meeting, her ears tilting forward to catch the words. She always admired her older cousin, and someday, she wanted to be like him. So when he spoke of the pups being ready for mentors and of predators lurking about, she, of course, wanted to help with that. While she wasn't the most knowledgeable about things quite yet considering she was still young and had been deprived of all the things she should have known before thanks to her mother, she wanted to try. Pale blue gaze turned to each wolf who had spoken after Malleus, and though she knew them by name, she didn't know much about them. She knew Pyralis was her aunt, but she couldn't recall if she'd ever really spoken to anyone but Malleus and maybe another cousin or two. She then peered at Rain, noting how small the male looked, and wondered if all mortal wolves were as small as he was.

When the first few to speak finished, she nervously cleared her throat. Her heart beat hard against her chest and her ears twitched nervously. Was this even a good idea? Would Malleus give her a shot? "I...I would like a chance at mentoring. I know I don't know a whole lot, but I've always wanted to be a fighter. I could try to teach an apprentice. We could learn from each other, I think." She spoke clearly, trying to convey as much confidence as possible in her voice, despite her feeling like she was feeling terrified from sounding foolish. If she wasn't good enough to mentor anyone just yet, then she would have to work harder and prove herself more. "I'd even be okay with someone overseeing my sessions...that's if I get the chance, however. Aside from that, I volunteer to help drive the predators away." Whew! She did her best to keep her composure in front of everyone. She sat tall and tried to mask her nervousness about speaking. She was normally quiet during gatherings like this, but if she wanted to go on to accomplish great things, she knew that needed to change.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2018, 12:13 PM

Asharya basked in the presence of both her mother and brother in the same place. It felt right, and she was content in a way she'd almost forgotten was possible. Being surrounded by Abraxas wolves was a powerful feeling in its own right, but this was something else entirely. Pyralis requested some time together soon, and she nodded eagerly, accepting the lick on her cheek even though she was reasonably certain she'd cleaned off all remnants of her breakfast. Soon her cousin began to speak and she swiveled back towards him careful not to miss his words. Malleus reminded her in some ways of her uncle, but it would be a while before she got a true feel for his leadership. Granted, him having unleashed a pack of pups on her all while laughing from the shadows certainly led her to an assumption or two.

In fact, it appeared this meeting was largely about the younger generation in the pack. She nodded her head in greeting to a new member, though she couldn't bring herself to care too deeply until he made it known whether or not he would be an asset or a hindrance. Malleus announced that his children were ready to begin their apprenticeships, and Asha grinned. They had shown their ferocity to her already, so she was certain each and every of them had potential. "I'd gladly take one of your little terror monsters under my wing," she said with a laugh. "I'm already familiar with the feeling of their teeth gnawing at me, anyways. I think I'd be able to do one or two them justice." She turned to where the pups sat and sent them a wink and a crooked, toothy grin.

Abraxas stock usually meant headstrong, opinionated, and fierce. Just based off of her own behavior as a pup, she knew this wouldn't be easy per se. But it did sound fun, and the concept of having a hand in the continued growth and evolution of her family was something that excited her quite a bit. She only wondered if Malleus would trust her enough for the task, and if so, which pup she would be paired up with.
"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox



7 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
12-08-2018, 12:55 PM
Apollo listened as Malleus spoke, even bringing up the predator problem immediately. Apollo kept his approving nod to himself - the young alpha certainly didn't need his approval to make his decisions, he was doing quite well without approbation. "I will make myself available for any predator removal efforts," he said gravely. "It may also be a good training opportunity for the young warrior apprentices. Smaller predators, of course, considering their ages." He cast an eye over the pups and the untrained adults who had volunteered to train them, and added tactfully, "I will take as many apprentices as you see fit, Malleus, and would be willing to hold refresher courses for the adults as well though I think the more genuine large predator based scenarios would do the most good for practice for the more trained wolves."



7 Years
12-09-2018, 03:36 PM

Typhon was quiet and patient as the others funneled in, watching them with interest before the pack settled in and Malleus began to speak up. One of the first things he did was introduce his children properly, and announce that they required mentors. While it wouldn't normally be Typhon's place - nor would he be interested in it, if he'd been asked just months ago - the last conversation he'd had with Malleus had caused him to begin honestly considering starting a family of his own. Perhaps mentoring one of his nephew's children might help solidify those plans for him. He was slightly nervous at the prospect of raising children of his own, but perhaps he'd find he wasn't so bad at all? His brows furrowed in concentration as he thought it over, and listened to others who began to offer their services as a mentor to the children of the pack.

"I'd like to offer myself as a mentor as well," Typhon spoke up, his voice level, only speaking when he was certain of his decision. What better way to get himself familiar with the younger generation of Abraxas, to see if fatherhood suited him as much as he hoped it might. He wasn't sure in what fields he would be most useful, but surely he could teach the youngest members of the Empire the basics in survival and hunting, and perhaps some basic self-defense courses. What he lacked in general family knowledge, having spent so much time away from the group in his younger years, he hoped he could make up for in other important skills that might help them.
© argent 2017



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
01-04-2019, 04:19 PM

Rain corrected him and Malleus dipped his head in apology. "Thank you, Rain. Shilah was quick to speak up and declare his interest in poisons and while Malleus made no comment he filed that information away so he could announce all the pairings at once.

Malleus was pleased when several members expressed their eagerness to rid their lands of invaders. "It's settled, then. Volunteers can expect to be called upon as the need for their services arise.**"

One after another the members of The Risen Empire stated their eagerness to take on apprentices. While it seemed they didn't have enough volunteers to cover all the callings, Malleus was certain he could work something out for his lone hunter daughter. "Alright, then the pairings are as follows: Aureus with Apollo, Pyralis with Pyrrhic, Felicity with Typhon, Eligos and Seiran with me, Maeva with Asharya and Shilah with Rain***." He turned to Apollo. "Apollo, I like your idea of the young ones helping with small predator removal and I'd like you to organize these events as often you see fit. Proserpina can help you."

The meeting had been called specifically to pair mentors with apprentices, but there were other things that the pack needed to be aware of. "Those aren't the only reasons I've called you all here today. Consider these “broader” Abraxas news updates," he said with a chuckle. "The first is that I've met with Gaios who left with Amon seasons ago. He told me that Amon is alive and well, and after dethroning his father, decided to stay and lead the pack in the homeland."

"The second is that my brother Archon, who until recently had been overseeing our claim on the mortal pack Abaven, felt called by the Fallen God to leave it in favor of creating his own band. Though we no longer have an overseer in Abaven, we didn't lose it. Instead we have reached an agreement with their new mortal alpha Shaye Destruction. In exchange for our protection they will provide any of us who travel to Boreas a place to rest and opportunities to learn how to craft items such as this lantern." Malleus picked up the lantern Shaye had given him and set it down in front of him so the pack could see it. It was daylight so it wasn't lit up, but the ingenuity that had shaped it was apparent. Of course there was more to the deal than just that, but Malleus didn't want to bore them with the fine print.

"Alright," he boomed. "That's all I have for you today. If anyone has any questions now is the time to ask them. Those of you who don't are dismissed."

**I'll be posting AW opportunities to fight predators at least once a season in the pack. Members are also welcome to start their own!

***Shilah has been set inactive but that's hard to reflect IC and there are no other pups interested in poisons.

"Malleus" "Pascal"
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.