



11-06-2018, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2021, 12:24 AM by Ignis.)

"Oderint dum metuant." - Emperor Caligula

Let them hate as long as they fear.

Chaotic Neutral - Chaotic Evil. WIP

Pack color: #C42311
Claimed territories: Sparse Pines & S.S. Antiox
Former leaders: Winter Praetor (Winterfell), Acere Praetor, Ignatius (Fýri leader)



11-06-2018, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 03:02 AM by Ignis. Edited 21 times in total.)
Pack Roster

Ignis Praetor Rex
- Regnatrix
- Legatarius
Casso Praetor Praefectus
- Praefactor
- Legatus
Kirsi Dux
Greed Armada Dux
Song II Destruction Aedifex
Yurei Tatsumaki Medico
- Venator
Tyto Praetor Praedator
Claire Ancora-Desrosiers Bellator
- Medicus
- Pressor
- Inquisitor
- Communis
Celosia Praetor Legatarius/Discipulus
Ifrit Praetor Legatarius/Discipulus
Cináed Praetor Legatarius/Discipulus
Vulcan Praetor Legatarius/Discipulus
Bronze Destruction Discipulus
Pyrite Destruction Discipulus
Onyx Destruction Discipulus
Kyanite Destruction Discipulus
Haüyne Destruction Discipulus
Aine Praetor Discipulus
Finan Praetor Discipulus
Raure Praetor Discipulus
- Servus
Tier 7
Solstice Praetor Missing
Polaris Praetor Inactive
Arcticus Praetor Missing
Tsunami Praetor Deserter - Captivus
Océan Ancora-Desrosiers Deserter - Communis
Chrystelle Ancora-Desrosiers Deserter - Communis
Sévérine Ancora-Desrosiers Deserter - Communis
Cinder Praetor Missing -Legatarius/Discipulus



11-06-2018, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2021, 03:00 PM by Ignis. Edited 3 times in total.)
Pack Ranks

TIER 1 - The Ultimate Authority
Rex - The ultimate authority of Incendium. Has the final say in all matters concerning the pack. His word is law, and none shall disobey.
Regnatrix - The secondary ruler of Incendium. Only someone deemed worthy may challenge for this rank. Basically considered the best (and sometimes ruthless) female in the pack. A hardened warrior, strong of will & character, and an all around force to be reckoned with. Her authority is a step below the Rex's command, however, she has just about all the freedom and power of the Rex as long as it doesn't surpass or go against his word. She may accept/deny members, force claim rogues & other pack/band wolves, take slaves, make rogue & pack trades, & promote and demote members. She cannot, however, free slaves, start wars, start alliances without the Rex's consent, nor go against, change, or void the Rex's decisions. She is expected to defend her position should someone else feel they'd like to challenge for it. Does not have to be the Rex's mate to challenge for this position.
Princeps - Heir to the pack. Takes over if something happens to the Rex. The Rex's most capable offspring. A position that may be challenged for among them, though the position is not for the weak of heart. The Rex may deny a child the right to take the rank if he deems them weak-willed. They have the authority to force claim others.
TIER 2 - Betas
Praefectus - Primary beta rank and one of the advisors to the Rex. Essentially one of the highest ranking warriors in the pack. This wolf excels in the fighting arts and commands the troops alongside the Praefactor. This wolf ought to be well versed in war tactics and works closely with the other tier 1 and tier 2 ranks. They have the authority to force claim others, as well as promote & demote members as they see fit (provided the members they are promoting/demoting deserve their new ranking). They have the authority to test potential new members as well. They may assign mentors and apprentices, and they oversee and conduct training for the apprentices and the packs fighting forces.
Praefactor (1) - Secondary beta rank and one of the advisors to the Rex. Essentially one of the best warriors and/or tacticians the pack has to offer. This wolf excels in his/her field and works closely with the other tier 1 and tier 2 ranks. They have the same duties and permissions as the Praefectus. A wolf well versed in tactical affairs and high intellectual capabilities is preferred for this rank.
Legatus (1) - Enforcer of Incendium's laws. They ensure the rules are being followed and have permission to issue punishment (up to minor maims) if the laws are broken. They oversee any slaves and captives the pack acquires and may force claim trespassers and potential hostages/captives during raids and sieges. Legatus are also in charge of those in the spy ranks, and may send them out on missions as they see fit, but they must inform the Rex when they do so.
TIER 3 - Experienced Class
Dux - Lead warriors. May call the lower ranked warriors and other members together for training.
Aedifex - Lead blacksmith. Masters of their craft in all things. From jewelry, to weapons, to personal and pack defenses, and anything that has to do with crafting (regardless of what skill it's for), the Aedifex is the one to ask. May call others for crafting lessons of any kind.
Medico - Lead healers. May call lower ranked healers and other members together for training.
Venator - Lead hunters. May call the lower ranked hunters and other members together for training.
Praedator - Plunderers. Pillagers. Prowlers. Marauders. Incendium spies, trackers, and raiding forces. Are more often than not, ruthless individuals who don't mind taking what isn't theirs. When not raiding, they are often sent out to spy or track down certain individuals. Those who succeed are rewarded. May be added as a dual rank.
TIER 4 - Common Class
Bellator - Common soldiers. Are expected to attend all fight training, as well as other mandatory gatherings.
Medicus - Common healers. Expected to attend all healer training, as well as other mandatory gatherings.
Pressor - Common hunters & trackers. Expected to attend all hunts, as well as other mandatory gatherings.
Inquisitor - Common spy rank. Must attend mandatory gatherings, as well as training with the Pressors & Bellators.
Communis - Common citizens, have yet to choose a class.
TIER 5 - Young Class
Discipulus Apprentice ranks for wolves up to 1yr old.
Creatus - Pups younger than a 6 months.
TIER 6 - Lower Class
Servus Wolves who have been force claimed into servitude. Must still have some access to basic necessities such as food and water, but otherwise are subject to the packs every whim. May also be traded/sold off to the highest bidders.
Captivus - Wolves force claimed and held as hostages. They are not to be harmed. Must still be given some access to basic necessities such as food and water.
TIER 7 -
Deserter - Pack members who have deserted the pack without notice. Will be hunted down.
Missing/Inactive - Members who are still considered part of the pack but have gone missing/are inactive. Attempted recovery upon returning to activity.
Exiled - Former members who have been permanently banned from the pack. Are to be attacked on sight if trespassing on pack lands, and if they choose to return for any reason, may be force claimed and put into the slave rank.



11-06-2018, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2021, 01:51 AM by Ignis. Edited 2 times in total.)
Pack Rules, Culture, & History

The Tier 1's are the ultimate authority - The Rex's word is law. Failure to obey will result in consequences and punishments.

Respect your family - Respect your pack and your packmates. Remember, respect is earned within the pack and is not to be expected right away. Earning respect from the king and your peers is easy, however, with deeds and work done within the pack and the willingness to work hard and contribute. Disrespectful members will be promptly dealt with.

Concerning pups - -Pups born to Incendium, remain in Incendium. Whether by a loner or elsewhere, the pups are to be raised in the pack until old enough to make their own decision on whether or not they wish to stay or go. In the event the parent(s) wish to leave before the pups are of age, they may state their case to the Rex, or challenge for the right to leave with their pups. If stating their case, the decision of the Tier 1's will be dependent on certain factors.

Learn how to survive - Don’t be helpless. Living in Incendium is not easy. If you do not know the bare basics of hunting, healing, and fighting you must agree to learn, leave, or dropped into the lowest ranks until you figure out how to survive without depending on your packmates for help... You will not survive here otherwise. The knowledge need only be rudimentary, but it is important nonetheless. No member of Incendium will be left without the basic knowledge of these core survival skills if it can be helped.

Pull your weight - Whether you like it or not, this is your home now. Everyone must pull their weight one way or another. If you haven't figured out your field of interest, that's fine. Simply help the pack in other ways, such as helping healers look for herbs, border patrols, looking after pups, training, etc. Those who sit around and do nothing will be warned. Those who continue to do nothing after a first warning will be demoted, and after that is up to the Rex. Continue to shirk duties, and he won't be nice about it.

Don’t start it if you can’t finish it - Not everyone may get along, and those who have gotten on each other's nerves may settle their disputes however they wish, but may only do so with Tier 2 fights (there are some exceptions, however). Simply inform a Tier 2 or higher member to oversee the fight. Keep in mind they will not be allowed to interfere in any way without good reason. Starting disputes with allied packs are forbidden in most cases (raids are exempt from this), but if it happens then you must let the Rex know. Failure to inform the Rex (and if he finds out from another party later, will result in consequences. If a tier 2 (dice rolled) fight is not satisfactory enough, then the Rex may be approached to request a Tier 1 fight. There is a special custom set for disputes requiring Tier 1 fights. Remember, any disputes that need to be settled with a fight (tier 1 or 2) must be brought to the attention of a tier 2+, or the Rex, else consequences/punishment may occur!

Rank Challenges, Promotions, & Attaining higher ranks - There are several ways to rise up in the ranks. First and foremost, the easiest way to rise in rank is with activity. The more active a pack member within the pack, the more likely you are to be recognized. Help your packmates, patrol, call hunts or other training sessions, get to know your packmates, and be involved. Hard work, effort, and activity will be recognized, and once you feel you have achieved this, you may approach the Rex and request a promotion (or the Rex may approach you). The second way to earning a higher rank is challenging for it. Any rank up to Tier 2 may be challenged for at any time, however, keep in mind that if your activity and your contributions to the pack are lacking, then you will be denied. In these cases, you may only challenge to the next tier above your current tier (excluding tier 2). Thirdly, promotions may be given out during meetings, or via an approach from a tier 1 or Tier 2 member if they've recognized your hard work and contributions to the pack. Keep in mind, if your activity is low within the pack, and you request a promotion (or attempt to challenge for one) you will not be granted the position regardless of your winnings. Lack of effort and duty will result in demotions with or without warning. Challenges for all ranks up to Tier 2 are welcomed and encouraged. However, should you win your fight but fail to uphold your duties (1 IC season/2 ooc months), you will be demoted back to your previous rank. The Rex may also choose to accept or deny your request to challenge, however, if the challenger has not been active beforehand. If more than one party is interested in a certain position, then special rules will be implemented. Ranks may also be given based on skill (see below).
Skill Level Plays a Part - A pack members skill level is often taken into consideration. The higher your skill level(s), the more likely it is you will be promoted to higher ranks. In fact, your skill level(s) may determine which fields you can rank into, and may also grant you the ability to skip certain ranks altogether. Wolves whose skill is higher, are recognized for their work and may even earn them special privileges, promotions, possible hidden ranks (revealed upon discussion/if the idea comes up, etc), and other goodies.

What happens behind these walls, stays behind these walls - Loose lips sink ships. Do not spill confidential information nor the secrets of your brothers and sisters to outsiders. As a precaution and for safety, this includes naming those within our borders. Do not speak ill of the pack or drag down its name. If you feel the need to do so, then take up your concerns with the Rex. Members may speak about the pack in an effort to recruit others into our ranks. Those found to be slandering Incendium's name will be punished.

Love and Mates - When it comes to mates, the Rex doesn't care who you choose to bed as long as they are not an outsider. If the potential mate is a loner, then he or she must join the pack first. Taking a mate from another pack (outside of arranged marriage) is forbidden as this can lead to tensions or complications between packs. Either he/she joins Incendium, or you challenge to leave the pack. In the event of a one-night stand, that is your choice, however, if pups result from your actions, then the Rex must be informed. Failure to inform the Rex will result in consequences. Attempting to keep it a secret will be considered treason. It's in your best interest not to keep it a secret. We have spies and trackers, after all.

Leaving Incendium - If a member wishes to leave the pack of their own accord, they may have to challenge the Rex. Your level of activity within the pack as well as the respect you've earned while within Incendium may determine whether or not you can go without challenging. If you refused to contribute to the pack, ignored training and mandatory calls or failed to help your fellow pack mates, then it is more likely you will be required to challenge, however, keep in mind that if those who have contributed little to nothing will be required to challenge for their freedom. Should they lose, they will be docked to the rank of Servus. After that, (and if they're feeling lucky), they may try again at a later date.

Concerning trespassers- Trespassers are to be attacked on sight, no exceptions!!! Any pack member who finds a trespasser must sound the alarm to alert the rest of the pack. Force claims (if you're high enough in rank to do so), and maims (bonus points for shredding/removing ears or scarring over their left eye or across the face) are preferred. Give trespassers a reason to think twice about doing it again.

Pack loyalty- Loyalty is important. Whether you love or hate your alpha and/or your packmates, you must give your loyalty regardless. Should a wolf be found to have been disloyal to the pack, they will face consequences.

No one is exempt- The rules apply to everyone in the pack, including the Rex's children, Heirs, and so forth. The Rex & Regnatrix are exempt (though they aim to set the example) for they are the ones who create them. Rules may be changed at any time as they see fit, however.

customs coming soon!!

Pack History:

  • 11-10-18 » Ignatius founds Fyri.
  • *Another event goes here.*



11-06-2018, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2021, 02:35 AM by Ignis. Edited 7 times in total.)
Pack Relations & News


Abaven — Tense. Definitely beef there.
Ashen — Unknown
Ashen Armada — Unknown
Habari — Unknown
Aerie — Unknown
Valhalla — Unknown

Pack News:

11/10/18Autumn, Year 12: Ignition - Ignatius Agnivo founds Fyri!
5/29/19Summer, Year 13: No Disrespect - Acere Praetor challenges Fyri's leader for alphaship and wins by default and Winterfell is born!
6/8/19Summer, Year 13: Winter is Coming - Acere Praetor stakes his claim in the North and calls together all those who wish to join Winterfell!
--Winterfell's first tournament begins!!
4/6/20 -Ace calls a final raid meeting here
7/20/20 - Winterfell begins the Raid on Ashen; marking the end of the debt to Hjarrandi! click


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-12-2021, 02:36 AM
Pack Member Status & Reputation

Coming soon!
Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-20-2021, 02:13 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2021, 02:54 AM by Ignis. Edited 7 times in total.)
Mentors & Apprentices

Mentors & Apprentices are often paired together based on their chosen skills (to make it easier for both parties to gain skill points, as well as to get packmates to interact with each other more). Training threads are expected to be done to completion, and cross-training between mentors and apprentices is allowed, however, assigned pairings should have at least a minimum of two completed training threads (between the mentor & apprentice) per season (2 OOC months). Failing to do these may result in the alpha getting involved & Apprentice promotions being delayed, or in the event of severe lack of training, reassignment.

While it is understandable that people get busy, please do not leave your mentors/apprentices hanging. If training threads have been started, please do your best to finish them. Training threads that are not followed through to completion will be noted, and the last character to post will have been noted to have attempted to train/learn, and the other will be considered as failing to teach (if a mentor failed to post next), or failed the course (if an apprentice failed to post their turn).

(Brief rules will be expanded on soon).

Ignis (Fighting x Hunting) - Onyx & Celosia & Raure
Casso - (Hunting x Fighting) - Ifrit & Bronze
Kirsi - (Intellect x Fighting) - Pyrite
Greed - (Fighting x Hunting) - Vulcan
Song - (Fighting x Intellect) - Haüyne
Yurei - (Healing x Intellect) - Finan
Tyto - (Fighting x Hunting) - Cinaed
Claire - (Fighting x Intellect) - Aine

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.