
Roll perception



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-08-2018, 05:00 PM
He'd learned a fair amount in his travels, even spent several Sephira-free days just talking to local wolves and absorbing what he could. If there was an ideal place to be during exile, it would have to be Boreas. This land was beautiful. A more pristine and plentiful version of the kinds of lands and climates he'd been in before. Gratefulness wasn't something he often felt, but if he were to take a moment perhaps he'd appreciate that all things considered, at least adjusting to radically different weather wasn't something he had to worry about. The north was a bit chilly, yes, but he was growing accustomed to it and found that despite his original intent to leave he was being drawn back that way. Hm. Maybe it was something in his blood, calling to the northern-dwelling heritage of his mother. Or maybe it was the desire to escape his past and any association with those among his kin who dwelt in the warmer climates.

No matter the reasoning, he was here, bounding through the misty morning, paws crunching on the dry fallen leaves that blanketed the ground around the stand of trees he'd rested among the previous night. Mostly barren and hilly terrain awaited him as he worked his way north, no sign of the great forests and astounding landmarks he'd found in the eastern lands. Here, everything had a simply beauty. Different, but not impossible to appreciate. When he arrived at the great wall of stone, he found the thing to be hauntingly familiar as he walked alongside it, turning west and meandering along at an easy pace.

A faint frown creased his brow, fiery features overtaken by the painful nostalgia as he walked and thought to himself in the relative silence. There were no birds overhear to create quiet background chatter as lost himself in his concerns. Ignatius sometimes liked to pretend he could be as carefree and untethered as his sister, but - perhaps luckily for the both of them - the truth was he could never do better than going about half a day without fretting or losing himself in thoughts of revenge. His mind wandered back to that stormy day when he'd told Sephira about the loss of their baby sister. She was right, Kaius couldn't afford to let them live. If he was willing to kill to get rid of Ignatius, he would most certainly be paranoid enough to see to it that Ig died before he could get back at the treacherous man for framing him. Revenge was only half of it. Killing his older brother was no longer just about bringing about justice for the murder of Avis, it was about ensuring that he and Sephira could go on to live, free, without having to look over their shoulders at every turn.

His breath clouded in the chilly morning air as he walked on, playing with ideas and trying in vain to come up with a better plan than the one that kept forming in his mind. There was only one way he'd have enough eyes around to keep himself and his sister safe, and to lend them the strength to one day destroy Kaius. And Ignatius was not liking it one bit.