
Bad Trip



4 Years
11-10-2018, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2018, 05:59 PM by Cole.)
-Rated M for slight gore
-Solo Stat, Collecting Lady's Slipper / Jewel Weed
Now that the constuction of his den was completed Cole could now focus on other nessacary tasks. Herb gathering. The chances of becoming ill this season were much to great for him. He had no time to deal with being sick and unable to focus on living. He stood up with his claws scraping the soil as he moved while his feet gave out a small audible patter sound as he left his hideaway to search for what he desired.  

It didn't take long to find some herbs. Well dead ones for a matter of fact. Several days ago a freeze had gone by killing of the more fragile flowers which are usually the ones with medicinal properties. Cole was starting to get more and more progessively annoyed as he would only find wilted herbs and poisions with no valuable medicinal uses. He sat down to sulk annoyed with his luck and failure to find a herb that would be of use this Winter. In his quiet moments of sulking he noticed something strange. Something alive. It was pink and white help up by a tall stem swaying the the chilled wind.
This is new I know my poisons so this must be something of a healers value or something I have never seen before  the brute contemplated. Looking over at the strange herb wondering what approach he should take. He decided that he should test the waters before ripping it from the ground. He walked forward closer to the plant using a massive amount of caution acting as a pup that just left the den for the first time in it's life. Hmm it smells like any average plant. Visually it was quite off putting as it looked like and average flower with no healing properties that would probably taste horribly bitter and soapy at the end of it all. I may as well see if it does have value. He silently pawed at the plants base. Lossenig the soil and roots that had kept the plant upright causing it to tilt slightly. He grabbed the base of the plant with his pearly white teeth as he started to lift his head up gently tugging the plant out of soil. Then repeat.

Once he collected enough samples returned to his den. It was time to test the properties of the herb on himself. Sure there were risks but he wouldn't be harming anyone but himself. Carefully he pulled one of the flower buds off not wanting to risk damaging the other flowers and began to munch on it slowly. For starters it tasted absolutely horrible bitter and soapy just like he expected from the pink plant. He lurched back in disgust hacking out the vile tasting herb coughing loudly like a dying animal. Before swallowing it once more. Since he knew that some herbs tasted awful but they did work for some internal ailments. He looked down at the vile tasting plant with disgust. It must be a plant that takes a while to start to have any affect the brute concluded from his finding noting to watch over himself for the next 24 hours.

Then began the next test. Would this help an open wound and prevent infection. Cole shivered as he noticed a sharp rock edge at one of the corners of his den. "In the name of healing" The ashen shiloutte spoke aloud before he started to walk over to the rock. He slammed down his left front paw down on the sharp edge. He screamed like a banshee as he pulled back his paw letting the cut become larger. He staggered backward before tumbling over on the ground. He held his head up from the floor of his den looking at his damaged limb as scarlet blood flowed and oozed out. He soon gathered himself holding his weakened paw away from the ground stumbling to the location of where he left the herb.

He grabbed another herb and started to chew it in to a pultice. He carefully placed the chewed herb on the still bleeding wound coating the entire paw pad. It had not effect to help the pain yet it did block more blood from flowing out of the crevice he created. He sighed quietly it had been a long day time to rest.

Get up get up GET UP! a voice screamed at him loudly. He was disorientated staggering to his feet following the commanding order. He looked around confused no one was here why was everything changing color. This is not normal I should have not ingested the herb he thought panickingly as he staggered drunkily out of his den with no destination. As he walked the visions became more grtestue it was becoming to much for him. He bolted. Screaming at the top of his lungs like a lunatic. Maybe he was.

-black out-
"God..." he huffed out loudly confused as ever. He was in a shallow pool of mud and water absolutely covered in filth. "I'm never touching that herb ever again" he spoke aloud. Taking his shaking limping frame back to his little hideaway. He would not take any further research with the plant concluding that the herb was to dangerous for use and there will always be different herbs to deal with the aliments