
There's no point when they stop and stare


11-10-2018, 07:22 PM
Navigation -- The Orchard

Autumn had arrived and soon, too, would another heat season for the young woman. Nova was slowly recovering from the events at the end of her last one, mind whirling whenever she thought of the man that sired her. A rapist… a man who didn’t give a damn whether he hurt others, apparently. He was nothing like Daemon, her husband…

Though she didn’t understand why the man kept her as one of his brides. She shook her head, paws slowly moving her through the Orchard that morn. A crisp, cool fall wind was blowing and was enough that the massive female had to fluff up her coat to protect it against the wind. She welcomed the colder air, however… winter was a time that she had looked forward to especially when she was younger. She had loved the snow that fell… how crisp and pure it was.

But for now the world was alive with colors of all various hues. Reds, oranges, golds and browns aplenty worked their way across the landscape changing the world of greeny. The female took in a small breath, feeling it fill her lungs and give her a small burst of new energy. The pale female wasn’t sure where she was going, but still her paws lead her onward, crunching down on the dead leaves and dying grass.

Nova’s gaze shifted towards the trees, ears perked. Though the leaves were dying there was still some fruit to be had, were the wolves bold enough to try what was on the ground. Soon it would all rot, however, and then the world would fall into a season of sleep. A season where it was building energy for the new year… or so Nova liked to believe. Maybe, she thought to herself, there was a way to preserve the fruit… some way. Perhaps Daemon knew how? The man seemed to have a more knowledge of different things than she did… she was more sheltered than she realized.

That brought up another thought to the young woman. The animals were fat from the seasons of bounty… but when winter came prey could be harder to be found. They would need to stock up on what supplies they could for medicine too… not that Nova knew much about that. The female kept going, pace getting a bit faster the more she began to think and worry about the preparations that they would need to take for a successful winter. If she had puppies… then they’d surely need to be taken care of. Though the orchard had proved to be a nice little home thus far with enough prey to sustain her family.

Nova found herself stressing about all of this. Perhaps it would do her some good to get some hunts under her belt? Her red eyes shown a little at that thought. Yeah! She could help be productive! Maybe then… maybe then her new sister might start to approve of her. See her as a little more worthy to be Daemon’s wife.

Nova paused for but a moment, squinting her eyes against the glare from the frost covered flora. She could see squirrels racing about further along, likely gathering what they could for their stores… but she didn’t really care about them. A squirrel, even a fat one wouldn’t be much more than a snack. No… she needed something bigger. Maybe something in a herd to help feed her family.

Nova began to move with more purpose now. Her paws lead her over the ground, creating a long shadow behind her. A small burst of white escaped her maw as she expelled a breath -- it was pretty cold this morning. Cold mornings… cold nights… with moderately warm days. At least the frost would be gone by noon. The herds would be grazing as they pressed on too… a perfect opportunity to hunt.

But for Nova hunting was always a problem. Her pale coat could be mistaken in winter for the glare of the sun on snow, perhaps, but in autumn? That was going to make hunting even harder… especially alone. She’d stand out like a sore thumb. She just had to hunt smart, she supposed.

But Nova wouldn’t let that detour her. She just had to find a trail. Though admittedly her thoughts did turn back to the smaller prey animals scattered here and there feasting upon the fallen fruit. It could take more time to hunt them but… it could worth a shot? Who knew… maybe somewhere further in the orchard one of the herds was doing the same thing. Her stomach rumbled and Nova knew she had to make a decision sooner rather than later.

Kicking off the ground she started for the nearest animal -- a rather plump hare.

It’d be a start.

Though the surprise would be spoiled if Dae came looking for her when he realized she wasn’t at the den. At least she was sticking close to home!

Daemon I


3 Years
11-11-2018, 12:46 AM
He'd been busy since the spring. Neither of his wives had yet to bare children to him but with falls beginning it meant it was almost time to try once more with Nova. This year he was getting the jump on it though. She would need to be in top condition before winter. That included feeding her enough she might begin to put on weight and keeping her from injuring herself. Of course he knew with this litter being her first likely she would have troubles knowing what to do. As well as it was a possibility that their children would be behemoths just like their parents.

After last winter's farce he had made a point to keep an eye on Nova and to watch for the scent of her father. So it was a surprise to him when he returned to their den with a kill in toe that it was without Nova. She had made a point to stay close to him and their den since the incident. He dropped the small pheasant off inside their den close to Nova's bed and then set out to find where she went off to.

He was quick to track her down, though when he saw her after a hard he sat a distance away. He wouldn't spoil her hunt, after all she would need extra food when winter came. As he had a feeling that they would be successful in their attempts to procreate. He watched with his mismatched eyes as the hare changed directions and nova hunted it as she had been taught by him. He was well within Nova's view though he stayed silent waiting for either success or failure. Even he did not succeed every hunt though so he knew that it did not make her any less of a good wife if she did so.

Daemon is not a nice man, beware when threading with him. He is volatile and perverse, ladies(and maybe some men) beware. His opinions do not reflect his players at all, I love any and all characters.

As his brother and closest companion, Nabis has permission to enter any and all threads he is part of regardless of tags.


11-15-2018, 10:36 PM
Nova didn’t notice Daemon’s approach.

No, her attention was focused on the creature that posed a potential meal. She didn’t want to let it get away. She moved over the grass quickly but quietly, stalking forth with an almost feline precision.

It was actually Dae that gave the hare insight that it was in danger. It took off as the wind shifted and brought his scent to it… but luckily Nova responded quickly to this fact. She sprang as though a fire ignited within her and moved like lightning after the smaller creature.

A short chase and a few seconds later it was all over. Nova stood there with the hare in her jaws. Then, as she turned, her eyes fell on Dae. She dropped the prey immediately, a blush rising to her cheeks. She hadn’t expected him to find her so quickly… and especially not in the middle of a hunt.

The pale rainbow femme crossed over to her husband and nuzzled his neck, murmuring a quiet explanation. “It’s getting close to winter… I…. I thought I’d help you and Makani hunt.” Her posture remained submissive as she looked up at him. Would he approve of this?

“I wasn’t going to go far… not after…” She lowered her gaze, giving a soft whine.

She didn’t want anyone else’s children.

She wanted Dae’s.