
A New Beginning {Birthing}


07-11-2014, 10:34 AM

Sin was out, fetching water for her since it was so near her time. Soon, so very soon his heirs would be here, and sooner than she had willed, for the children were coming without him. Arietta could feel every contraction shaking her form, and the woman was panting, shaking as she lay upon the sheets. She was fine when Sin was with her, but to think she might be having the children without him by her side was terrifying. The she would let out a loud whine, light blue orbs flicking to the door of the room she was in. Throwing back her head the woman would let out a loud, long howl, hoping to god that Sin would hear it and come as quickly as possible. She wanted him here for this... to see them. It was only right.

The small brown woman would let out another whine, feeling yet another sharp contraction run through her. She could feel her heart racing, ears laid back as she repositioned her body into a more comfortable position. Well, ready or night, here came the children it seemed. Orbs would close, body shaking more as she started to push. She was willing new life into the world. At some point her efforts would be rewarded when the first pup was brought into the world. Arietta set to cleaning her straight away, tearing away the birthing sack and licking the little thing to warm it up. With a bit of happiness Arietta would notice that the pup was a girl, a daughter. Her daughter. She would move the little thing to her side, placing a few more licks upon her back for good measure before she called for Sin again, praying that he was close.

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
07-11-2014, 10:53 AM
Sorry I really suck with just-born posts
Vesta Armada

Does it look like I'm joking to you?

The girl had fought with everything she had in order to remain within her mother but her mother had more strength and soon Vesta was propelled out of the birth canal and into the world. It was all so strange and dark. It reminded her of being inside her mother as well. Dark but instead it was cold... very cold and dark. The girl began to squirm as she kicked her legs out. There was one thing for sure, she was a feisty one. She fought her way over towards her mother's stomach, seeking out it's warmth until she found it. She instantly found her mother's stomach and started to suckle on it. The white girl was alive and safe for now. The warmth comforted her greatly as she continued to feed off of her mother.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-16-2014, 03:12 AM

The beast had been nearby as of late, knowing that Arietta would soon be giving birth any day now. This time, he was out fetching water for her so she wouldn't have to walk so far to get it herself. Nobody could say he wasn't a nice guy...sometimes. And it was then as he dipped his head down to fill the wooden bowl he had found with water, that a cry would pierce the air. Head would lift immediately, and he would stare towards the boat as another cry would follow soon after. Was it time already? It sounded like it. Without another moments hesitation, he turned and would choose to run back, hoping that she was doing okay. He didn't have too much herbal knowledge, but hopefully she was able to do it without much. The only tools they had at their disposal was water, ice, and a few bits of lavender to calm her should she start to panic. But then again, she was a strong girl. That much she had proved from the time he had claimed her.

Sharp claws clacked upon the wooden floors in quick succession, the beast making his way towards the room in which Arietta had chosen to make a den. He could smell her, and with that smell lingered the scents of blood. The first child, perhaps? He would not miss this. No way in Hell. He surged forth, bursting through the doorway as he went to stand by Arietta's side, placing himself by her head so she could use him as support and then he waited for the first child to be born. From her, would come a small creature with white fur, a girl it seemed. Amber gaze stared on as Arietta went about cleaning her off, and simply to reassure her, he would gently lick her head as he murmured into her ear. "You're doing fine, love. It's almost over." He knew about child birth, he had helped a female once upon a time give birth upon an island. A Valhallan wolf, if he wasn't mistaken. He was simply glad that this day wasn't stormy like that day had been...Pulling back to the now, he would gaze again at the girl. A single word leaving his lips. "Vesta."



07-22-2014, 03:43 PM

Sin had arrived, and thank the gods for that. The female could feel him with her, the fur on the back of head brushing against him slightly as she went through the process of bringing their daughter into the world. Then, even as she went about cleaning their daughter, she would feel his tongue rasping across her head, as well as his reassuring words in her ear. The femme would look down at her daughter once she was cleaned, Sin?s words leaving him. Vesta. Their daughter?s name was chosen, and it was perfect in her eyes.

But the woman was not yet done, and she could feel her body trembling as the contractions grew worse once again. The small femme would close her eyes, taking breaths, letting it all go as it naturally should. She felt safer with the blood marked male next to her, like nothing would go wrong. It certainly seemed that way as the next new life entered the world.

Arietta would turn, cleaning the second pup just as she had the first. This one was more of a caramel brown, of the brighter shade that was upon her own coat. The femme would look down at the second born -- her son. He had a bit of white, and even spots that were darker, like her base coat color. She would watch him quietly, feeling her heart warm at the sight of him. He was perfect. The pains told her there was still more to come, however. She would lean her head slightly into Sin, closing her light blue eyes. She was already so tired... But she couldn?t just stop now.

Speech, Thought


07-22-2014, 03:46 PM
"...InSaNiTy... The Weight Of The Air Is Torture...

...Psychopathy... Don?t Know Who I Am Anymore...

He was being moved, a stubborn sound, what would have been the growl of a fullgrown wolf, leaving the tiny creature as he was shifted within his sanctuary. He had found the existence comfortable, doable. He was not keen on that existence changing, but nature had other things in store. His living space, cramped now due to the other two bodies that were growing within, could no longer support them. He would be expelled from that warmth, into a much colder area. The area was soft... But not quite what he was used to.

Little squeaks, would-be growls, would leave the pup as he shifted around on the strange surface. He didn?t approve of this change. With his little lungs, squeaking loudly, he demanded to go back to where he came from. But still something?s persistence cleaning would move over his body, taking off the slick stuff that stuck to his fur. In a matter of moments he was cleaned, left sitting there for the longest moment, or rather would have been if he hadn?t squirmed to his mother?s side himself. He would settle next to his sister, grabbing onto a teat hungrily and nursing for the first time.

...InSaNiTy.. The Illusion Of Ignorance......Try And Stop It From Corrupting...?