
eat the RUDE



9 Years
07-10-2014, 10:50 PM

I have seen all, I have heard all

I have forgotten all.

Schon was pure divinity in her own mind. She knew Freyja herself blessed her from birth. The young Viking had been lost at birth. Her mother had birthed her and her heathen of a father took her in an instant. She had learned of her religion early, her mother pounding it into her head. Tyr was her favorite of all the Gods. He sought out battle night and day. The girl enjoyed his stories and she yearned to be like him. Schon was to be a warrior. Though, due to her being a stray. Her thoughts had been jumbled. She had this sick thought of killing. Her rage got the better of her a lot too. A blinding rage that made her see red. Her pa said that was why her eyes were of a demon. Yet, she loved her eyes. They were of crimson like the blood that enticed her. Schon was not openly so dark. On the outside she was beautiful, skinny, perfection, and divine. On the inside she was a zealot, a feign, and rather vain. The girl took pride in her looks. She looked interesting. Her form had always been horribly skinny, to the point of almost being to skinny. Yet, she was healthy. Her fur was short but shaggy in all the right places. Her ribs were nearly visible, but she did not care. The lady was nimble and long. Her legs looked never ending and she loved it. Most were stocky and she thought it was disgusting. To have rolls of fur all over. The girl was picky, there was no doubt. But, she was on a mission. To find her mother. She had tracked her all the way to the lands of Alactrica, but she lost her in the east. Schon would not rest until the yearling found her viking mum. Yet, the girl slithered along the shores of the lake in delight, she enjoyed water, just not getting in it.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.