



8 Years
11-20-2018, 11:41 AM

Pad falls filled the air as the elaborate beast made his way towards the Fossil Ridge, the moon making its grand appearance. A pink and blue gaze swept the area with a ravenous gaze, one of curiosity and wonder. An autumnal wind swept through a thickening alabaster and ebony pelt as the drumming of his steps fell silent. The tall Wolf stood at the edge of the Ridge with a raised brow. Exposed fossils littered the cracked earth. Dust covered everything in sight but the gentle gleam of ivory was still very evident. The mutant moved his way quietly towards a larger ribcage that lay upon the earth. Seemingly another Wolf had dug it up previous to his arrival. But, there were no signs of others around currently so it may had been days since. Nevertheless the man eyed the bones with a certain curiosity.

It had been months since he left his Kingdom and endured the lonely life of a rogue. Wandering with only his own thoughts and nature for entertainment. The once pampered pooch was in the real world fending for himself and he felt rather indifferent about it at this point. With days upon days of seething rage and hatred. There was no use for such emotions in this new world. He was not a Prince but a mere loner, thus it was time to make a name for himself. There was no cushioned throne awaiting for him. This new life is what he will make of it and the beats has grand plans. But first he must find the natives he has smelled but never seen. It is evident these lands are inhabited by other Wolves but he had yet to meet one. Despite being a rather reclusive demon even he desired minimal social contact every now and again.

speech action



8 Years

11-24-2018, 11:47 AM

Moonlight showered the ridge, illuminating the cliff face and the monsters that tried to escape their ancient graves. There were rows of jagged teeth connected to vertebrae the size of the wolf that strolled along them. The living was careful as he picked his way down the ridge. He tip-toed over the dusty bones. His steps were tentative as he tested the ridge face. The recent rains had softened the clay and were proving both a hindrance and a help. It packed the otherwise dried earth down, but in some places, mudslides had been evident.

With a soft grunt, the wolf jump-skid the rest of the way down. The dust of the earth billowed around his paws. The red man shook himself and sighed. This island was proving to be fruitless for him. He had come across a few natives but they offered him very little. He needed something more. Before long, he'd have to turn Northward again and travel across the sandbar.

The wolf kept moving. He moved with endless desire to seek out entertainment and items of interest. He would say that these giant bones were intriguing. He made a mental note of their location for later. Perhaps another day he would return to pick one out for crafting. Exploring further the sound of footfalls trickled into his ears. They twitched as he listened carefully, his head swirling to the right and back down the ridge. In the moonlight, the white of a stranger's pelt nearly glowed. "Can't sleep, either?" Valkorion spoke as if he were talking to an old friend. Maybe he was just tired of new faces or maybe he just wanted to greet someone with something other than the typical hello. Either way, he turned to face the stranger. He stood his ground for a moment before taking a few extra steps to help close their distance.

"Let the darkness sleep"

Evil characters do evil things. Be warned, you thread with a psychopath; anything is possible.



8 Years
11-26-2018, 08:16 PM

The moist clay beneath pink paw pads was a nice relief. Hannibal was in a rather nomadic state currently and his paws were gaining miles more then they were use too. Also, when the sun hung high and scorched the earth his sensitive paw pads felt such a wraith. Thankfully the moon was well within her reign at this point which gave the phantom a much needed break. The lonesome behemoth eyed the bones with mild curiosity. Hannibal had seen corpses before but never so many old bones sticking out of the earth. A rather haunting feeling of another presence passed over his form as he roamed the cracked graveyard but it seemed as though this feeling was not supernatural. The scent of another Wolf filled his nasal cavities and landed upon a pale tongue before mismatched eyes finally fell upon the male. It seemed as though Hannibal was far too caught up in his thoughts and let his guard down enough to be caught off guard.

Not before long the beast was being approached by this stranger. Hannibal's hackles raised ever so slightly as he stopped his own steps. A divine head raised as he stood his ground with a rather defiant grimace upon his lips. Yet to meet any natives the male was rather cautious with good reason until casual tones were lifted into the air. "Can't sleep, either?" Hannibal took in the words with a few long moments of silence. Soon his hackles lowered slightly and his disgustingly dominant demeanor lessened to a more tolerable amount. Hannibal did not seek a fight in this situation but he had no clue what sort of Wolves lurked within these lands. The untrusting male nodded in response before gracing this other being with his beautiful vocals. "I prefer the company of the moon it seems." All thanks to his lack of pigment. Hannibal now took it upon himself to take in this stranger's appearance before seeking eye contact. A tiny grin cracked upon formerly stern lips as he continued on, "What brings such a divine creature to a graveyard at this hour? The male began to move to the right, careful paws stepping over a skull as he paused. "The baddies are out.. don't you know?" The partially-albino male remained still looking at the stranger with curiosity. His white and black tail still erect and ears alert as ever. Hannibal was prepared for mostly anything thrown at him while still putting on a performance.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



8 Years

12-01-2018, 11:34 AM

I prefer the company of the moon it seems. Valkorion's eyes shifted towards the heavens. He kept the stranger in his peripherals as he examined the clarity of the moon tonight. The dimples, hills, and valleys across the silver surface were exquisitely detailed in the cloudless night. As the alabaster male pipped up again the red man's head slowly lowered, his eyes watching the stranger carefully. There was a roll in his shoulders, a soft shrug as he offered a lame reason, "curiosity." It was the truth, though unoriginal and unimpressive. He wished he could have said he was trying to raise these dead giants and craft an army of the dead, but that was well beyond his mortal capabilities. He couldn't raise the dead, he could only lower the living.

The man's next words brought a wry grin wrapping its way from one side to the next. The baddies are out... don't you know? Valkorion even huffed a soft chuckle as he nodded in agreement."I know quite well, actually." His tail swished with interest. "Are you one of these 'baddies' that stalks around the night? Should I be hiding my children, hiding my wife?" He had no such things, but he found amusement in the thought. He'd never hide either. As the stranger stepped carefully over a skull Valkorion stood his ground proudly.

"Let the darkness sleep"

Evil characters do evil things. Be warned, you thread with a psychopath; anything is possible.



8 Years
12-12-2018, 11:24 AM

It seemed many of the being's Hannibal encountered in these new lands lacked a certain pizzaz he was use to back home. He has yet to meet a mighty King or a talented cleric. Only nomads attempting to survive. There has yet to be that burning sensation of need and desire like he was use to. Calm conversations of pleasantries. Perhaps he needed to get out more, meet more Wolves, or move onto another region. Hannibal was a theatrical being with a need for drama and lust. So far, no one was quite doing it for him. Though, hopefully this would all change with due time.

As Hannibal gave his warning it seemed the fiery stranger did not cower. A little chuckle and baritone vocals swept through the air with ease. "Are you one of these 'baddies' that stalks around the night? Should I be hiding my children, hiding my wife?" Hannibal stopped his steps and stared into the eyes of this stranger. A sickening smile curling at the corners of his black and pink lips. The male cocked his head to one side with wide eyes. "Little ol' me?" Hannibal fluttered his white eyelashes with a little growl bubbling deep within his throat. "I have no time for children and wives." His head raised, pointing his nose upward but continuing to gaze into the strangers eyes. "I prefer the company of a much more desirable audience." The beast had eyes for unique beauties. Handsome men and woman to satiate his undying need for pleasure. The phantom stood still now, still smiling and staring. "Do your curiosities often lure you from your wife and children?" His voice was a gentle purr as he stood about four tail lengths away now.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.