
Welcome to Hotel California



8 Years
Athena I
07-10-2014, 04:27 PM

After the not-so-great first meeting with his father the large brute knew he needed to find his sister and let her know what had happened and just to check up on her in general. He knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, but that didn't stop the big brother in him wanting to reach out to her and protect her. That's what brought him all the way down to the southern region of Alacritis. He had been all across the west and the north with no signs of her, but something told him he would find her here in the south. Call it a hunch, call it a feeling, he was banking on it.

He padded slowly through the rows of trees that were just beginning to fill in with leaves once more. Winter had long since gone, leaving spring in its place, a change Falk was all too happy to see. Darkness had fallen some time ago, but the moon was full and, with the help of the sparkling stars, lit his path well enough. He lumbered forward, his large frame feeling weary from the long trip from the north to the south. He had hardly stopped once since seeing Isardis, more than eager to get away from the albio. He glanced around wondering if there might be somewhere he could rest for a while. Finally his icy gaze settled on a large fruit tree that had a hollowed out dip between its roots. It wasn't a den, but it would do for a couple hours rest. The Armada padded toward it with a sigh, but just as he got under the shade of the tree he caught a fresh scent of a wolf near by. He blinked, lifting his head and glancing around. Who else could be out at this time of night?



07-10-2014, 04:39 PM

She had slipped from the den unnoticed by her two boys who slept soundly beside one another. The dark woman ventured out of Covari, lured by the incoming scent of something oddly sweet. It was unlike anything she had ever smelled before, it wasn't strong, but held promise. She would end the strange looking forest, verdant gaze cast upwards as she examined the trees carefully. Their leaves were still coming back, the first sign of spring. But beneath each tree was a dark mass of unidentified things. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent of rotted fruit. Her nose would wrinkle in distaste, but the sweetness still lingered. She would move one, carrying herself deeper and deeper into the forest, her senses overwhelmed.

Buried beneath the scent of spring and fruit, she noted a foreign wolf nearby. She would bring herself to a halt, her senses kicking into high alert. She knew that the woman that had bested Sibelle lived here and probably wasn't the best wolf to run into. Her chin would tuck defensively against her throat, her hardened gaze scanning the darkness. "Come out and play." Her sultry lyrics would shatter the quiet night, bouncing off the trees around her. Kill them! Kill them all! Voices cried for blood shed, they demanded that she attack the hidden stranger.

She would search the shadows, looking for movement, her own steps slow and silent. The night was quiet, but her head was full of cries for pain and blood. There was no drowning them out. Dainty paws pressed into the earth, muffling her approach. Audits shifted between attention and falling back against her skull. She was not up for a game of hide'n'seek' tonight.




8 Years
Athena I
07-10-2014, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2014, 04:54 PM by Falk.)

Soon after he noticed the unfamiliar scent a voice followed, beckoning him out to play. His ears flicked and he turned, still looking for the source of this mysterious voice. He knew he hadn't wandered into a pack's territory, but that didn't mean he hadn't crossed into some area that an individual had claimed for their own so he put himself on high alert. He really wasn't in the mood to fight tonight, but he would defend himself if need be. He stepped out from under the shadow of the tree, hoping that being out in the moonlight once again would help dash any concerns this female might have with his presence. "It's hard to play with someone I can't see!" he called out in response while his blue gaze searched the area around him. The moonlight made his eyes shine, causing the rest of his russet and ivory form to seem dark in comparison.

Finally he thought he caught sight of a shape in the darkness, squinting to see whoever it might be. "Won't you come out where I can see you?" he asked, being sure to hold himself in a non-threatening way, keeping his tail low and voice calm. Even though he was tired and really just wanted this to end so he could sleep, his curiosity overpowered those things and he peered into the darkness to find whoever it was that was nearby.



07-10-2014, 07:31 PM

His voice would fill her ears, her defenses soothing ever so slightly. She would follow the masculine sound until she stood several feet away from the man. A small smile played on dark lips as she brought herself to halt before the stranger. "Hello." She tried her best to appear slightly more friendly then when she had spoken before. In the dark, it was hard to make out much of what he looked like, but his vibrant cyan eyes stood out against his pelt and the darkness. Her tail would wag slowly, a small attempt to apologize. "I'm Maia." She would introduce herself with a dip of her crown before returning her gaze to his. Her weight would sway, uncertain whether or not she should sit. Dispose of him! Now! Voices screeched in protest. Nostrils quivered, inhaling his scent, unable to pinpoint anything specific or familiar. Haunches would finally recline, settling against the cool earth comfortably. Her gaze would rest on his easily, her posture relaxing into its normal state, defenses fell away as she slowly found herself at ease once again. "Sorry about that, my pack isn't exactly friend with the neighboring pack." She would lift a narrow shoulder, a bitter chuckle rolling off her tongue for disappearing entirely.
