
Wedding jitters



4 Years
Extra small
12-02-2018, 10:08 AM

Something big was brewing in Abaven, she might not be able to see it but she could feel it. She was lounged under the maple Rhyme called his den. A fish was between her paws as she worked on it. Rhyme must of been out somewhere, but that was sort of becoming normal to Tana. she was being left to her own devices more than she had ever thought possible. She still hadn't found a den of her own, and truth be told she hadn't really been looking for a place too hard. She was becoming quite used to the sound of the raven, Imperia, and the scent of Rhyme as he slept or sat near. She hadn't done much talking to him though since he had brought her here. She did however find herself wandering through some of the territories on a daily basis. She hadn't met this Vail both he and Shaye had spoken of yet though.

She was content to stay here under Rhyme's tree though. If one wanted to find her it was not hard. Over head in the tree she could hear her companions chattering as they chased each other and played in a relaxed game of tag. She gnawed off a peice of the fish and thought more as she chewed the slimy meat. It definitely wasn't her favorite food, but it's what was available for her to catch for herself. She could of just went to the cache but the pile was less than appealing to her when she could keep her solitude in silence. A solitude that she felt was right here in the den of an alpha. Shayes words still reverberated in her mind though. There were no masters here, only friends and family. It was so foriegn to her. She'd been born a slave yet here she was in a pack that had none.

The feeling of wanting another close to her was still a foriegn concept as well, but here she was wishing for the companionship of Rhyme. Even if he only sat there quietly watching her, something about just that was nice. Rhyme still brought butterfies to her belly as well. She couldn't forget hoow gentle he had been when he touched her. She wasn't even sure Sintaro would of been so gentle the more she thought about it. Behind her in the trees roots sat a few apples and a few stems of grapes she had collected to turn into wine and cider. She'd asked Rhyme to get her a few skulls she could turn into bowls for the liquids. He had told her to do what she wanted to and she was starting to try to do so, but still had trouble with not asking for permision and trying to please both him and shaye. She'd need to eventually find a place of her own she knew, since her fermmenting fruit was starting to make his den smell slightly.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



6 Years
12-02-2018, 12:31 PM

Vail had been walking the territory, seeking out a few plants to harvest before the frost killed them off. Notch clung to her back, his beak clicking as he helped to steer her away from obstacles in her path. Her mind was on Solor and the wedding that was quickly approaching. She felt nervous about it, being the center of attention was not her strong suit. However well her fiancé said she had done at the healer’s training. The thought of him always brought a smile to her face and she found herself grinning like mad when the strange scent found its way to her nose.

She had a vague idea of where Rhyme slept and the scent seemed to be coming from his preferred tree. Curious she couldn’t help changing her path and seeking her elder cousin out. Her rosey paws carried her quickly to the scent, but she wouldn’t find the second alpha. Instead there was a new little she wolf. Not that Vail could see her very well, she could only make out her outline in the bright sun. Vail looked around to see if she could spot Rhyme but was disappointed, so her attention veered to the woman. "Hello, I’m Vail, Shaye’s sister. I smelled something peculiar coming from over here, do you know what it is?"

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4 Years
Extra small
12-02-2018, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2018, 07:34 PM by Tana.)

She had just finished gnawing one the fish when her companions started making a racket. Someone was coming and it wasn't Rhyme. She lifted her nose to the air to try to sort out the scents. the scent of Rhyme, stale but the obvious owner of the tree. The scent of the fermenting fruits, not as easy to discard. Her own, an easy thing to ignore, since it was maily lavenders and the ash of the volcano. Then there it was. A female wolfe witha scent of herbs but under it was one like Shaye's.She stayed silent though, sure the woman had come to talk to Rhyme not her. but then she spoke to Tana.

So this was Vail then. This was the other blind wolf that was spoken highly of by both Shaye and Rhyme. She'd smelled something coming from the tree and Tana had to blush. She knew it had to of been stinking up the den area but hadn't of thought much of it. "I-it's f-fruits. I-I'm m-m-making c-cider and w-wine f-from them. I-I'll g-get r-rid of i-it t-though i-if i-its not a-allowed h-here." She definitely didn't want to be in trouble with the woman that was supposed to show her the territory and teach her herbs. "I-I'm T-Tana." She didn't forget her manners though. She supposed she needed to try to keep her head higher now, but that was also hard so she tilted her head down and away from the woman's direction slightly. The stutter was something she wasn't sure she would ever loose when she spoke with another though.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



6 Years
12-02-2018, 09:17 PM

Notch started flapping his wings erratically on her back as the two primates started making more noise. He clicked nervously as he watched them with his huge round eyes, but he stayed firmly attached to Vail’s shoulders. Vail tried to hush him with a sweep of her tail over her back. He wasn’t very happy with her motions but folded his wings and hunkered down. Vail tried to smile at the smaller woman, was this the Tana that her sister had briefly mentioned to her? After a quick explanation and an apology she would get a name.

Though shaking her head wouldn’t be noticed Vail did it anyway as she tried to dissuade the woman from her train of thought. "No, I’d like to know more. I’ve heard that fermented fruits can produce a useful disinfectant." Vail of course wouldn’t have thought in a million years the woman was afraid of her, but did notice the tremors in her voice. "I don’t mind the smell either. Can you tell me what you did with the fruits?" She wanted to work with herbs wasn’t that right? "I’ll take you around my garden later, if you’d like." They could exchange lessons, and maybe Vail could help Tana get around Abaven a little easier.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
Extra small
12-16-2018, 02:43 PM

There's a hole in my heart, can you fix it?

The sound of wings was unmistakable, Tana half expected to have Imperia come gliding down and landing above her. Though she knew the sound came from the female's back. The quick denial of Tana's train of thought had her quieting herself. Vail she had been told was sweet and kind. She had no reason to fear her according to Rhyme. She wanted to trust Rhyme so much so she would give this a chance.

She'd never used the alcohol as a disinfectant, but if Vail thought it could be then maybe it was a good idea to make more than enough for the winter. Tana honestly had only used it as a sleep aid and stress reliever, and once to numb pain. She was asked to instruct Vail what she had done with the fruits and she sat up. "I-I j-just pick t-them a-and p-put them i-in a s-shady s-safe p-place. T-then t-they f-ferment o-on t-their o-own, a-after t-that I-I t-take a r-rock a-and s-smash t-the f-fruit i-in a b-bowl." She wasn't sure what else Vail wanted to know but was ready to say if asked.

She wasn't sure what the garden had in it but she would gladly go if it meant she could learn more about plants and their uses and smells.

Walk, "Tana", Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



6 Years
12-18-2018, 04:56 PM

Vail was pleased when Tana continued on, telling her through stuttered words how she made it. The Destruction thought for a moment about what else the girl before her usually used the liquid for. "What do you usually use it for?" She decided to be blunt and ask, maybe slightly rude if the reason Tana consumed it was to get drunk. Vail also didn’t notice her lack of audible questions about the garden. Was she afraid of asking questions, or just nervous around other wolves.

Vail stepped closer to the little pots of fermenting liquid, unable to clearly see the fruit pulp beneath her but the scent was noticeably yeasty mixed with the sickly sweet smell of over ripe fruit. "Do you have any previous knowledge of herbs or healing?" Vail would also like to know where the two of them were going to start in Tana’s teaching.

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