
We'll Be Heroes!



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-04-2018, 06:43 PM

It was the middle of the day and No Face was currently watching over the pups. Evangelos had been feeling a little tired that day, wanting to stay in the den, and Philly hoped that would keep Nausicaa in the den as well. Even if not the bat hawk was a force to be reckoned with. He’d be able to keep her little ones safe… she was sure of it.

So Philomena was willing to travel a bit farther from the den than usual… she still stayed in the vicinity of the lake, however. Her mind was churning, especially after her visit with her father in Somnium. More than ever she felt certain that she wanted to build a pack. Raise something from the ground as her father had.

They would need to work hard… to protect what they had and what they loved. To stand for what they believed in. Whether it was foolish or not… Philomena wanted this with all her heart. To build a pack was to find strength in unity. To find strength in each other… and when they finally achieved that point together… how would that feel?

The female breathed in slowly as she moved over the dying grass on the far side of the lake. The day wasn’t incredibly cold but not exactly warm either with the sky being overcast. Philly didn’t mind these types of days especially if it meant that soon it would rain. She liked the rain. The smell… the sound…

“Focus, Philomena… you’ve got big plans to work on.” The female mumbled to herself. Not only in getting things rolling with allies and a pack… but also with her children. She had to make sure they began training early, though not too early. Maybe she could encourage them to start hunting bugs and stuff to start… and then gradually move to small prey animals. They all had to be ready… and none of them, not even Philly herself, could afford to be left vulnerable.

An ear twitched and Philomena paused, glancing around with slightly narrowed blue eyes. She’d become a bit paranoid raising the pups virtually on her own. Anything or anyone that could be a threat would need to be taken care of.


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!

Santa Paws


12-04-2018, 08:43 PM
A Wild Santa Paws Appears!

What's that? Is it Lil Ardy dressed up as Santa? No, silly, it's Santa Paws!

Already in the Christmas spirit, Lil Ardy - err, Santa Paws, can be seen dragging a large bag of gifts behind her. As she approaches Philomena, she rummages through her things and tosses a bundle of gemstones at her.

100 Gemstones have been added to your credits!



2 Years
Dire wolf
12-04-2018, 11:23 PM
Pegasus had always been a dreamer, it was what had broght him to Boreas in the first place; dreaming of his epic battle with the Abraxas to avenge his father’s honor. So far he had made some progress; gathering Ulric and Roza to his side, and hopefully Célestin’s allegiance as well. It seemed dishonest; to stay in Lirium and fight for them all while intending to spirit away at least one of their members for his own cause. It was conflicting to him, they were good wolves who had wanted to live peacefully, and he intended to strip them of two fighters. He shuffled through the reeds and cattails, despondent. Even exploring had lost its charms with the weight on his soul.

He glanced up at slight movement beyond the waving swamp grasses and felt his hackles rise warily. Someone was there, right in front of him. He pushed forward, slowly, mentally setting his defenses as he stepped forward, bringing the stranger into view. He stopped abruptly, taking in who exactly he was seeing. The cascading mane was so unlike anything he had seen, coupled with her silvery fur and the russet markings that seemed eerily familiar to the man. All at once it clicked, his father had described another wolf with a mane like hers; Yale’s former leader Ganta. His mouth hung open, his eyes wide with bewilderment. “You’re… The stolen princess.” He said, almost completely unaware that he had spoken. His father had searched for her and when he returned, although unsuccessful Roza had named her Dragoste’s beta. It had all been for naught. The pack was sieged just days later and Ganta was murdered. He felt compelled to bow before her, and so he tucked his paw close to his chest and lowered himself regally at her paws.

speaking Thinking  you



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-06-2018, 07:51 PM

Someone pushed forward and revealed themselves… but what happened next was something Philomena could not have prepared for. A male stood before her, mouth agape, and Philly at him with an equal sense of bewilderment. She couldn’t grasp why he was looking at her like that… and even when words fell from the younger creature’s lips she furrowed her brow in more confusion.

Not because she didn’t understand what he said -- well in some ways she didn’t. She had come to understand through conversations with her mother and brother that they believed she had been stolen away by her uncle. She had been safe, yes, but still…

The more important question was how this male knew of her. Knew of her getting taken… he was younger than her so then how…?

Philomena was about to speak when the male bowed. She spluttered, feeling heat rush to her cheeks. Yet… it felt good to be treated that way. To be bowed before as if she really was something…

“Please… rise and tell me your name. How is it you know of me?” Philly managed to compose herself enough to ask that after a moment. “W-wait…” The femme canted her head to the side with a frown. “You remind me of someone that used to be in Dragoste when I was really little… are you…?” She trailed off.

Was this male the son of one of their former members?


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



2 Years
Dire wolf
12-11-2018, 03:21 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2018, 03:22 PM by Pegasus.)

He rose slowly, his eyes meeting hers in a show of mutual respect. “I am Pegasus Beaufort, son of Yale Beaufort who swore himself to Ganta Lore.” He said, his chest raising as he explained all at once who he was and who she was to him. “My father was tasked with returning you to Dragoste, I’m sure as you know he was unsuccessful.” He said, his eyes dropping slightly as he recounted his father’s failure. What was to be the first in an ongoing series of turbulence for the once proud knight. “Your mother named him beta in spite of his failure…It was not long afterwards that…” He trailed off, realizing he had ventured further into his father’s history than he had meant to.

“Forgive me.”
He said quietly, then slowly lifted his eyes to hers again, then gave a small, nervous chuckle. “I’ve heard so much about your father and Dragoste…” He said bashfully. “It’s almost like I’ve walked into one of my father’s stories.” And in many ways he supposed he had. He looked away for a moment then glanced back at her, seeing her as a whole. He had never seen anything like her in Aytepios, not for her size but for the flowing mane that cascaded off her head. There had been tiled mosaics of what his grandfather had called “Humans” in their palace, one in particular depicted a human elevated above all others named “Venus” who was worshiped as a goddess. The flowing brown tendrils on the otherwise hairless body had intrigued him as a boy, but now, looking at Philomena, he understood how the humans could come to the loving devotion they had had for the goddess.

speaking Thinking  you



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-12-2018, 01:00 PM

Pegasus Beaufort… the name was foreign to her ears, but the name Yale she had heard before from her mother. She knew of his story, at least a little bit, how he had gone looking for her for her parents… Philomena felt a stab of guilt. It wasn’t her fault her uncle had taken her… but she felt responsible for the fact that she hadn’t been found. Peg trailed off in his story, but Philomena had the strong feeling that there was something more… something darker by the way he trailed off. The female furrowed her brow but didn’t pry, giving a small nod and a small reassuring smile. It was fine. If he wanted to tell her at some point then he would.

“Did you know Dragoste means love?” Philomena asked after a moment, breaking her gaze away from Pegasus’ own. “I believe my father wanted to create a more peaceful pack. A pack where others could learns and interact and be happy. A home.” Philomena shook her head sadly. “But they were the wishes of someone blind to the evils of the world I think. As much as I love my father… there was no preparation from when the Abraxas came and took our pack away… and my father’s life.”

The female glanced back to Pegasus now. “Dragoste is no more… but I’m sure you know of that. I’m sadly not sure what became of our other members…” The female lowered her ears. “The Abraxas had taken my brother and I for a short while… but… I think they let us go to spread the ‘truth’ of what happened. Yes my father made a mistake in offering his life to them… but what else could he do? He wanted to protect us… all of us. He wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to escape by distracting them…” Philomena didn’t realize it, but by mentioning Dragoste she’d dug into old wounds. Wounds that weren’t healed… and probably never would be.

“I thought for a while that maybe, just maybe this was how things were meant to be… but no. My father was murdered. They didn’t HAVE to take his life. They did it anyway. Because the Abraxas are cold. They are heartless.” The female caught herself at last and sighed.

“Forgive me, Pegasus…” The female lowered her gaze. “It’s just… it pains me that everything my father worked for has been taken away. Everything I loved… gone… and I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye…”


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



2 Years
Dire wolf
12-12-2018, 07:40 PM
The Lovliest


He took an automatic step forward, heartbreak and understanding written plainly across his face. “My father fought them.” He said, surprising even himself when the words spilled from his lips. “They took him... Kept him prisoner…” He stopped abruptly, his eyes closing tightly against the memory of his father’s broken expression when he told his son why he could never return to Boreas.

“By all rights he is still their slave.”
He said and felt his teeth clench. His father, strong and bold, a prince by marriage, a knight by duty, and a slave to a pack of heathen monsters. “I came here to avenge him, to regain his honor and to purge the Abraxas from this land.” His head raised slowly as he spoke, determination that had been lost on him for over a season now returning. “I asked your mother once if she would join me, and your brother was happy to oblige, but she insisted that I have a plan…Now…Maybe I have one.” He looked at her and felt for the first time that he stood a chance against them, that they could bring peace to this land and fight his father’s battle.

Talking Thinking You

Of All



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-16-2018, 11:34 AM

Philomena’s gaze softened for a moment as she watched Pegasus move forward, listening to what he had to say next. Heartbreak, mixed with furry wrapped around her heart instantly. She could feel Peg’s agony… and she understood. There was definitely more to that then said, but it was too painful, and Yale’s story by rights, but the female wouldn’t press on an open wound. It clearly pained by father and son… and it angered her. To think that they had taken her and Ulric… only to take one of their members because they resisted.

A growl rumbled in Philomena’s chest, vibrating her entire body as she flicked her ears back against her skull. Her teeth flashed for a moment, pretty blue eyes narrowed. She went from a calm beauty to hell’s fury in a moment.

“...and they WILL pay.” The female promised, her voice deeper, angrier than she had meant it to be. For so long she had believed her father to be the only victim… but this… it sickened her to the core. “Words can’t describe how I feel for your father right now, Pegasus… but I’m sorry.” The female dug her nails into the earth, body bristled.

“If I had known… I would have stayed and fought them when they held my brother and I for a short while. Gods!” The female cursed, averting her gaze at it burned.

His next words brought Philly back. The female lifted her head proudly, giving a nod. “Oh you can bet we have a plan.” The female let a small smile cross onto her lips now. “I’ve been stewing over a pack since my father’s passing. Playing with names and the like… It’s purpose. Being a sword of justice, an active pack aiming to beat down the evils of the world and stand for everything it’s members believe in… That has been the main goal for a long time.” Philomena’s expression grew serious again.

“The Deliverance is the name that has stuck the longest. If -- no, you are sure in your mission. You wouldn’t be here otherwise… and it’s so clear in your expression! Will you join us, Pegasus? Will you stand with this pack I hope to create so we may fight the Abraxas together?”


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



2 Years
Dire wolf
12-16-2018, 08:33 PM
The Lovliest


“I will!”
He said quickly, his tail lashing excitedly behind him. Silently the male pierced one of the thick pads of his paws and let his paw hang in the air to let the ruby beads fall to the earth beneath them. “Princess of Dragoste, I, Pegasus Beaufort swear a blood oath in the name of my father and upon the face of Ley, to serve you loyally, to protect you and those you love with fang and fury.” He spoke boldly, pride swelling in his chest.
He had sworn this oath once before to his uncle when he was named as his grandfather’s heir. He had sworn then as a courtesy knowing that it was only an oath in name should his uncle demand him to act, now however he felt the gravity of his oath and was every bit prepared to serve her loyaly, just as his father had sworn to her father.

Talking Thinking You

Of All



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-17-2018, 12:43 AM

Philomena felt her heart soar at Pegasus’ response. He was the first to officially join her ideals behind The Delievance. The next action he did was curious, and Philomena watched him with a raised brow. It was different… but the female appreciated the gesture. She dipped her head and felt warmth spreading within. She couldn’t have been happier… Had her meeting Pegasus been arranged by the Gods themselves?

“Thank you, Pegasus. I swear to you, as my father’s daughter, as Princess of Dragoste and Sovereign of The Deliverance I, Philomena Hellstrom Lore, will uphold our ideals and protect them, as well as our people.” The female smiled. “Now all that we must do is work towards making The Deliverance a reality, Pegasus. Though I’m afraid I’m a bit… restricted.” The female was sure he had noticed the scents of her littles ones… even if he didn’t comment on it.

“I am a young mother. My little ones will need those to watch them and care… but make no mistake… I will be making every effort to form The Deliverance. I’ll just need an extra paw to aid with finding those willing to join our cause while my children are too young to travel.” Philomena’s blue gaze shown proudly as she spoke of her children. “I’d like for you to meet them some point soon. They love stories… perhaps you’d be willing to share some with them?”


  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!