
I'm Stronger Now Than I Ever Was Before- ERÖVRARE RECRUITING



4 Years
12-10-2018, 08:07 PM

Tyranis stepped onto a high boulder,  snow falling all around him as he made his grand entrance into the world as an alpha once again. An alpha stronger and wiser than he had been before, this time determined to bring a nation of equally strong and feared wolves into the world. When he had raised Dauntless it had been amid a storm and he had hoped the inclement weather would have attracted wolves with true grit to join him. He had been wrong. It was a strange contrast, now that he had the loyalty of wolves he knew would prove worthy of him, to raise his new pack on a calm late autumn day.

With a mighty howl Tyranis called for those that had already sworn their allegiance to him and an invitation to those that wished to join him. The Praetors were scattered now, and his father’s bastards were gone as well. With bitterness he recalled that two of his siblings had been taken from him by his uncle. There would be time to deal with that later. For now Erövrare was his only priority, and when they had grown in strength and size they would take as they pleased. He stood with his head raised, his golden eyes looking forward to the future. He had already made some contact with Abaven, now that it seemed to be in more sure hands, although the subject of his uncle’s treachery was still a sore spot for him. That was the fault of his uncle however, not the dark male that lead the pack. He would make a claim for his younger siblings however, but he intended to use as much decorum as possible in the process.

He contemplated his next move in silence as he waited for his call to be answered. At his paws Moses tapped at the stone beneath them with his beak and muttered disconsolately. The bird had brought him news of the Abraxas, and their vast numbers in the southern continent. He would need to establish an alliance with them quickly, according to the bird they were something of superstitious fanatics, he decided then his best course would be to introduce himself with the title his father had given him. Blood of Apollyon, the first wolf.  His own conception had after all been divine, that he knew, and proof of it shone in his eyes, that reflected the nature demon that lived inside him. Some might have simply written off his family’s lore as the ravings of a madman, but Tyranis had taken it to heart. Why else would his mother have given him a name that wasn’t true to the source; Taranis, yet uncomfortably close to the Latin word for tyrant; Tyrannis. Latin was after all the language of his Father.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  

Astraios I


2 Years
12-10-2018, 08:29 PM
He stepped silently to the forefront of his father, the late autumn day reminded him of fire, through he had never seen such a thing for himself. He looked up at the man, as he stood upon a boulder and looked out across the battlefield. He looked so sure, so strong, as through he had no doubt that many would answer his call. The wolves he had already spoken to, and new ones alike.

It was going to be interesting days before them, and the boy could not help but wonder if now he would get his chance, a chance to learn to fight. He still lusted for battle, the taste for it through he had never partaken, was still strong within his veins. He would learn to be a warrior, and he would see, out his revenge. More than that, he understood that at last he had a future. He had something beyond the death of that monster. He had a home, and a father, a place to return to, to stand strong within.

Sometimes he scarcely knew his own heart, or knew what made him what he was. But he had no doubt, not a single moment of question to put to his father's rule. He knew that Tyranis deserved this throne. He bowed to his father “High Lord.” he said, in greeting, in acceptance, before straightening and looking behind him, wondering who would come, and swear their allegiance to his father.


Astraios is broken, mostly mute, with a death wish



8 Years
12-12-2018, 09:44 AM

Surrounded by obsidian the male finally heard the call. A summons from his Alpha towards the battlefield itself. The song was powerful and commanding, ordering those of Erovrare to step forth and show face. But, Tyranis also invited others to the meeting, it was a call for anyone wishing to gain information on the pack and perhaps step forth into it's ranks. Thus, the beast stopped in his tracks and made way towards the battlefield, which would be a bit of a journey. Hannibal also invited his new acquaintance, Pari, to follow the summons and hear out what Tyranis would have to say. Perhaps the gal would enjoy the message and find a spot within the ranks. If not, there was no shame in the male trying.

White and black paws hit the earth like war drums. The pitter patter of his steps ringing through the autumnal air with ease. The sun had shown itself allowing for the snow to brighten slightly. His pink eye stung due to the luminosity and his upper back twinged with pain. Yet, he showed no signs of weakness. After a long journey mismatch eyes finally fell upon the small gathering that would surely blossom with time. Tyranis stood upon a large boulder and another Wolf stood below. As the phantom grew closer he held his tail high but his head lowered into a gentle bow. Steps stopped and he held the polite gesture for a moment before raising his head once again. Hannibal offered a nod towards the Wolf standing below Tyranis before emitting his illustrious vocals. "I am pleased to see both of you." Frosty breath could be seen as he curled his lips into a lovely smile. Hannibal turned his head towards Pari with a little nod. "I have brought someone to hear your creed." The male would then look to the firey Wolf next to the High Lord more intently now, "Greetings, I am Hannibal Iber Klein." He thought it would be best to flow through the formalities before more gathered and the ceremony began.

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



3 Years
Extra large
12-16-2018, 10:45 AM

The call wasn't something she'd fully expected, despite knowing it might come any day. So he's finally gotten his pack together, has he? Pleasantly surprised, she wasted little time in following his call, curious as to where he'd decided to lay claim. He own guess would've been Mount Volkan again, but she found herself veering around the volcano's southernmost edge and looping around slightly to the west. The journey was not a short one, and she wasn't surprised that others had arrived before her. Besides Tyranis himself, she recognized Astraios as the apparently mute boy she'd had to drag down the damn volcano, and she recognized Hannibal too from meeting him recently. Interesting. A sly smile snuck onto her lips as she assessed the few that had gathered, deciding she was pleased with the outcome thus far, despite it being a small group. Surely more would come?

The day was a chilly one, but the sky was clear and ideal for holding a gathering. Only briefly did Kori case her gaze to the sky as she drew closer to the group, before settling her gaze on Tyranis. Interesting place to start things, she decided, her gaze drifting over the stones with interest. Once she was closer she settled down on her haunches, that characteristic amusement dancing in her eyes as she sat and waited for whatever came next.



1 Year
12-16-2018, 08:06 PM

She was now a yearling and still stuck close to Cloud. She was thankful that one of her older siblings took her in, to teach her and help her to grow more and more each day. Often her thoughts would drift to her mother, how she had missed her. Thora had hoped Cloud would take her to Lirim to visit, but so far they hadn't yet. Thora was still not told the entire truth about why Storm had left her in the hands of Cloud, but she knew well enough that it had been a good reason.

Cloud had told her his plans to join Ty and encouraged her to come with him. She had very little room to argue with her older brother, especially when she had promised Storm that she would stick with him. So like any optimistic yearling, she kept her mind open to the idea and tried to feed off her brother's energy. She had met Ty once and didn't know much about him, but he was family and she knew family was everything. So she knew that this was a good change to her life and she would get to see how a real pack works.

She trailed close to Cloud as they headed towards where Ty's call came from. She was quiet, but she was bright eyed. She was ready to see what her other brother had built and who was fallowing him. When they arrived she kindly remained quiet and by Clouds side, sitting where he decided to sit and waiting to hear about this pack of Ty's

"Thora Talk", & 'Thora Think'



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-17-2018, 06:13 PM

Cloud had heard his brothers call, but it took him a bit longer than he would have liked to get there. He collected his younger sister first, and once he did, the pair headed off to meet Tyranis. He had explained to his younger sibling that they'd be joining their brothers pack, and though Cloud didn't yet know what Ty planned, he was sure that he could help Thora find a place there. And if not well...he'd try to make something work. He made a promise to his mother, after all. And that was something he would his damndest not to break. He couldn't...or he would fail her. Keeping his promises to her was the least he could do, since he was unable to find a cure for her sickness. Thinking about her brought tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to let anyone see him cry. Instead, he shook his head and quickened his pace a little more until his brother came into sight. He wasn't the only one there, however. Three others were there, none of which he recognized.

He approached Ty and bumped his shoulder with his own, bi-colored gaze watching the few that were here for a moment as he sat down with Thora beside him. Leaning towards his brother, he whispered "Thora will be joining us. I can tell you more about it all later though," He wasn't sure how he was going to explain to Ty how he ended up becoming her guardian, but it happened and there was no going back. He wouldn't go back on his word. "Congratulations on your pack, by the way. I'm proud of you, brother." He flashed a grin at his larger sibling, truly proud to see his brother's dreams come to light.




4 Years
12-18-2018, 12:52 PM


Pari trailed behind Hannibal as he led her towards the call, he'd phrased it like an invitation but for her own sake the woman had taken it as an order. For now, in her mind he was her master even if it was temporary. As they drew closer to the gathered group she rushed to push in closer to Hannibal, keeping her stance low, tail tucking as much as it could as she walked and her head lowering; ears pulling back and gaze dropping to the ground.

She was struck by a vaguely familiar scent as she approached, her gaze cautiously sliding upwards to look at the male that seemed to have called them. She frowned and dropped her gaze again, unsure where exactly she placed him. But she waited quietly, avoiding eye contact.

Art by Vhitany



4 Years
01-10-2019, 12:29 PM

This was all? He looked at the meager numbers he had gathered with distain but he supposed all things needed to start off small. Only one new face had answered his call and worse, the fiery male he had hunted with was not in attendance. The scarred female he realized tugged at his mind with familiarity but he brushed it off. Her body language spoke of a slave as did the scars across her tattered body. A slave she would remain.

“Erövrare!” He roared triumphantly in spite of his disappointment. “You all know me, my name, and my expectations!” He said, his voice bold and powerful. “You know what lands belong to us! Go now and we shall begin our rise to greatness!” And with that they were dismissed. Tyranis would linger for now in the hopes that someone else came but his hope for that was beginning to dwindle.

OOC; Shorty but I took entirely too long to get to this, feel free to have your character exit or if they want to speak to Ty now is the time to do it, I'll be sure to reply a lot faster.

Speech Thought

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  