
EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas



12-14-2018, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 11:42 AM by Nyx.)
The 1st Day of Christmas

Yep, you heard it here: it's time for a Land Creation Contest! As we all know, we never have too many lands around here, and we're desperately in need of more. The catch? These are lands that are contained within other lands. Each land must be a territory found within the bounds of a preexisting one, and must be a place that one could realistically expect to find there.

Another catch? These lands must correspond to one of the five skills. For example, a specific hard-to-find herb patch might be found within Fern Gulley, the associated skill Healing. Another land could be held within Bamboo Maze, but only those with a certain level of Intellect might be able to find it. Feel free to be as creative as possible - we want to see lands that correspond to all the skills, not just Navigation!

Each entry that is chosen will receive 50 Gems as a reward at the end of this contest's completion, and a credit in the land description. The maximum amount of Gems that can be earned from this contest is 250, regardless of how many submissions you make. This contest ends on December 31st.

[b]Land Name[/b]:
[b]Parent Land[/b]:
[b]Associated Skill(s)[/b]:



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-14-2018, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2019, 06:41 PM by Nyx.)
We all know my ideas will be close to “Home” (at least for my first two entries ??), so here goes!

Land Name: Druid’s Rest
Description: At the heart of the Moor is enshrouded a circle of standing stones—silent sentinels of the long-forgotten past. These stones hide a secret, however, hidden until recently. By dint of a long rainstorm, the soil has crumbled away and revealed a moderately sized opening beneath the leaning stone, descending down into the ground into darkness.

Delve into the shadows, take with thee a source of light, and you will find a near labyrinthian system of sprawling halls and small side chambers, stone walled and oddly shaped and full of wonders and secrets and rare herbal finds in places where the sky peeks through holes in the ceiling.

These are no natural stone walls—not with the shrouded skeletons that nest within the dark slots in the wall. Upon the stone walls are carved faded marks, runes, and writing of a race long gone from our world. What do they mean? Perhaps an aspiring Intellectual may divine their meaning.

If they don’t get lost in the labyrinth.
Parent Land: Druid’s Moor
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Navigation(?), Healing

Land Name: Mistveil Peak
Description: Hidden in clouds, this peak is home to a strange, calm place, oddly devoid of snow during the warmer months, perhaps due to more exposure to the sun. One can only find this place through the uncountable networks and caverns that call Fenrir’s Maw their home. Not every tunnel leads to victory, and like the mountain itself, the way is full of dead-ends, pitfalls, and nature-made traps to raise the fur on one’s back and make the mouth go dry.

But once a brave, savvy individual reaches the peak, they will find this wonderous place. High above the low cloud cover, one can only see the land below on an exceptionally clear day. The peak is flattened out into a training courtyard, not merely by nature, and abutted against the cliff is a manmade wonder—a great Temple lost to time and once home to priests of tranquility… and battle. The great structure has withstood the elements for thousands of years and contains countless hallways and rooms on multiple levels.
Parent Land: Fenrir’s Maw
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Navigation, Fighting Used

Land Name: Lord Kavrosh’s Cellar (Lord’s Cellar, if ya like this better)
Description: The ravages of time have uncovered the opening to a network of cellars beneath a portion of the old structure on the Stone Steppe, and small prey animals have flocked to the shelter and bounty over the years, multiplying with ferocity.

Rotting wood shelves bow under the weight of glass jars containing preserved meat, soups, and many other foods, carefully canned and lined up by long-forgotten humans—perhaps servants of whomever governed the castle and surrounding land above the cellars.

One might think this is all that can be found—endless rats, mice, rabbits and other tasty creatures. But the cellars are only the beginning. Deeper within, at the far back lies an old stone room, lined in shelves with clay and glass pots of salves, flasks of tinctures and many more things to tickle a healer’s fancy.

Sheaves of thin material – pigskin preserved to withstand the years – lay stacked on moldering shelves or lie scattered on the floor, or are bound in old leather-bound covers as books, scrawled upon with writing and notes, perhaps left behind by some apothecary. What secrets lay within these rather macabre pages?
Parent Land: The Stone Steppe
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Healing, Hunting

Land Name: Starsong Cavern
Description: Far from being the home of a fallen star, this place is perhaps a bit more sinister. There is a strange vibe one gets of danger, but a danger you can’t place your paw on or pin down to identify.

Deep into the land lies a secret lab long left behind by some nefarious organization who meddled with nuclear gadgets… and messed up royally. Radiation leakage led to a hurried evacuation, leaving much precious equipment behind, and now there remains only a rusted lab, built into the stone of the earth, left to be forgotten.

What gives the cavern its name are the countless mushrooms clinging to the ceiling and walls, the radiation having mutated them to glow in varying colors of blue, green, and violet. Surprisingly, they’re actually quite medicinal, with powerful qualities if you’re willing to test these shrooms…

That song? Radiation. Before the Gorge ran dry, there was a flood, and water flowed into this cavern to pool at its belly. Some say that if you concentrate hard enough, you can see the glow beneath the surface of the pool that still remains.
Parent Land: Whisperer’s Gorge
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Healing, Navigation
[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.



4 Years
12-18-2018, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2018, 09:54 PM by Tyranis.)
Land Name: The Assassin's Haunt
Description: Hidden in the winding corridors of the castle are three entrances to the hidden passage, finding them is particularly difficult since they blend so well into their surroundings, one would first have to know of their existence to even begin searching for them. The passage itself runs the length of the castle with small imperceptible viewing slits in every major thoroughfare as well as in some of the larger bed chambers once reserved for nobility and the apartments shared by servants. At the end of the passage there is a winding staircase that leads one to a windowless dust covered room, littered with alchemic symbols, mold eaten leather bound books, a vast array of dried herbs and most of all a counter lined with flasks and beakers of every shape and size.
Parent Land: Amron's castle
Associated Skill(s): intellect and healing

Land Name: MA  NE WO L D
Description: On the ground floor of the forgotten isle is MA   NE WO L D, a strange place built by humans although its exact purpose seems to have been to hold fish. Most of the fish have died leaving pools of algae and kelp to grow unimpeded under the wind powered lights that still function even without human maintenance. Crayfish, shrimp and other scum feeders still flourish in the smaller tanks which in turn have made a viable ecosystem for fish to be cultivated in. If one follows the lifeless forms of seemingly every fish in existence hanging from the ceiling they reach the heart of MA  NE WO LD. The glass that once contained an untold number of exotic marine life has long since broken and the carcasses left behind have decayed leaving one with an unimpeded walk through a breathtaking undersea world built by humans.
Parent Land: The Forgotten Isle
Associated Skill(s): Hunting and healing

Land Name: The Hissing Pool
Description: A weary traveler finding themselves in the tar pits might stumble upon the placid pool hidden in the tall grasses lining the pits. At first it might seem tempting to drink from the pool but doing so is ill advised. The water is highly acidic and touching it even while it's clear will lead to severe burns and blistering. Usually, after an earthquake the pool turns milky white and drinking from it will instantly begin to rot away one's tongue and throat and even begin to erode their teeth. The pool is named for the horrific sound that comes from any organic life that even grazes over the pool's placid surface  
Parent Land: The Tar Pits
Associated Skill(s):  Healing

Land Name: The Emerald Grotto
Description: Deep in the heart of the Glowshoom cavern is a fast moving subterranean river. Daring to slip into the river and be taken by the current is extremely dangerous, but well worth the risk once you reach the Starlight Grotto; a hidden cavern, home to thousands if not millions of glow worms that hang in tendrils from the ceiling. The cave is also home to bioluminescent and vividly colored fish as well as moss balls, various kinds of amphibians and reptiles. All is not as calm as it appears on the surface however as the grotto is home to nocturnal alligators who favor the grotto as a prime feeding spot. Leaving the grotto is just as difficult as entering it, but allegedly there is a small passage under the water that feeds directly into the Whistling Willows
Parent Land: Glowshroom Cavern
Associated Skill(s): Fighting, intellect, and Healing

Land Name: Palaegia
Description: Searching through the lush forests surrounding Atlantis Island one might come across two stark white columns covered in moss and ivy. The Columns mark the entrance to Palaegia, a city built at the base of the once active volcano that was destroyed in a sudden eruption. Although the city was not restored human archaeologists were able to uncover much of the ruins and elegant marble statues and beautiful mosaics can be found throughout the ruins. Several digging tools left by human archaeologists can be found near former dig sites, as well as perfectly preserved clay urns in former shops, and even a nearly untouched arena. The ruins are also home to various rare plants such as poppies, sage, ginseng, and eyebright  It's hard however to ignore that some of the statues throughout the city seem unfinished or crude compared to some of the more detailed statuary. It's also hard to ignore that these statues seem much more macabre; seeming to depict humans fleeing or screaming in terror.
Parent Land: Atlantis Island
Associated Skill(s): Intellect and healing

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
12-18-2018, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 12:01 PM by Nyx.)
Land Name: The Barrows
Description: the rolling knolls hide a gruesome secret within them. Whether by knowledge or accident, hidden entrances can be found leading beneath the grassy hills that reveal centuries upon centuries of human burials. The graves range in age from prehistoric burials up to the viking age, and each of the long-dead humans within were interred with their equivalent of a king's wealth. Chests filled with coins and jewels, tarnished weaponry, and other treasures make a brilliant display, though few know of their existence and fewer still dare to steal from the haunted barrows.
Parent Land: Buffalo Knolls
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Fighting

Land Name: Firestorm Grotto
Description: Along the winding way of Dreamer's Col, a well-hidden and difficult path veers up the mountain's face and doubles back behind a ridge to reveal the mouth of a cavern that cannot be seen from below. Few care to venture into the fearsome blackness and it can be easy to loose your way in the blind twists and turns, but those who persist find the winding cavern opening up into an enormous grotto. A single small shaft to the surface allows light to penetrate the grotto, revealing a splendorous sight - the entire grotto is covered in a layer of glittering, fiery gemstones from fire opals to orange sapphires and tourmaline that reflect the light back a thousandfold. At night, any light brought within the cavern will produce a similar affect, easily illuminating the impressive space.
Parent Land: Dreamer's Col
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Navigation Used - nyx



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-23-2018, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2018, 04:57 PM by Valentine.)
Land Name: Grower's Triumph (The Pot Patch? Red Eye Sanctuary?)
Description: When humans still walked the earth one particularly sneaky individual, hoping to avoid prying eyes, cleared out a small patch of trees in the heart of the unruly forest and planted a crop of their favorite plant. That plant, to the surprise of no one, was cannabis. He or she did such a good job of hiding the grow operation that now, many years later, it is still quite difficult to find. The small, sunlit clearing is now packed with the descendants of the incorrigible Mary Jane and the equipment once used to coax life into an otherwise cold and unwelcoming land still litters the ground. A little shed, now skewered by a small but determined tree, is filled with agricultural equipment at the south end of the pot patch.
Parent Land: Soulless Forest
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Navigation, Intellect (that equipment might come in handy...)

Land Name: Fertile Myrtle Grove (Copse? Thicket? Patch?)
Description: Beloved to the goddess Aphrodite is the myrtle tree! This thick stand of myrtles is seemingly blessed by the goddess herself. Hidden among the flowering trees is a myriad of useful plants all geared towards procreation. Those who are struggling to conceive will no doubt benefit from the abundance of plants known for their ability to boost fertility while those who are pregnant might seek out this place for nature's version of prenatal care. Those in the postpartum phase aren't left out either, as interspersed among the trees are plants geared towards strengthening fledgling immune systems, increasing milk production and restoring balance to an out of sorts body. It's rumored that the fertility goddess herself occasionally blesses those who visit. All in all, while beautiful, this is not a nice little place to bring your valentine unless you're ready for a lifetime commitment.
Parent Land: Gambit Briar
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Navigation (might I suggest a discount for pregnancy related purchases to those who find this place and ah mountain dew it here?)

Land Name: The Lost Tomb
Description: The final resting place of a once great leader might have remained hidden forever were it not for the earthquakes that frequently wrack this land. If one is brave enough to enter the yawning chasm between two hills he or she will find ancient and beautiful halls full of intricate pottery and statues. The walls are covered in hieroglyphs that depict the life of the one who is buried here and what he hoped to find in the afterlife, but don't let their beauty fool you. Many passages are booby-trapped to keep out looters and if one is to successfully navigate the tomb they must be very clever. The danger is worth it, though, for the coffin room is filled from floor to ceiling with priceless treasures.
Parent Land: Barren Dunes
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Navigation

Land Name: Hunter's Eden
Description: Just east of paradise is a quaint little nook where hunters can bring down game with alacrity. So special is this place that only the most ardent hunters can find it as it was once a game preserve for rich and lazy humans, and is walled off from the rest of the island. What makes this place so special, you ask? Its only inhabitants are exotic prey animals such as zebra, gazelle and cape grysbok. Never having seen a predator before, those that call this place home are naive to the way of the carnivore and tend to stand dumbly before those who are eager to take a bite.
Parent Land: Daager's Isle
Associated Skill(s): Hunting, perhaps navigation

Land Name: Glimpse of Valhalla (The Hero's Welcome? March of the Valkyries? The Pathway to Heaven?)
Description: A land for only the stoutest of heart, [insert name here] is a place like no other. To get here one must traverse narrow marble bridges and steep gullies, but it is well worth the risk. Many a night is made brighter by the appearance of the northern lights and [insert name here] is perhaps the best place to bear witness to their beauty. If one is seeking communion with the gods, this is the place to do it as the reflection of the polar lights off the marble can evoke a deeply religious experience. It's said that the northern lights are cast by the Valkyries as they blaze across the sky to bring to Odin those who have fallen in battle, but regardless of one's belief, many will find this place awe-inspiring.
Parent Land: The Marble Wash
Associated Skill(s): Navigation, Intellect

Land Name: Sagan's Observatory
Description: The flat, open land here offers an unimpeded view of the night sky and because of this it was once a favorite destination for astronomers. Many a year ago an observatory was built to take advantage of the clear skies and it remains today as the only blemish on an otherwise flat grassland. Here the planets can be seen with ease and if one knows what to look for Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus stand out with startling clarity. Should the curious venture inside the old building they'll find room after room filled with star-gazing equipment.
Parent Land: Dancefloor of the Gods
Associated Skill(s): Navigation

Land Name: Old MacDonald's Distillery (Brewery? Perhaps Old MacDonald's Still?)
Description: With a barnyard full of unruly critters is it any surprise to learn the wizened old clodhopper developed a taste for hooch? Apparently he had a knack for making it too because tucked behind the barn and hidden by shrubbery is a cellar that's home to a treasure trove of stoneware jugs and distilling equipment. Any who wish to try their hand at making their own white lightning will find everything they need to do so here.
Parent Land: The Range
Associated Skill(s): Intellect

Land Name: The Armory
Description: Once a well defended base of operations, The Armory now lies in ruin in the heart of Vetera's Plateau. The first floor may be in shambles but in the basement is still in fair condition thanks to the rubble that covers it. If you climb down its single rickety staircase you'll find yourself in a large room. One wall is covered floor to ceiling with human weapons and riot gear, and tables with similar items are scattered throughout, but if you walk by it all and go through a doorway at the end you'll find yourself in a room that once belonged to the occupants' k9 team. Stab vests, bulletproof vests, goggles, boots and more are packaged neatly in shelves through the room.
Parent Land: Veteran's Plateau
Associated Skill(s): Fighting

Land Name: The Black Market
Description: Hidden deep in the mines is a place where wolves of all stripes can come together and trade their goods. A bouncer stands at the tunnel's entrance and only allows in types he deems worthy of entry. The deals can be as tame as rare herbs or as alarming as captives; to each their own. There is but one rule here: mind your own business.
Parent Land: The Northern Mines
Associated Skill(s): all (assuming my newest suggestion in the suggestion board is accepted)

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-27-2018, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2019, 02:52 AM by Acere.)
Land Name: Tombs/catacombs of Pompeii (Name can be changed)
Description: At the base of Mount Volkan lies a hidden passageway that can only be found by those who know what to look for. There is only one way in and it is a rather small and narrow opening which has been missed for generations. If one is brave enough to enter this potentially claustrophobic passageway, then they will find that it goes deep into the bowels of the volcano. The volcanic smells emitted here are quite strong, but if one can make it through without passing out, then they will have found a sight unlike any other. The end of the passage opens up into a huge room that has many other passageways branching out in all directions. Within these rooms are hundreds and hundreds of catacombs, all lined with trinkets and pottery, mummified animals, and other useful and interesting things that have been hidden away for thousands of years. Pretty items aren't the only things one will find, however. The catacombs are also filled with the remains of humans that have been preserved. Although it can be a fascinating sight, it is also quite morbid. Every preserved body has been left in the position in which they died, and those that manage to make it to the catacombs might say that they can hear the agonized wails and moans of the once unlucky residents echoing off the walls.
Parent Land: Mount Volkan
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Navigation, Hunting

Land Name: Cerberus' Coliseum
Description: Deep in the heart of the desert, a fierce sandstorm raged through the land to uncover a most fascinating sight. In a place thought to be empty and void of anything but sand, there lies a giant coliseum made of stone and marble uncovered by the ragings winds. Since it's discovery, many predators both wolf and otherwise flock to this place to test their strength in battle competition against one another. The Coliseum seems to be a place where all walks of life gather to either watch the battles or partake in one themselves. While inside the Coliseum, there is an unspoken rule seemingly agreed upon by all who step foot inside. Fights are between official participants and are not to be interfered with once the competitions have started, no matter the stakes. Be aware that those who seek a fight may at times, not make it back out.
Parent Land: Barren Dunes/Illusion's Oasis (Somewhere desert-ish I think)
Associated Skill(s): Fighting, Navigation

Land Name: Mother of Oceans
Description: Hidden deep within the lands lies a place so incredibly beautiful, it draws in all who happen to find it. If one is lucky enough to stumble upon the cove hidden behind a thick veil of vines and ivy, they will find a hidden gem tucked deep within. Opaline-like sand sparkles inside, even when the light is absent. Following one side of the path is a stream that is deep blue in color, bubbling happily from wherever its starting point may be until it reaches the ocean. On the other side, multi-colored sandstone decorated with shells, fossils, gems, and other little things are buried within the walls and ceiling which can be carefully excavated. That's not all the cove has to offer, however. Deep inside lies a large lagoon that imitates the deep rich blue of a sapphire stone. All around the shore of the lagoon, one can expect to find precious gemstones such as pearls. Trinkets, herbs, and many other things can also be found littered around the lagoon. One might even find that this is where sea turtles come to nest and where rare fish and other marine animals like to visit. In the very center of it all, the ceiling opens up to reveal a skylight that allows the sun and moon to shine upon it all.
Parent Land: Swallet Ring/Manatee Bay
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Hunting, Intellect

Land Name: Forest of Eden
Description: While redbud nook has been known to grow from the ashes of a once devastated land, a hidden gem has been growing within. Deep in the heart of the nook, an orchard of cherry trees of all kinds has been steadily growing. Pink and white cherry blossoms hang over the pathways, and the cherry blossoms that fall to the ground create a carpet that lines the paths. Birds and deer among other prey animals are abundant here, as the orchard is a prime food source for most who call this place home. The cherries make for a delightful scene with the colors of both edible and non-edible cherries that hang from the delicate branches. Those who find this hidden cherry forest can find rare herbs growing here. Wolves (and young lovers) often like to come here to relax and spend the day together, as it is a prime place to confess their love and affection to one another.
Parent Land: Redbud Nook
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Hunting, Intellect

Land Name: Tree of Tranquility
Description: In the heart of Dove island, a tall tree has grown to monumental heights. The tree is approximately 250 feet tall and the base is around 40 feet in diameter making it one of the biggest trees in the world. Herbs of all kinds grow in the area, making it a favorite spot for healers and herbivores of all kinds. At its base lies a small, crystal clear pool that provided water for flora and fauna. Wisteria and other bright colored flowers grow throughout the area and flowering ivy climbs the massive trunk. At its base, many small tunnels lie hidden behind the various flora that grows here making it a favorite place to explore as well. Many surprises hide within the tunnels, however. Rarer herbs grow inside the tunnels along with trinkets & treasures hidden long ago that were left behind by human children. The Tree is also a prime place to hold ceremonies of all kinds. Doves and exotic birds can be found in the trees canopy as well as making nests in the surrounding area. Peacocks may also be found strutting gracefully around the base.
Parent Land: Dove Island
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Healing, Navigation, Hunting



3 Years
Extra large
12-31-2018, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 11:55 AM by Nyx.)
Land Name: Hideaway Canyon
Description: In the far corner of Redwater Rocks, a curious wolf might find the mouth of a narrow, unassuming canyon. The walls are steep and the path is is hardly wide enough for two wolves to walk abreast. Before long the sandstone towers on either side of the winding trail, making escape impossible except for the way you came, and hopefully the way you're walking. In truth, the canyon does not lead to an easy exit, but instead to a magnificent oasis. The canyon has led you to something like an open-air sinkhole. A lone bristlecone pine, gnarled and ancient, stands sentinel over a tranquil spring-fed pond. The sandstone walls tower above, making the place inaccessible except for the lone entrance you've found. Several unusual plants seem to be growing on the pool's edge, and the water is blissfully chilled. Might as well rest before beginning the long trek back.
Parent Land: Redwater Rocks
Associated Skill(s): Navigation, Healing Used

Land Name: Hickory Wallow
Description: Between the vast forest of old growth trees and abundant streams, the hidden grove has become a well known hot spot for wild hogs and boar. They come in abundance to eat acorns, beech and hickory nuts, and to wallow about in the stream side mud pools. The secret hunting spot has been a treasured secret for generations, known to only a few locals and rogues lucky enough to stumble across the location. Confident wolves might find a meal here, but be warned. These hogs grow fat and mean off of the land's plenty. The boar have been known to take the lives of wolves caught unaware...
Parent Land: Sunset Falls
Associated Skill(s): Hunting, Fighting

Land Name: Luck's Weir
Description: The decrepit remains of a long-forgotten beaver dam lay snagged in the stream, in shambles after several seasons of heavy rains. Although it doesn't serve much purpose in stopping the flow of water these days, it has found a new use with wiley local hunters. The snag of sticks are known to trap leaping fish from time to time, especially during their various breeding seasons. A cunning wolf might thing to jam a stick or two in here or there in an attempt to improve efficiency over time.
Parent Land: Aspen Dam
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Hunting

Land Name: The Witch's Hollow
Description: Although the roof has fallen in and long decayed, the stone remains of a small cottage sit mostly forgotten, deep in the depths of the Corpseghoul Swamp. Inside the shelter sit a plethora of metal and glass containers, beakers and vials, and other oddities. Best to watch your step. In the nearby landscape it seems clear that several unusual herbs have been planted and cultivated long ago, now overgrown clumps dominating the small hillocks between stretches of murky water. No matter the weather, time of day or season of the year, the place carries an unnatural silence with it, as if the forest is afraid something might awaken...
Parent Land: Corpseghoul Swamplands
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Intellect Used

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
12-31-2018, 02:09 PM
Land Name: Healers sanctuary
Description: Being in the north where healing herbs are notoriously difficult to come by, the sanctuary is a godsend for those fortunate enough to somehow hear of it or stumble upon it. Making a series of difficult turns through the cave system will eventually lead one to a place deep within the underground, illuminated by a series of large glass skylights. This space is warmer than the rest of the caves, perhaps a greenhouse effect? An old human dwelling made of steel lies in the center, surrounded and filled with herbs of all kinds that are normally native to warmer climates. Other small human trinkets and items related to cultivating the herbs that have now gone a bit wild can be found scattered around the space.
Parent Land: Caves of the Past
Associated Skill(s): Healing, navigation

Land Name: Crafter's Demise
Description: Deep within the mountain, a days journey in requiring a skilled and well prepared wolf to make the journey, if you keep up a good pace and mark out your path well you might be so fortunate as to find the most dazzling sight your eyes have ever beheld. Crystals of all colors fill the room, not just lining the walls but stretching across the cave, from wall to wall and ceiling to ground, massive pillars of the precious gems fill the space, jagged points jut up from the ground and occasional breaks in the stone floor make for perilous drops. Tread carefully, for those who enter are just as likely to come away with lovely trinkets for crafting as they are to meet their end here.
Parent Land: Lifeless Caverns
Associated Skill(s): Navigation, intellect

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-31-2018, 10:31 PM
Land Name: The Garden of Eden
Description: Guarded by descendants of the first serpent the garden surrounds a huge apple tree. Rivaling the size of a full grown oak the massive tree hold a secret garden beneath it. Holding an immense collection of rare herbs underneath the sprawling branches. Surrounding this garden are fruiting brambles that obscure the vision of anyone looking in and can be difficult to navigate your way inside.
Parent Land: Serpent Plains
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Intellect

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1. EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas Updates/Events Archive 07:15 AM, 12-14-2018 09:34 AM, 07-02-2024