
Cat Fur Coat [Avalanche]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-17-2018, 09:17 PM
Imperia's black form could be seen gliding above them, her graceful body riding the thermals above the ocean waters. Solitude rode on Rhyme's shoulders, the lower part of his body getting wet as he refused to take to the sky as Rhyme swam where the land bridge . The alpha had decided to take a day off, choosing to spend a day on one of the islands lingering off the coast. He'd mentioned his vacation to Shaye, and he hadn't seen her but wondered if she had followed along. The alpha had her hands full with her new companion Winter, Solitude's sister. Imperia had become a surrogate mother to his own alabaster raven, but he didn't think feather would take to such a role quite as easily. Solitude cracked with displeasure at his wet feathers as Rhyme climbed his way to shore. 
Imperia remained in the sky, her sharp eyes on the look out for potential danger as her master began exploring. Rhyme has never been on this island before. Of course his attention was quickly drawn to the mountain settled within the lush forests of the island. 

The three of them ascended the peak, Rhyme pausing every so often to enjoy the view. As his ability to see grew farther so did his desire to reach the peak. However, other forces were at work to keep him from attaining this goal. Rhyme continued onward, while neither he or Imperia could see the eyes that watched them. Unawares they continued to climb the peak, eventually finding themselves in a winter wonderland. 
The Imperialis looked out over the horizon, liking to think he could see all of Boreas. His dual colored gaze saw the volcano that shadowed over Abaven's lands and he let his eyes take in the glitter of the river that ran through what he called home. He jumped when he heard the voice. 

"Go home wolf, this isn't a park to be enjoyed by the likes of you." Imperia's call of danger sounded after the mysterious voice. Rhyme felt himself slip into a defensive pose, he narrowed his gaze and felled his ears as his hackles raised and he bent his elbows and knees while distributing his weight evenly between his limbs. He looked around for the source, spying movement from higher up the cliff. A bank of deep snow separated himself and the ice colored cat. He had seen leopards, and guessed this had to be the species adapted to snow. 
Rhyme felt himself growl deeply, unwilling to leave just because he was told to by a cat. This wasn't the correct answer though. The snow leopard's gaze narrowed. "I warned you.." The cat yowled and stamped its front paws before completely disappearing. Rhyme attempted to follow after it, but that was the wrong move as well. The snow beneath his paws started to move. 

Rhyme acted quickly, finding a taller bit of rock to make his island as the snow started tumbling behind him. He made it to his rock with only a moment to spare as the frozen water droplets became a rushing river. Rhyme knew he was about to be in a fight for his life. 

He treated his situation like battle and retook his warrior stance. As the snow continued to rise, he began to dodge the taller waves. They came at him as though they possessed life, as one tried to slam into his chest Rhyme jumped at the living snow with his right shoulder and destroyed the wave in a clap of ice. He felt pain blossom from the beginnings or bruises. He snapped his teeth at smaller waves as they attempted to pull his feet out from beneath him. 
By now Solitude had finally made the decision to join Imperia in the sky, and both of them swooped down to attack another large wave of snow. The dove in close and using clenched talons and shovel like beaks destroyed the tops. Rhyme danced beneath them as he fought to keep his paws on solid rock. 

Then it was done. Suddenly the snow was still and all was quiet. Except for Rhyme's breathing. With a heavy breath Rhyme thanked his lucky stars he has been able to survive. Not wanting to remain any longer he would begin the difficult task of navigating back down the mountain. 

When they reached the bottom of the avalanche Rhyme was Amused to see his attempted murderer dead and broken by his own trap. Rhyme couldn't resist taking the dead cat back to Abaven, its pelt would certainly help to keep him warm over the winter months.