
You Look Pretty Sinking



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2018, 09:39 PM

Aureus raced northward, enjoying the feel of the air through his fur as he ran. Today he was free! No lessons, no rules, no expectations, he was free to do whatever he wanted and he decided that he wanted to explore an interesting looking area to the north. Pyralis had said there was a place with a giant waterfall and a cave made of sugar. Sounded like pup paradise to him. Also, if he was honest, he just needed some time away from the rest of the family. He felt like everyone had some idea of where they wanted to go in life but he just didn't. He wanted to be a warrior and a hunter and a healer like mama. Some days he wanted to rule his own packs. Other days he wanted to be a traveler and just spend his life wandering and exploring. How was it all his siblings seemed to have their shit together except for him? Wasn't fair! Course, it never dawned on him that this might all be in his head. It sure felt like reality.

Aureus let his mind wander as he walked on, unable to pull himself out of his head and really appreciate the surroundings until he entered the territory of the Lazuli Falls and was struck dumb by the beauty of the place. A gorgeous waterfall streamed down across the rocks, shimmering in the sunlight. Even the sound was beautiful. He stood there for a moment just appreciating the beauty of the scene before he sought to get closer. Oh yea, that sugar cave was as good as his! Aureus licked his lips, eager to try something new.

He started the climb, scrambling over rocks as he sought to reach the top. Aureus hadn't been expecting such a good workout. He really needed to get himself into shape. Pyrrhic was putting him to shame. Not to mention Aureus hadn't done much to really sharpen his mind and learn strategy and other important battle techniques. Of course, he wasn't sure he wanted to be a warrior. He had no idea what he wanted out of life. He still felt like a pup that just wanted to play.

A snarl caught Aureus' attention as his ears flicked back. Blocking his path was a scruffy coyote, standing over a rabbit kill. It glared at him and growled violently. Aureus' hackles rose, his ears pinning and his tail streaming behind him in a dominant pose. "Beat it!" No way was he going to miss out on the cave because of some mangy coyote. The coyote was not amused, thinking the young wolf was going to steal its kill. It dived toward Aureus, rapidly eating up the distance between them as it barreled straight toward him. He was struck by how brazen this creature was but in his head he was a fully grown adult, not a six-month old pup who wasn't all that much bigger than the coyote.

They collided in a tangle of limbs, tearing at each other, snarling and spitting. There was so much going on and it was all happening so fast Aureus realized he didn't have any time to think. There was no time to come up with a plan or a cunning strategy. All he could do was react and trust in his body and muscle memory to make up for the difference.

Aureus cried out as the coyote latched onto his left foreleg just above the elbow. Instinct and training kicked in as his own head dived down, his jaws opening to seize the coyotes scruff, right at the base of its skull. He dug his teeth in, getting as good a hold as he could, his head thrashing as he shook the coyote. Pain seared up his leg just as he realized that in shaking the coyote he was also causing the lacerations to deepen but adrenaline was racing through him. Something like a panic was stirring in his stomach at being held and all he could think of was he had to get free, he had to get free. With a mighty twist to his right he threw his whole body into the move and the coyote was dislodged and sent tumbling to the ground. It scrambled, trying to catch itself but instead it slipped on the slick stones and went tumbling down the rocky ledge.

Aureus stayed still for a moment, favoring his left foreleg. He panted, sighed and then looked down, staring at the lacerations and the sight of his blood, bright crimson, and more of it that he could ever remember seeing at a time. He didn't feel woozy, he didn't know how he felt. Exhilaration? Relief? Carefully, Aureus got to his feet, wincing as he put pain on his injured leg. As he gingerly crept to the side he peered down but saw no sign of the coyote, only the mist as it drifted up into the air.