
The temptations



3 Years
12-23-2018, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2019, 01:56 PM by Leonce.)
Location: Moontouched cliffs
Leonce stretched his legs out and yawned, he had spent the night under the stars in the midst of the clearing. He must have fallen asleep the other night while watching the shooting stars fly in the sky. As he stretched his back claws dug into the ground and pushed the dead grass back and uprooted their now fragile root systems. Leonce turned around to look at the damage he had wrought, the brown grass had blended in with its still rooted brethren. In their place were claw marks in the dark soil. Leonce looked around to gain a sense of bearing and an idea of where to go next. He noticed that amongst the grass were also many dead flowers. Moving closer to inspect one of them he touched it gently with his nose and saw that it was an orange flower, he’d seen them before but had never learned the proper name. A gust of wind blew past him sending a chill up his spine, distracted by the wind he set his sights to his left at what looked to be a continuation of the field. Leonce started towards the rest of the field not expecting anything to surprise him, as he walked the smell in the air hit him. A combination of the cold air, an odd hint of sea breeze, the scent of dirt and a mix of wolves. Minus the sea breeze it smelled very much like Autumn, which was always his favorite season. As the though occurred to him he quickly glanced around for any trees which may have dropped their leaves. There didn’t seem to be any which disappointed him, he loved crunching leaves just as much as he loved crunching snow. Leonce let out a sigh and thought that he saw a little bit of mist out of the edges of his vision. He took a big breath in and let it out slowly looking for the tell tale whiteness in the air that let him know it was really cold. He spent all his breath and didn’t see anything in the air at all, disappointment once again. Being lost in his thoughts the wolf almost didn’t realize that the field wasn’t a field at all, but in fact a cliff. He stopped just a few inches short of falling off the edge of the cliff. Not thinking about he almost could have died he became curious about what lie over the cliff’s edge. He got laid down and pressed his body close to the earth, edging his head ever so carefully over the edge. He looked down over the edge to find a drop that looked as if anybody who fell off of it would find themselves a swift death. What made up the face of the cliff was a white stone like material, a glimmer of gold caught Leonce’s eye. He inched forwards a little bit more to be able to get a better look at it. It was a single vein of gold, the color was less obvious against the white stone due to the fact that it almost looked as if it had a light frost over it. Leonce could have stayed like that for longer than he did but he did not desire to become too curious and take an unfortunate tumble. He scooted his way back from the cliffside and carefully stood up. With his normal limb control being less than stellar he knew that he would have to be extra careful in a place such as this. He slowly backed away from the edge keeping his eyes focused on the edge and the amount of distance from it and himself. As his eyes went back and forth from his front paws to the edge of the cliff he noticed a trail that led off and away from the cliff. Stopping his little game with looking at the cliff’s edge he drew closer to the start of the trail. It appeared to lead down towards the bottom of the cliff; the path was rather small and resembled that of a dangerous mountain path. He figured he could walk down it if he kept his paws real close together, but that would require a lot more mental effort than he was willing to give at this point. The wolf turned around to start the rest of his day’s journey, but the path tugged at his mind. He glanced behind him at the path again, it did look tempting to try. No, he couldn’t risk it, or could he? Leonce turned around to start heading down the pathway, the dirt was dry and didn’t lend to easy balancing. He took a few rather careless steps down the path before the better side of his thoughts got ahold of him. He backed out and started moving fastly away from it. Today was not going to be the day he made a mistake, tomorrow maybe, but certainly not today.
-exit Leonce-
Leonce has a ferret companion that is in all his threads unless otherwise stated